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Sisters 'Halaqah

Assalaamu 'alaykum


'The Importance of Sacred Gatherings'


Date/Time: Saturday 12th December | 12pm - 4pm

Venue: Inspire Youth Centre
313-319 Katherine Road, East Ham, E7 8PJ

Qur'an Recitation | Nasheeds | Refreshments

Contact: 07960676844, 07947956088


Ali RA and his family hated shias

Zaynul Abideen (RA) also said to the people of Kufa: "Do you know that you wrote to my father (i.e. Hussain) and deceived him? You gave him your solemn promise and your covenent, then you killed him and let him down..." (shia source: Al-Ihtijaj 2/32)

in this video if you go to then end, it shows the quotation of ali RA and his son hussyan.

Ali RA says you shias are deaf blind and dumb and you hurt me with your false beliefs, Ali RA is telling them that they shia are a false and their belief is false.

Hussayn RA makes a dua to allah SWT that may allah curse them and split them up and never allow them to unite.

shia hypocrits: pets of the west

1-Iran Alliance with America & West.
2-Indirect Links of Iran with Israel & Love with Jew.
3-Different Worshiping Styles of Iranian Shia similar to other Non-Muslims.
4-Homo-Sexuals in Iran Supported by Their Scholars in Name of Islam.
5-Prostitution in Iran in Name of Islam.
6-Un-Islamic Dressing & Fashion In Iran.
7-Modernization in Iran.
8-Fashion Shows & Parties in Iran.
9-Lustful Shia Scholars & people in Iran.
10-Shirk With Allah Subhanaho Wa Ta'Alla in Iran.
11-Kuffariya Beliefs of Shia's in Iran.
12-Verses of Quran Changed & Mocked by Shia Maddah's in Iran.
13-Condition of Ahlus Sunnah in Iran.

Shia exposed: their false beliefs


Allaah often lies and does mistakes. (usool-e-kaafi, page #328, yaqoob kulaini, vol1).

The Munafiqeen (i.e. Sahaba) took very much out of Quran (took out the verses). (Ihtijaj-e-tibri, page #382).

When Imaam Mehdi comes he will bring with him the real and original Quran. (Ahsan-ul-maqaal, page #336, safdar Husain najfi).

The person who says that the present Quran is complete is a liar because the “complete Quran” was compiled by Hazrat Ali. (Fasl-ul-khitaab fee tahreef kitaab rab-ul- arbab, page #4, Noori Tibri).

Abu Bakr is kafir and the one who loves Abu Bakr is also kafir. (Faq-ul-yaqeen, page #690, Baqar majlisi).

Abu Bakr was kafir and Zandeeq. [naouzobillah](Kashf-ul-asrar, page #69, khamini).

Imams on shia

What Do Scholars of the Past and Present say about Shia (Rafidah)?

1) Imam Ash-Shafi'i: On one occasion Imam Shafi'ee said concerning the Shia, "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Raafidi* Shia." and on another occasion he said; "Narrate knowledge from everyone you meet except for the Raafidi* Shia, because they invent ahaadeeth and adopt them as part of their religion." (Minhaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah)

Egypt makes Zionists very happy

Egypt, curse be upon its leaders, has now made Israel very happy.

To help Israel starve Palestinians in Gaza, Egypt is asking Americans to build a wall on border.

Muslims are already suffering at the hands of evil kafir zionists, but now even Arabs are siding with these zionists to finish off their own muslim brothers and sisters.


Page last updated at 21:46 GMT, Wednesday, 9 December 2009

[b]Egypt starts building steel wall on Gaza Strip border[/b]

By Christian Fraser - BBC News, Cairo

Egypt has begun constructing a huge metal wall along its border with the Gaza Strip as it attempts to cut smuggling tunnels, the BBC has learned.

When it is finished the wall will be 10-11km (6-7 miles) long and will extend 18 metres below the surface.

New years resolutions 2010

i'm bored

2010 is in like a few weeks

its time to make a new years resolution topic

i never make any resolutions but because i have made a topic i will make some. i have no intention of sticking to them

anyway here they are:

-eat less (uni = increase in food intake)
-join the gym
-finish assignments a few days before the deadline (yeh right)
-be more nice
-find a job
-work on myself
-start taking driving lessons

and errm can't think of anything else

last years topic

happy posting xD

**Path to Paradise** - A one day course not to be missed!!

GKT ISOC In conjunction with Ad-Deen and Muslim Hands Presents:

Sisters' only One day Course

Spend time in the company of the Ustaadhah of Madrasah Al Zahra learning how to strive in this temporary world and focus on ways to take the Path to Paradise. The course entails depictions from the lives of the Mothers of the Believers (May Allah Be Pleased with them), the Sahaabiyaat and female Scholars. The lives of the women of Allah will be unveiled before your eyes for you to practially implement and emulate. An ooportunity not to be missed. The course is to be taught by the same Ustaadhah of the 'Ideal Muslimah - One week intensive'
