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Exaggeration and Innovation of the Sufis in Worship (barelvi also included)

Exaggeration and Innovation of the Sufis in Worship

(1) Taking the Dhikr from other than Allah’s Messenger
It has been mentioned in Irshaadul-Mulook: “Among the conditions for Dhikr is to acquire the Dhikr from a Shaikh of Dhikr just as the Sahabah took their Dhikr from Rasoolullah.”[1]

This condition in Irshaadul-Mulook gives the Sufis their allowance to prescribe innovative forms of Dhikr to their Mureeds (disciples).

The imams on sufi

Imam Al-Shaf'i:

"If a person excercized sufism(tasawafa) at the begininng of the day, he doesn't come at Zuhur except an idiot".

"Nobody accompanied the Sufis forty days and had his brain return(never) "

And he recited in poetry: " And leave (alone) who if came to you practiced piety/ and when alone were concealed wolves"-Pgs 371 Talbees Iblis

And when he went to Egypt he said: "I have left Baghdad and the aetheists(Zanadiga) have innovated a thing they call Sama'(Hearing)" - He is referring to the singinig and dancing that the Sufis innovated in the second century and is still spread amongst them till the present day.

Top 10 conversation killers for atheists.

Found this and found it quite funny. No offence to anyone, please don't stone me.

Atheists and theists frequently get into debates over the existence of gods, over the nature of religion, over whether religions do more harm than good, etc. Although every atheist and theist are different, it still works out that a lot of these conversations keep hitting the same topics and keep running into the same problems. Both sides can be at fault for this, but there are a number of common errors which theists make that can kill any chance there might have been at having a productive, interesting, and substantive discussion. These errors can be avoided if theists know about them in advance and care.

1. Presume to Instruct Us that We're "Really" Agnostics, Not Atheists

Swiss are Muslim haters

This is from your blog. It should be here. Brand new thread.

Switzerland is now officially an Islam hating, human rights denying racist country. Its people went against Islamic places of worhips. It banned our minarets from our masjids. But Switzerland didnt ban bell towers from christian churches. Switzerland hates only Islam. It dont like us muslims.

I am not buying any Swiss watches or cheese no more. Never.

Lanat on Switzerland. They are muslim haters.
May God's wrath be upon the Swiss. They have insulted the Divine religion.

These Swiss lunatics are lanatees.

What came first? women or coloured people?

What's worse?

Backbiting or Bullying?

Just to clarify : Fizzle says Backbiting could be a form of bullying, i agree but i mean to-your-face bullying. Not necessarily physical "gimme your lunch money" stuff, but insults etc

And backbiting in the sense that people are talking about you behind your back. Not... actual ... Back... BITING...

But you knew that ;]


Iran 'planning 10 new uranium enrichment sites'

Iran's government has approved plans to build 10 new uranium enrichment plants, according to state media.

The government told the Iranian nuclear agency to begin work on five sites, with five more to be located over the next two months.

It comes days after the UN nuclear watchdog rebuked Iran for covering up a uranium enrichment plant.

Read more @ BBC News

The G Bomb.

What do you guys think about using God and Faith as the answer to everything/anything?

Do you think it's perfectly fine and because of the nature of those concepts it's a fair enough answer and it can be used for anything?

Or do you believe that it's not enough just to use that but you have to also be logical and intellectual about it and accept that not everyone believes.

Perhaps as a non believer, or even a believer, you believe that they should never be used as an answer and it's effectively cheating and an alternative explanation should Always be sought out?

Burkha Barbie doll

yes really.

It's Barbie in a burkha: World-famous doll gets a makeover to go under the hammer for 50th anniversary

One of the world's most famous children's toys, Barbie, has been given a makeover - wearing a burkha.

Wearing the traditional Islamic dress, the iconic doll is going undercover for a charity auction in connection with Sotheby's for Save The Children.

More than 500 Barbies went on show yesterday at the Salone dei Cinquecento, in Florence, Italy.

Why Conservatives failed the test on Islamic schools

Richard Garner explains how the Tory leader's attack on the Government has unravelled

Conservative Party officials made two basic errors in their attack on two schools said to be run by a radical Islamic group, it emerged yesterday.

During Prime Minister's Questions in the House of Commons on Wednesday and in briefings afterwards the Conservatives claimed there was no evidence that the schools had been registered or inspected by Ofsted, the education standards watchdog; they also said the schools had received money from an anti-terrorism fund. But yesterday the claims were beginning to unravel. The most obvious mistake was the allegation that they appeared not to have been registered or inspected.
