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I love you...yes YOU too ;)

soooo theres something im a confused about...

Ok before i start talking about it, i know in the past i have said "I love you For The Allah Sake" but im afraid i don't and im sorry Smile

the bit in bold is what i don't get. how on earth can someone LOVE someone else for Allah's sake?! :S :S

I mean u can do things for Allah such as be nice to people, treat them in the right etc etc but how can u have a feeling like love for others?

I mean u love people because of who they are and its not something u can really "help" doing...


Dead Body Exhibition

BODIES REVEALED the incredible exhibition about the amazing and complex machine we call the human body. Using real human specimens, painstakingly prepared and respectfully displayed, BODIES REVEALED lets visitors of all ages explore deep within the human body.

BODIES REVEALED demonstrates how our bodies work, what we need to survive, what destroys us and what revives us. BODIES REVEALED is a celebration of the human body, inviting you to become a more informed participant in your own wellbeing. The exhibition takes visitors through galleries providing an up-close and personal look inside the skeletal, muscular, reproductive, respiratory and circulatory systems of the human body.

Mum Defends High Court Fight To Let Son Die

The mother of a chronically ill baby has defended her court battle with the child's father to have his life support machine turned off.

The boy, known only as RB, has congenital myasthenic syndrome, a rare neuromuscular condition which severely limits limb movement and the ability to breathe independently. He has been in hospital since birth.

Doctors want to take the one-year-old off a ventilator which helps him to breathe, but the boy's father, who is separated from the mother, opposes the plan.

The hospital trust which provides his care has taken the case to the High Court.

If the trust wins, it would be the first time a British court has ruled against the wishes of a parent whose child does not suffer from brain damage.

Is a 'lecture' needed?

i was just wondering...

If you find out/ someone tells you they are doing something haraam and you kind of expect it from them and because it's like almost "normal" ur not really surprised either so u dont say anything to them, is that ok?

Or should u be telling them off for it even though they know its wrong? cuz i dont really see the point in that if soemone knows they're doing something wrong and do it anyway what u say won't really matter will it? and a person just telling them off is just going to annoy them or something anyway.

But then theres the whole thing where you're supposed to tell people off and tell them what's right and wrong as someone who know's better...


Ramadhan 1430/2009

Salaam Alaykum,

YES, the blessed month is just (about) 20 days away! Biggrin so i thort id take the opturnity to say (a little early):

[center][size=30][color=green]Ramadhan Mubarak Everyone![/size][/color][/center]

Inshallah everyone will start and finish Ramadhan at the same time. (ok that may be a bit too much to ask :|)

Make sure u take advantage of this blessed month! Smile

Also, please forgive me for anything wrong i have done/said to you Smile

EDIT - just to note:

  1. All the ramadan related content on this site (or you could click the "ramadan" tag just underneat this post)
  2. Ramadan and eid related articles on the old static site.
