What's the point of life?!
What the titles asks.
please dont say "its a test" :roll: (even though in the past ive said that to people :|)
(i have a desire to write the title in all CAPs but i wont)
What the titles asks.
please dont say "its a test" :roll: (even though in the past ive said that to people :|)
(i have a desire to write the title in all CAPs but i wont)
Salaams, just wondering...
What would u do if Prophet Muhammad [unexpectedly - obviously] turned up on ur doorstep?
How would u feel? shocked, surprised, happy, shy, embarrassed...?
What would u say? Do u think you'd have loads of questions? Like what?
What are your opinions on scientists messing with things.
Selective breeeding?
"Designer" babies?
Anything else?
I dont think they should mess with the genes really but selective breeding in animals has its advantages and doesnt seem so bad.
Would the world be i dunno...boring maybe if everyone made designer babies, cuz they would all be perfect? but then again everyone's idea of beautifull isnt the same as "beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder" so they wouldnt neccesarily be perfect to others. Well either way i don't agree with it. Has there even been any designer babies or is it something they think can be done??
And If you could have a designer baby what would it look like? (im "making" one now for my homework)
Salaam Alaykum,
I was just wondering if anyone does duaa for the deceased every thursday? and if you know why thursday is such an important day? i have been told it is because the night before Jumaah is very special and also something to do with the spirits of the deceased coming down or something? (not sure about the second one)
Can anyone tell me more? give Qur'an/hadith references?
Thank you,
i was reading surah baqara in the morning with the transalation and it mentioned the "sabians" anyone know who they are?
"Those who believe (in the Qur'an) and those who follow the Jewish (Scriptures) and the Christians and the Sabians, any who believe in Allah and the Last Day and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve"
[surah Baqara:verse 62]
So people think fighting in wars and killing innocent people in the name of Allah (swt) is jihad. Well the former could be but the latter definately is not.
anon wrote:has anyone watch the series 'the arrivals'. the videos (51 parts) are available on youtube and also from the site below.http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=le_ySMrOkFU
http://www.wakeupproject.com/Index.aspwanted to know peoples views on the things discussed.. maybe can be a new thread
"How do I find my perfect husband without going out with a guy? I’m not going to know what somebody is really like through someone else so they may not be right for me.
Why is the Muslim way of marriage better?"
I need help answering the above questions because my friend wants to have boyfriends as she see’s that the only way of finding a husband. Obviously that’s wrong, well I’m not sure if it’s the same if you go out with the person you marry but if u do have a boyfriend and end up dumping him for someone else that is definitely a sin. Therefore I don’t want my friend to see this method as they only way and/or the best way.
Can anyone help me give her a good, convincing answer?
Any response is most appreciated,
Love you for the sake of Allah (swt) - ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE
There is something i don't understand:
Why does Allah(swt) refer to himself as "we,us," in the Qur'an.
For example:
"Verily We take upon Ourselves to guide. "
(Surah Al-lail, verse 12)
And verily unto Us (belong) the End and the Beginning.
(Surah al-Lail
and why is there a reason why its in third person?
:S :S
i was just wondering, do Jews believe in Jesus/ hazrat Isa (as)? i always thought they did, but not for any particular reason. i just thought of the bible; the old testament is the Jews and the new is Christian's so they must believe in him << (im not sure if that makes sense)
but i dont Actually know...
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