Forum Topics

Hijabed Up AND Fashionable

Balancing Religious Sensitivity, Fashion Sense
Young Women Follow Islam's Ancient Tenets on Modesty -- but With a Modern Twist

"Isn't this so cute?" cooed Hiba Khan, admiring a loose-knit vest glimmering with a sequined brown collar at Tysons Corner Center's LVL X clothing store. Sexy, the 21-year-old Fairfax City resident admitted, but that's easily remedied with a long-sleeve top and a properly fastened head scarf.

In the hip young Muslim crowd, modesty is always in.

"I usually try not to buy anything too flashy or too revealing, but yeah, I want to look nice," she said while at the mall one recent afternoon for a little back-to-school shopping.

Girls MUST Learn How To Cook

Says my gran each time I go and visit her-and whenever she finds out that I still only know how to make tea and boil rice she gets angry with me Cray 2

Anyways-this topic makes me laugh

I have a cousin around my age who is ALWAYS getting told off by her mum cos she don't know how to cook-apparently no guy will want to marry her :roll:

thats bull-she's pretty, religious and clever

her and her mum have massive kick off regarding cooking

cooking is not rocket science-if u can read and follow directions all u need to do is purchase a good cook book and ur sorted

ALSO boys s

Money, Money, Money

This is sumin I'm always getting into trouble over

Daddy gives us monthy pocket money-(i.e. it should last a month)

I spend it in 1 week :oops:

My motto has always been-if u have money then spend it-if u dont then do without

I NEVER ask people for money-if I need sumin (aprt frm sis)

I always get into trouble for not saving it


What Makes YOU happy?

I read an article in a mag on this topic yesterday

it was called how to be happy-

most of the suggested tips was stuff I do anyway e.g laugh, dont envy others, count ur blessings etc

Anyway, post a list of things that make YOU happy, stuff that makes u laugh and things that make u go "awwww"

Happy people live longer lives-thats a fact

Post YOUR tips on how to be happy.

To All You Insomniacs

Don't u guys sleep? :shock:

I see that Admin, Asiya, Hayder etc all post here at 3-4 in the morning

Even angel is up at around 1am posting here

I'm generally always asleep by 12am the latest

You lot all work/study etc so dont u find it hard to get up in the morning?

If I went to sleep at 3am I wouldnt get up until 12-1pm the latest

It so important girls to get ur beauty sleep Wink

but serioulsy 8 hours sleep is important

Are u lot actually imsomniacs?

Are You A Spoilt Brat?

I know many spolit brats -and No, I'm not spoilt :roll:

I usually get what I want-as long as its within reason

in most cases I save up my pocket money before I can buy sumin-I have to abide by the rules in my house

and can not get away with being naughty

anyway-were YOU a spolit kid? and aint it true to say that spoilt kids can not function in society?

Hajji LilSis?

Daddy has this thing-he wants to take all his girls to Hajj

he said he wants to be the one who took us to Hajj

he said the boys in my family-my brother and his brothers have to go with their own money :twisted:

anyways his taken his sister, he took my older sister the year before last

he wants to take me and his mum (my grandma) next year

I'm not so sure-

my sis was 19 when he took her-I'm gonna be 19 in technically I'd be the same age as she was when she went

but aint it tru that in order to do hajj u HAVE to want it a lot?

Obsession With Hijaab

Hijaab is FARD-this is a black and white issue-no one disputes this fact

but why is the Hijaab the most rinsed out topic?

Hijaab, hijaab, hijaab, hijaab-this topic is beginning to put me to sleep

and its the BOYS who are more concerned about the Hjaab then girls are

they preach it more then women do-God knows why

Hijaab is important

what what about the beard for men? What about guys wearing shorts? What about guys wearing tight trousers?

how would guys like it if all girls went around preaching

"brothers need to grow beards! Grow beards NOW!!"?

Liar, Liar

I'll keep it short and sweet

Lying is a sin in Islam-the one who tells a fib has a disgusting smell coming out of him which results in the angels running away from him/her.

We all know lying in Islam is a sin. And that Allah's curse is on the liars.

All I wanted to gather is a LIST of occasions when lying is permissible or even encouraged.



Wow-He/She Is SO Fantastic...

When do you guys ever say that?

What impresses you the most?

What does a person have to do in order for you to say "He/she is SO fantastic?"

What type of characteristics impress u the most?

And what type of characteristics BUG u the most?

what does a person have to do in order for u to form a negative opinion about them? (for me its stingy people)

Discuss-all that impresses u in people and all that puts u off

