Forum Topics

Lower Your Gaze

18 Ways To Survive In Temptation Island!

Yes, it’s hard, especially when you’re constantly bombarded with obscene images: that hot, scantily clad guy or gal in the magazine luring you; or the persistent emphasis on sex in the movies (even Toy Story or Spider Man!); or the pervasive links to pornography while you may simply be checking your e-mail. How can you protect yourself from all of this?

1. Don't forget the power of Allah’s Remembrance (Dhikr)! It is the most powerful of all the defenses.

Silly News

No charges over Cruise squirting

Actor Tom Cruise has said he will not press charges against the TV film crew who squirted him with water at the War of the Worlds premiere in London.

Four TV workers were arrested after the 42-year-old actor's face and jacket were drenched with water from a fake microphone on Sunday.

Channel 4 later apologised to Cruise for the stunt, which was filmed for a comedy show.

What Do You Do When Your Mad?

According to my family I was the best baby-almost never cried

they also say that I was the best child as well-very quiet and took a lot of crap without complaining

my brother would pull my hair 24/7 and I'd do nothing (my sister would come to my rescue)

my older sis would jack my sweets and I'd say nothing

I did whatever she told me to do

I NEVER argued with my parents-nothing ever seemed to bother me

For the last 5 years tho-a temper problem has kicked in

I dont know why

in my family the women dont have tempers-only a few men do

when I'm angry I swear and this is REALLY bad...cos

Father's Day

It was fathers day last week

I would have posted this thread then-but better late then never

so how many people did somthing nice for their daddy's?

how many people beleived that they didnt need to cos they do something nice for them in the rest of the 364 days in the year? :roll:

how many people refused to celebrate this kufr filled biddah day?

How many people simply forgot? :oops:

and how come its so easy to do good stuff for mothers but not fathers?

Islam chats a LOT about mothers-but what exactly does it say about fathers?

Morality Reserved for Girls Only?

Contiuned from the thread that was LOST :evil:

I just hope you guys have good memories

Television out of bounds for Muslim women

LUCKNOW, Times News Network:

With ulema calling the shots, life for Muslim women in a minority-dominated town in Bijnor, will never be the same again.

Simple and harmless pleasures like visiting friends, a trip to the market or tuning in to their favourite soap could be denied to them.

Local clerics have decided to impose a strict ban on "potential corrupting influence on female minds that threaten to violate Islamic tenets".

According to reports reachin
