According to my family I was the best baby-almost never cried
they also say that I was the best child as well-very quiet and took a lot of crap without complaining
my brother would pull my hair 24/7 and I'd do nothing (my sister would come to my rescue)
my older sis would jack my sweets and I'd say nothing
I did whatever she told me to do
I NEVER argued with my parents-nothing ever seemed to bother me
For the last 5 years tho-a temper problem has kicked in
I dont know why
in my family the women dont have tempers-only a few men do
when I'm angry I swear and this is REALLY bad...cos a woman shouldnt be foul mouthed
i told my sister that I cant express the full extent of my anger without resorting to swearing
Today my sister refused to lend me her eyeliner and my eyeliner was practically finished
in my anger i threw my half empty eyeliner on our bedroom wall and now our wall has a massive black stain on it and our carpet has black stains all over it aswell
my mum suggested anger management classes-that made me even more angry
anger is a natural emotion-
everyone gets angry-but my mum and sister dont ever do and say stuff out of anger...they can deal with it-I dont know how i can tho
i'm not gonna go to stupid anger management classes-that is SO dumb
but does anyone have any serious tips?
Yes. Choclates. Lion Bars. Lots of them.
You started to have issues. Nothing to worry about.
Just learn accept that for those fews days you will be a lot more edgy, and a lot less furry.
One of my cousins gets very angry. She blows her head when I dont agree with her arguments.
I dont have problems with temper. Water does not mind fire, does it ?
I would suggest you start to study a dictionary. It will help you express yourself better.
That may help you control your anger.
Secondly acknowledge your anger. If you know you are angry, you can control it.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
omro I'm not a fan of chocolate
and Mr Admin I DO study a dictionary/theasuras in my spare time-I am a A level English student
but ur right tho-i need to find words that will express my feelings as strong as swear words do
personally I'm beg to think its in my genes-my dad has a temper
Thats ok. When biting into a Lion Bar. Think of the lion, and not the bar.
There are two kinds of angry people - explosive and implosive.
Explosive is the type of individual you see screaming at the cashier for not taking his coupon. Implosive is the cashier who remains quiet day after day and then finally shoots everyone in the store. You're the cashier.
-Anger Management
Back in BLACK
maybe ur right
I'm taking out years of mistreatment-
maybe i shud just let it run it course
der is a hadith i hav read, i dont know exactly how it is stated but it mentions, when u are angery u shud sit down as this will ease your anger, if u are still angery u shud lay down, as this will help prevent your anger from being released. maybe u shud try this...!!
"nafrath gunaho sey karo, gunagaro sey nehi"- (Professor Dr Muhammad Tahir-Ul-Qadri)
i'm willing to try anything...thankx mariam
[b]Solutions from Ahadith[/b]:
Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ‘Anger is from Shaitaan and Shaitaan has been created from fire. Since water extinguishes fire, therefore, when one of you is overtaken by anger let him make Wudhu’ (Abu Dawood).
‘The one who becomes angry while standing should sit down. If his anger has still not cooled down, then he should lie down’. (Ahmad, Tirmidhi). (another version of this hadith goes on to say that he should drink some water)
[b]Inspiration from Ahadith[/b]:
‘He who can overpower others in wrestling is not really a strong man. True strength is in that individual who can control himself at the time of anger’ (Bukhari).
"The best of you are those who are slow to anger and swift to cool down...Beware of anger, for it is a live coal on the heart of the descendants of Adam." (Al-Tirmidhi)
i'll add more once i find them... good luck lilsis
Asiya. So... you being an ultra fiery person, does that mean you talk a bath everytime you get hot ?
i see u stil havent learnt to spell my name... :roll:
'ultra fiery'? dunno how u managed to assume that! in fact i'm the opposite of lilsis - as a kid i had a bad temper and learnt to control it as i got older. alhamdulillah its virtually non-existent now; it takes a lot to get me angry.
o, and i think ul find that the hadith says to 'make wudhu' not ghusl...
yes, do wudhu is also my advice
"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim
Asalamualaikum wr wb!
Anger is a person's enemy.Nowdayz we seem to get angry a lot and never think before we say something we never meant to say.
My advice would be the same like one of the brothers said
"do wudhu" as we know that as muslims we should be in wudhu 24/7. Also when you get angry drinking water is one of the solutions too as when you drink water you have to read the "Bismillah" before you start drinking which reminds you that Allah swt i alwayz watching you and what you are doing is not right.
Staying engaged in rememberance (dhikr) of Allah(swt) is the best way n best solution.
"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"
i've decided that whenever I'm angry to come and type out my outburst here on this thread
this can be my letting of steam thread
luckily nothing has happened for the last few days
and Garfield I have every right to use the C word here-so dont start
you poor thing let it all out, do u knw when you mostly get angry and what is the cause of it?
thanks angel
i get angry when people annoy me
most of the time i get mad when my brother annoys me on a few rare occsaions my older sister makes me angry too
but my anger with my brother is ALWAYS justified
your welcome, is it certain things that people say that get you annoyed? I know i used to be like that as well, but best thing is to walk out rather than beatin the utter hell out of them (which always sounds better) oh yeh and another tip pretend what your bro/sis is sayin to annoy u doesnt bother u at all, the consequences are diff. cuz the other person gets frustrated!!
Bloody hell this soundin like some therapy!!
no no no... i dont think she should do that. Thats another form of repressing and absorbing our true feelings which will only result in implosive misplaced anger towards some1 else.
Back in BLACK
i am talkin from experience, you either walk away (which is really hard and again suppressing your feelings) or beat the utter hell out the person (wich aint healthy for the one gettin the beatin) or pretend its not affectin you and later take it out on a speed ball!!
So many things made me mad today
in the morning me and sis had our theory test -but SOMEONE didnt read the letter properly and got wrong directions of dad
we had ten mins to get to the opposite side of town which was a half an hour walk
and I wasnt wearing the right shoes to be walking fast-
the theory test people messed us about
went shopping-the sales assistence made me mad
went dixy for lunch-some stupid fat man was singing and dancing to bollywood songs-he made me mad
came home tired and hungry still kinda mad
dont talk bout theory tests that makes me mad, i have passed it but yet to do my practical!!
was the sales assistant a moany cow?
we went to shalimar shoes-i was talking to my sister about something PRIVATE and even after sis politely told her that we dont need her help-she FOLLOWED us around evry where
this dont bother some people-but it bothers me a lot
it put me off trying shoes on and intererrupted my VERY importnat private conversation
yeh they try been friendly but what they dont realise is they are annoyin and tryin to hard!!
or maybe they dont have a life and get their kicks outta eavesdropping and watching people try on shoes
i said this loudly in the shop and got yelled at by sis :oops:
lol, u tell them! i cant stand nosy people, its like if you cant do your job then find a new one which you can..
the theory test people messed us about too
they made my sis sit on a broken computer-which didnt work
she came out demanding a resit and the lady gives it "we havent receved any complaints before with that computer"
silly cow-was my sister making it up?
but cos she passed anyway-i couldnt be bothered to fight
it was too hot
totally off topic but i dont see the point of them stupid theory tests esp. now that they have put the hazard perception rubbish as part of the theory!!
that was VERY hard
i knew that over clicking makes u fail
so I clicked every three secs-regardless if I saw a hazard or not
and I passed
lol i done mine 2 yrs ago :oops: still not passed my practical but i passed my theory first time, i wasnt gona fail it, have to pay for re-sitin it i couldnt afford it cuz i was skint back then!