When do you guys ever say that?
What impresses you the most?
What does a person have to do in order for you to say "He/she is SO fantastic?"
What type of characteristics impress u the most?
And what type of characteristics BUG u the most?
what does a person have to do in order for u to form a negative opinion about them? (for me its stingy people)
Discuss-all that impresses u in people and all that puts u off
I like ur comments lilsis
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Pushing a positive agenda FOR EVERYONE forward impresses me. Love impresses me. Kindness impresses me. Honest and realistic statements and telling it like it is to people's faces impress me. Serious apologies impress me, but not routine ones unless someone says 'I know it's becoming routine, what am I not getting?' Forgiveness impresses me. Sharing a great idea impresses me, sharing a nasty one doesn't. Understanding and positive interpretations impress me. A commitment to these things impresses me. I guess lots of things impress me.
Cynicism and hatred are vile. Unsupported ad hominems and sneakiness are vile. Grudges are vile. Personal gain to the detriment of others and agendas that only benefit a few to the detriment of others are vile. 'I am right' and 'you will lose' are vile. 'La la la la I'm not listening' is vile. Blackmail is vile. Gossip and serious abuse are vile. Unforgivingness is vile. Turning down goodwill or a great idea on such and such grounds is vile, or at least annoying and gets everyone nowhere.
To cover a very small fraction.
I like honest, trustworthy characteristrics in ppl
i hate stuck-up ppl, if it was up 2 me i would lock them up, there is nothin worse than sum1 thinkin they are better than everyone!
like me u mean?
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
noo judda, u havent said anythin that makes u think your better than everyone and nooooo not all my posts refer to you! Talk bout been self-conscious!
I think very very highly of people who have good manners, are considerate and polite..
I think very highly of those people who are humble and sincere…people who are hardworking/committed in working for Islam.
I dislike stingy people and people with bad manners…
I have a very low opinion of people who slander others and are arrogant.
most people are lovely even those who appear stuck up! yes even the cynical ones there is always a good reason for the way people behave if only our hearts were big enough to accept them
i pray my heart becomes more generous and forgiving and veils my faults from others as they are veiled from me
i wish i had the capacity never to hate or dislike and to go on loving forever Ameen
aww, excellent post seema. its true that everyone has a good side to them - sometimes u just have to look a little harder to find it...
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
I dislike cynicism, it is vile. Doesn't mean I don't understand.
i hate sexist, arrognat, stuck up people
I LURVE modest, generous people
I'll add to this list daily
what impresses me the most...hmm the other day a 4 year old girl did a tilaawat on tv, she recited surah faatihah so beautifully in tajweed,was so impressed....basically seeing these young children reciting quran in tajweed is very impressing,
talking of impressing characteristics.....ppl who praise others when said/done something good, generous ppl ,respecting etc...those that give duas to others
bugging characteristics.....ppl who swear, those that get angry over nothing, those who are alwayz backbiting especially AUNTYZ..ppl who cnt take others views and alwayz wanna be the RIGHT ones.
negative opinion goes to the 2 faced!!
Yeh i agree with kuri,i like ppl who compliment and encourage other ppl in doing good things and not noticing nor putin emphasis on a person's weak points. (which could hurt a person's feelings)
I like ppl who are generous and very givin (I pray to Allah that i give and give to the poor and other good causes)
I think Dave is imressive.
I think Hayder is fantastic.
I have high opinions of everyone else and I don't think so lowly of two peolpe I used to.
Am not sure what it is about people that impresses me but everyone seems nicer after a nice glass of milk.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Since you put the word "so" in there, I would only say that to a drunk person. A person who drinks wine.
yea and whats SO fantastic about a person who drinks wine?
That person has tasted what life truly is.
Those who don't drink, don't live.
Ordinarily people live and learn. You just live.
So Omro have u "lived"?
Please angel. do not wake me.
For I see thee more in dreams
Wake me not from this sleep
Pass me cup after cup in thy Inn
Tis drink that drops me in thine arms
:? Huh? wake u, whatever...simple question. You think when one hasnt tasted wine then they have not "lived", so i ask you, have u "lived"?
He's talking about wine as in love or something. :roll:
dont roll your eyes at me :evil:
Omro u should make clear what wine you are talkin bout btw nice poem!
Integrity, Erudition and Charm have always impressed me.
But there is a nother quality something like "regality" I can't really describe that probably impresses me the most in people.
What the hell is erudition? I always have to have my dictionary out when readin your posts :roll:
LOL soooooo true...im abit dumb when it comes to english
The dictionary would probably just list it as a synonym for intelligence.
It actually means wisdom gained from extensive study - usually it implies reading from primary sources.
I think it might be somehow connected to the latin word "erudius" which was a wooden sword given to freed gladiators - implying that education sets you free.
Do you actually have a [i]working[/i] education system in Britain or is it just for custom?
Awrite and dave i was just jokin bout the dictionary bit, why does everyone take what i say literally?
It's more fun that way.
Hey hold up there, i didnt say there was anythin wrong with the education system, we ppl talk in a language that aint snobby
..you use long unfamiliar words 
There is nothing snobby about finding ways to impliment antidisestablishmentarianism into a sentance.
A little contrived and perhaps ostentatious perhaps.