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As salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

InshaAllaah taa'ala this reaches you all in the best of health and eemaan.

With winter fast approaching, the days shortening and taking the current climate into consideration ie Islaamaphobia on a rise, Sincere Naseeha has come up with a one day workshop based on self defence.

*** 'IZZATUNAA (Our Honour) ***
"...and who, whenever tyranny afflicts them, defend themselves." [42:39]

During this workshop we hope that sisters will take away practical advice which they can implement with conviction and courage should the need arise.

We will be offering our sisters spiritual advice as well as hands on techniques in order to deal with circumstances they may face upon their travels with assurance and confidence.

Youth Tarbiyyah Conference: O' Muslims! Be Muslims!


Youth Tarbiyyah Conference
O' Muslims! Be Muslims!

Date: Saturday 18th June 2011 Time: 1pm-9.30pm
Venue: Azhar Academy, 235a Romford Rd, London E7 9HL


Special Guest: Hadhrat Maulana Adam Sahib (Jame'ah Leicester)
O' Muslims! Be Muslims!

Shaykh Abdur Raheem Limbada (Darul Uloom Bury)
Qur’an: The Path to Perfection

Shaykh Ahmad Ali (Al Mahad Al Islam)
Intoxicants: The ‘High’ Life

Shaykh Rafiq Sufi (Darul Uloom Blackburn)
Sunnah: The Way to Live Your Life

Shaykh Hasan Ali (Safar Academy)
Entertaining Ourselves to Death

Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf (Zam Zam Academy)
Bringing Barakah to Our Lives

Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari (Darul Iftaa)
Practical Solutions to Lustful Advances


Assalaamu 'alaykum warahmatullaah,

Spring Foundation in partnership with Sincere Naseeha presents:


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Rasool Allaah sallaAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said:
"Islam began as something strange, and it shall return to being something strange, so give (toobah) glad tidings to the strangers." [Saheeh Muslim]

Sadaqah al-fitr Reminder

Sadaqah al-fitr Reminder

What is the definition of sadaqah al-fitr?

Sadaqah in the Arabic language is the word for charity and fitr the term for breaking fast, hence this is a form of charity which is given at the end of the blessed month of Ramadhan to mark the festival of ‘Id al-fitr. This type of charity is also referred to as zakah al-fitr in many ahadith.

What is the purpose of sadaqah al-fitr?

Al-Arba'in - Collection of 40 hadiths on Ramadhan by Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari

Al-Arba'in - Collection of 40 hadiths on Ramadhan by Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari

A YouTube series special of 40 ahadith on the topic of Ramadhan. Sweet and short reminders comprising a hadith, translation and explanation. We should take time to watch all 40 to make this our best Ramadhan ever!

hadith 1:

hadith 2:

hadith 3:

hadith 4a:

hadith 4b:

hadith 5:

hadith 6:

Al-Arba'in Collection Of 40 Hadiths on Ramadhan *Special* - Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam

Here are a collection of 40 ahadith specifically relating to Ramadhan. A must listen for all. Each hadith is read in Arabic, translated and presented along with a short yet comprehensive summary. Going through them in the first few days of this blessed month will help one to truly appreciate the month and increase ones potential of reaping the great benefits of Ramadhan.

Click on each hadith to be forwarded to the hadith:

[CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"][URL=""]Hadith 1[/URL]

[URL=" u/1/URQ1XkYC0tw"]Hadith 2[/URL]

[URL=" u/2/PSEbniKurT4"]Hadith 3[/URL]

Course: 'MUSLIMAH GEMS'- 2 April 2010 at Ebrahim College

Muslim women can not help but wonder about the heroines of the past. Who were they? What did they achieve? What made them great individuals? What made them the people of Allah?

In the face of feminist ideologies spreading far and wide, Muslim Hands invite you to their new upcoming course:

(Allah be pleased with them all)
Sisters' Only One Day intensive
Friday 2nd April 2010 - 9:30am-5:00pm
Ebrahim Community College , 80 Greenfield Road, London E1 1EG

A discovery into the History of the lives of the female Sahabiyyat, Tabi’at, Muhaddithat, Faqihat, Waliyyat and living female role models like never before!
