Forum Topics

Muslim by name...


A very happy new year to all, and may this year be filled with love, laughter, knowledge and may you get brighter and older as years go by lol

neways many people make new years resolutions and such on. I've made a decision in my life. only 2nights ago, I realised the importance of my family.

Im very arrogant and stubborn, always have been and would've been but hope i dont stay stubborn.

during the christmas times, I nearly got killed, literally. It was due to family problems.

Anyways I always get told off and ignore it, and carry on doing what i do.

MYP - Who Am I?

Assalamu-Alaikum borthers and sisters.

Muslim Youth Project is based in portsmouth where we have recently started doing things to help our youth.

We are holding a small yet inspirational conference on the 13th of may 2oo7 @ Buckland Community centre in portsmouth.

Our main speaker is Umar Abdullah - a revert brother who will be telling us about his troubled youth and his journey to Islam.

Along with him, we have got nasheed artists: Nazeel Azami, Slave Of Allah, and introducing the young talent Mahdud.

please visit is external) for more info.

an updated poster

Do Prophets Feel Pain When Departing From This Dunya?

Could you all shed some light upon this topic.. Basically what I want to know is that did the Prophet (SAWS) have pain when his soul was taken?
Do Prophets feel pain at the time of their death?
JazakAllah in advance

Suddenly, there was a person said salaam.
"May I come in?" he asked.
But Fatimah did not allow him enter the room.
"I'm sorry, my father is ill," said Fatimah turned her body back and closed the door.
She went back to her father who had opened his eyes and asked Fatimah, "Who was he, my daughter?"
"I don't know, my father.

I Love..

Assalamu-Alaikum all,

boi I aint visited this site for ages with Ramadhan and other stuff.

But anyways yea the topic is what do u love most bout ur own country e.g

Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and so on.

Do U Miss Anything bout it like the scenery, relatives,
shopz etc...



The Battle Of Badr and The Promised Messiah

Assalamu-Alaikum bothers and sisters,

I know I might be annoying at times always asking questions but the thing is that I am trying my best to come into the fold of Islam with an honest heart and do my best in achieving the righteous way of life.

Anyways I was wondering if all of you could shed some light on the two topics as follows:

1) The Battle Of Badr

2) The Promised Messiah

May Allah reward you for all that you say, and for helping me gaining knowledge.


Non - Muslims Funerals : To attend or Not?


A non - muslim mate of mine lost their dad recently and as I am a close mate of theirs, they've asked me if i could go to the funeral with them for support.

My question is that are Muslims allowed to attend non - muslims funerals and if so then are there certain rules which need to be followed?

Please give any references to the hadiths or Qur'an if there are any, also can someone shed some light on the Islamic Funerals like the rules and regulations please, for future use.


Mom or Dad?

ope everyones ayt,
ok I thought id start this dont know if its gona be enjoyable to chat bout but lyk Ere goes anyway.

So lyk who do you feel closer to, your mom or your dad?

I mean most girls say that they're closer to their dad coz they cant always chat to their moms so whats your position please state.


Soul Story!

Just a story thought everyone could read it and comment/relate to it if they wanted to.

Once upon a time there was a rich King who had four wives. He loved the
4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to the
finest of delicacies. He gave her nothing but the best.

He also loved the 3rd wife very much and was always showing her off to
neighboring kingdoms. However, he feared that one day she would leave
him for another.

He also loved his 2nd wife. She was his confidant and was always kind,
considerate and patient with him. Whenever the King faced a problem, he
could confide in her, and she would help him get through the difficult

A Woman Marrying A Non Muslim?

A man is allowed to marry a non muslim woman just because he is seen as the head of the house and has more power and all the other relevant stuff that makes him superior than a woman. So my question or point whichever way you want to take it is, why cant a muslim woman marry a non muslim guy i mean she might not be the head of the house but by the Grace of Allah SWT she may be able to convert him in to Islam. I just want to know your point and views and if possible back anything you say with hadiths where it states why a man can marry a non muslim but a woman cant.

Jaza Kalla Khair
