Forum Topics

Turning to the right path?

Turning to the right path aint always easy after you've done alot of messed up things which one regrets very dearly BUT the problem is that when a lost soul tries their best to strive in the true path then why do those ********* who think they know it all, show their tru worth by mocking u n dnt help you out...........

New Islamic Societies

Assalamu-Alaikum to all.

Islamic socities have been around for a long time with so many different organisations or just societies with the same message but in some rare cases these societies/organisations have segregated the muslim brotherhood causing arguments, disagreements and have led them to compete with one another.

But these societies arent wrong are they? I mean they're all spreading the word of Islam so why is there so many downfalls to these as well?

Chattin 2 Others Whilst U're Married

Assalamu - Alaikum

I was just wonderin n before any1 gets the wrong idea this aint a personal
problem i just wana kno the answer to this thats all.

Anyways, the thing is what i wana kno is that when a guy o gal are married n den things aint working between the two for wateva reasons there are, is it permissable for either of them to talk to the opposite sex on the phone or meet up privately?

Im sure its not but iv heard wel sum1 told me that if a guy is interested in another gal whilst he is married n his marriage aint workin then he can 'Get to kno sum1 else'.
So i jus wana kno u

Right from Wrong

Assalamu-Alaikum broz n sistaz

On sunday i went to the global peace n unity conference
n overall i had a gud tym n refrained myself from doin things which i was asked of,
but near the end wen i had nothin 2 do n somethin came up my mind went blank n i did somethin which I wernt supposed to do.
Whilst i was committing this wrong thing i knew deep down that its not right yet i didn have the strenght to move myself away.
My inner faith felt so weak n i felt as if someone had taken my heart out and locked it up in a small box.
I have prayed for forgiveness but still dnt feel better coz ev

Would you face your worst fears?

b4 any1 evn says that there is already a thread 4 this o wats the point in this thread, i dont kno but i jus thort id start 1 anyway.
so the topic is wat is your worst fear and wud u eva face it o not?
also is it tru that wateva u fear most is actually wat u want but jus dont kno how to get bout it?
my worst fear is livin a life without my mum,
iv always hated it wen she used to get angry n say that shez gona die but now shez gone i jus cant hack it
n livin a life without her is basically a challenge n my worst fear coz its hard............


Hey jus wonderin wat every1s background is coz i've noticed there does seem 2 b alot of diffo background peepz ere. So if you dont mind then can you jus say where your from and if your background is important in signifyin you or not? Answer if you wana if not den sfe. Thanx. Oh im bengali and it does build up who i am but my islamic personality comes first to me then my backyard identity.

No point in startin a new thread so jus thought id add it on this. Anyways jus wonderin is sheesha allowed and are gals allowed to av it o not?

The BIGGEST Islamic event EVER!!!

Assalamu-Alaikum! Just wondering if anyone is going to the GLOBAL PEACE AND UNITY CONFERENCE. Its the biggest Islamic event going and loadsa people like Zain Bhikka, Dawud Whansby Ali and other guests speakers from around the world are gona be present In London, even the lady from pakistan sorry dont know her name. If your over the age of 6 then the ticket price is £12.
