Turning to the right path aint always easy after you've done alot of messed up things which one regrets very dearly BUT the problem is that when a lost soul tries their best to strive in the true path then why do those ********* who think they know it all, show their tru worth by mocking u n dnt help you out........... Y
Maybe coz those same ******** who are blessed n have a strong faith think that when one is messed up then they can never come back to the true path.
Well they sure know how to show their true colours.
whoa. easy with the lang sis.
but i know this is a major problem, its sad really. IMO anyone who puts down people who 'appear' to be 'less practising' need to get off their high horse and face reality - that one thought cud put them in hellfire and the apparently 'less practising' Muslim in Heaven.
we are all brothers and sisters in Islam. our duty is to strive along the straight path, and help eachother to this goal. we dont have any right to judge one another, for that would be assuming the responsibility of Allah (s.w.t) (na'uzhubillah!).
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
sori but i jus get vexd wen i see people suffering wen there are so many learned people can help them out but choose not to dats all
Learn To Love The People Who Are Willing To Love You At Present. Forget The People In The Past & Thank Them For Hurting You, Which Lead You To Love The People You Have Right Now..
i know... but ideally one should channel their anger in an islamically acceptable manner...
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
strong faith maybe but not in the sense they'd think one cannot come back to the straight path...learned people will most likely be willing to help one that has been lead astray, and it would be wrong for them to think that way,
Yep i kno dats wat my anger sessions are for and all da other islamic people/ guys ma dad gets to calm me down n control ma anger
so how would you help someone?
Learn To Love The People Who Are Willing To Love You At Present. Forget The People In The Past & Thank Them For Hurting You, Which Lead You To Love The People You Have Right Now..
good topic Jazak'Allah 4 starting it sis
firstly id invite them to study cirlces where they can take part or listen to discussions related 2 Islamic issues today...wouldnt want 2 scare them off by starting 2 preach at the very beginning and slowly from there Insha'Allah start 2 look at different aspects of Islam in detail - this is actually what im doing with my non-practising friends at the moment
and sis always remember no matter how learned a person is or how religious if that person looks down on others and refuses 2 help because he thinks the other person cant change then theres something lacking in that person in the first place - a true believer always thinks other 2 be better than himself and like sis Aasiya said never judges others
i personally think the best way to go about it is go seek for an islamic scholar whos thinking isnt like what u mentioned before...learned people are the best to help you out, less learned ppl will turn a blind eye
i dont think im capable of helping someone out...i've got alot of bad in me aswell that im finding difficult to sort out,
Those who are truely knowledable, infact those with any common sense know that wen a person comes to you for help, it is your duty to help them.
If someone was to consider me practising and came to me for help (which would prolly never happen
) i would go out of my way to help them, or to get them in touch with the right people.
Its all a part of being a muslim. Similarly, i would go around tryna force ppl to become practising, cuz some ppl think they r correct in there ways, so if i were to go out of my way to show themthey are wrong, they wudnt appreciate that. but, if i were to show them the path slowly, they would see it and it would be better for them, becuz they saw the wrongs they do, instead of me showing them the wrongs.
If u figured out wat i sed, let me kno, cuz i aint got a clue, was jus babbling
_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________
Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight
most ppl who aint in2 Islam find going 2 a scholar quite daunting - they would prefer 2 talk 2 another youth who is already practising in order 2 get in2 Islam>>>>thats what iv found out from my experiences
thats exactly wot Ramz was saying too, rememba...
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
lol yeh its in response 2 what naj said about going 2 scholars
u mean instead of just pointing out their wrong actions - use wisdom and show them the error of their ways without coming across as being arrogant
erm... i was referring to [b]Ramz[/b] not naj... :?: (i think i've been confuddled ;))
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
I remember my Jahiliyya days (yes, even ive not been perfect all my life
) whenever sum1 would tell me i was wrong in this or that or i should do this, i tended to aviod those people, so i dnt wna become sum1 who other ppl aviod, altho it duz hav its up points, id rather like to b sum1 ppl can come to and ask for help (unfortunatly im not quiet there yet either)
_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________
Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight
yep sis iv managed ta confuddle ya
my response was 2 what naj said about scholars - u thought it was 4 ramz
oh! in that case i think i've confuddled u!
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
yeh i definitely know what u mean - most ppl tend ta avoid 'Islamic' ppl because they feel that they just preach all the time and dont have a life :!: u gotta use wisdom in your approach 2 dawah work - cant be 2 extreme and if some1 does come 2 ya for help then thats great.
most of my friends aint practising and im trying ta bring them closer ta Islam [size=7]thats why i requested u talk about dawah on the show lol[/size] and iv invited them ta come 2 study circles n that and Insha'Allah they'l learn more about the deen innit - because they already know me they know that im not a religious freak so its a perfect opportunity ta help them but even with them at first i told them about study circles n stuff but then shut up about it because like u said I didnt wana become some1 they'd wana avoid and now slowly trying 2 get them all ta come!
just went back and read it again...lol yeh im the confuddled 1
sori sis 
I personally never found the more knowledgable people any help, i found them kind of patronising too be honest. It better to find someone with who u can connect with, IMO doesn't have to be a scholar. Just someone to bounce idea off and who isn't quick to judge. In my case it was someone who was 5-6 years younger then me, he didn't assume anything and he taught me the very basic first. Well i said anything that wasn't approariate he didn't make a big deal over it and in time i was able to realise the mistake on my own. Looking back i was very fortunate to have him.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
very fortunate indeed thanks 4 sharing that yuit - nice example of how when we dont judge and look down on ppl even if they make mistakes but just stand by them>>>it works out for the best Insha'Allah
only arrogant people who are self rightous put non practsing people down
they're many of them lurking around
i dont know but i thought asking an older scholar would have been best, because they'd have more experience and would be able to guide easier..
but however there are many many youth scholars out there...if thats how some people prefer comfy-ness.
i know a lot of youth sisters who feel much more comfortable chatting ta fellow practising sisters because they feel that they can relate 2 them better than they would 2 a scholar - and then obviously after the initial re-introduction if ya like towards practising Islam then its important ta make them aware of the importance of scholars
Before I reply, I would like to ask you something:
Do you think you have made a mistake by using too many asterisks in the above line. I think it should be 7.
Now to the answer your question:
I would never put down any peron who came and asked me for help. He, or she, may have made wrong choices in their past. We all do. But now they have realised bigger things in life, and they need help, and it would be an honour to be part of their new journey towards light and discovery.
I cannot ask for more than to love a true seeker.
:roll: :roll: :roll:
alhamdulillah, ALL praise is for ALLAH.
I dont think any1 can think that they are beyond advise and that they are solely advisers. Some time or other we ALL need advice from people, no matter how knowledgable or intelligent we are. Bearing this in mind we need to think how would we like to be treated and act accordingly.
Sometimes, people have come to me for advice and alhamdulillah I try to give it in the best way possible, being firm but not putting them down [size=9](im on abt face2face, i get a bit carried away on forum)[/size]
Having said that there have been times with some of my mates that I have openly and clearly blasted them for some stuff they got up to and alhamdulillah seemed to work.
Anyway back to topic, advice . . . personally best thing in my opinion is the advice of ulama. Depending on what you like, u will feel more comfortable with different types of ulama. Personally I prefer the old-school, urdu-speaking ulama. They undrestand more what I am on about, I relate better with them. On the other hand no doubt some people here will hardly be able to say two words to an old-school alim and for them one who speaks english, or is young and brought up here etc will be better for them.
Sometimes advice from others is helpful but in the end you need to make your own mind up.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Na its rite its anoda word sori but i didn mean to swear it jus happens.
Learn To Love The People Who Are Willing To Love You At Present. Forget The People In The Past & Thank Them For Hurting You, Which Lead You To Love The People You Have Right Now..
Erm i get wat u mean bout givin advise but not da rest neways but dnt surah Asr basically sum up things bout helpin others and givin dem advice or advise dnt kno which bt heard ders a difference between the two.
Learn To Love The People Who Are Willing To Love You At Present. Forget The People In The Past & Thank Them For Hurting You, Which Lead You To Love The People You Have Right Now..
This has reminded me of a sad case, girl who reverted wanted support. I was there for her i don't think i was ever harsh but i always told her the truth never water things down. Unfortunately i don't think she was ready to accept Islam and took the shahadah too soon. I never told her to take the Shahadah, it's something personal she decided i found out last minute.
She's kinder lost track of her duties as a muslim. I don't wana appear as if i'm preaching otherwise it will scare her off. But right now i'm not doing much else for her, but realistically what can i do? It's quite obvious she is avoiding me and mixing with bad mates, she doesn't want help right now, she just wants to enjoy herself. So it's not always the case that ppl don't want to help. Sometimes those asking for help aren't really ready to accept the advice and the truth because it would mean drastically changing their lifetime habits.
Since the above incidences i;ve learnt she has left Islam, her sole reason being she knows she is sinning by not doing her obligatory duties as a muslim. Because she can't fulfill them she has left Islam. I don;t think thats a good enough reason. Obviously she still believes in the religion, but she isn't ready to commit. But there are many ppl who are muslim by name and rarely do prayers yet they are considered muslims. I pray that Allah guides her back to the straight path, coz i know she believes.
Since she isn't aware that i know she's left Islam i've not mentioned it, she speaks to me as if she's still muslim, i duno how to treat her. Do i say salams treat her as a fellow muslim or what?
wel dnt change ur attitudes towards her jus treat her ow u used to lyk greet her wid salaams wen u c her & in da odd occassions bring up religion in ur convos dat way Insha-Allah she mite b tempted to ask u somethin o bring up a topic herself.
This can b a start point to her changing if dats wat her hearts intentions are.
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