ope everyones ayt,
ok I thought id start this dont know if its gona be enjoyable to chat bout but lyk Ere goes anyway.
So lyk who do you feel closer to, your mom or your dad?
I mean most girls say that they're closer to their dad coz they cant always chat to their moms so whats your position please state.
how can a girl not chat to her mom...? :?
I’ve always had a fantastic relationship with my mum. She’s my friend and my role model…I suppose I’m closer to her cos our characters are very similar.
She’s the first one who notices if something’s bothering me. I tell her practically everything. I think the world of mum….I try to go out of my way to make her happy.
When I was young I saw dad as the “bossy” one…when I was a teenager I saw him as the one who holds me back from doing what I want to do…today, I respect and admire him tremendously.
However, I don’t consider him as my “friend” but dad has become a lot softer and closer to his daughters in his old age.
He babies me a lot…which sometimes I find sweet and at other times I find infuriating.
It infuriates me when he calls me non stop on my mobile when I’m late from somewhere (he’s always convinced something’s happened to me)….but I find him sweet when he washes my car for me, when he comes into my room and gives me a kiss on my forehead every night when I’m in bed and when he uses the same speech with me which he uses with my baby sister…such as “how much do you love your daddy?” :roll:
Who am i more close too..... hhhhmmmmm not that you mention it... that is a tough one.....
Id say theyre both about the same. I chat to both of them about whatever. But then again i wouldnt necessarily say im "close" to them either. Altho we get on fine and chat about whatever and even crack jokes... we're not really close at all.
Prob coz we all lead busy lives we only see the whole family in the evenings when we're sat down to eat. The guys leave for work or whatever before sunrise so dont see mom, sis, grandma till we get back, and since we all get back at different times.
Back in BLACK
I think i am kinda like seraph on this subject, i can talk to mum/dad - i wouldnt say i am very close. Its normally, my older sis i talk to bout everythin, if i want somethin i wud go through her cuz she has a way of talkin mum and dad round.
My older sis has always been the closest to mum and i have been closest to sis, just the way it has been really.
My dad is like yours too MS lol he gets worried easily and thinks anythin bad can only happen to his girls, b4 i used to find it annoyin but now i understand why he does worry cuz he loves us and wants to protect us.
My dad used to pick me up from work no matter what and most asian girls complain that their father treat them like kids by comin to pick them up but me i am glad my dad is sweet enough to do that...means no waitin round for public transport.
Yep, this annoyed me tremendously when I was younger...cos it wasnt "cool" to have you dad drop you to college/Uni
Now I appreciate it.
The other day i talked to my mum over the phone.
I talked about the weather.
I did not know what else to say.
You only talk about the weather to strangers.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Admin you are funny!and make me laugh!!!
Ha! HA!!
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
Neither I cant stand my parents. I am close to my aunty only who is my mums sister.
All teens are like that.
Till they get older and need '$'
then its all sweet talking.... ahahhhaha
not that i do that.
Back in BLACK
I'm closer to my older sister
I often tell her stuff to pass on to mum
I've always been dad's fav though
I am more closer to my mum then my dad,
We hardly see my dad cause he is always at work so
We are more close to mum!
[size=7]Not to mention I am the youngest from the family![/size] :oops:
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
i'd definitely say me mom she is like an older sister she is very wise and i look up to her a lot i tell my mom absolutely everythin and anything. dad's alrite but im not open with him at all he always says that i can tell him stuff but i neva do, but his very generous wen it cmes to money
astaghfirullah. the woman who raised you up has become a stranger huh?
no comment.....!!!!!!!
I don't think thats what he meant.
Many people find it hard to talk to their parents...this may be due to a number of different reasons.
My sister struggles as well...this doesnt mean that such people literally consider their mother as strangers.
so strangers has 2 meanings? which am i missing :?
I have close family members who are "strangers". Which means that I do not know them well (i.e don't know how they think), nor do I understand them.
They'll be staying at my house for three months. Which should be intresting.
Thats a good oppertunity to get to know them!
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
its our grandparents that are coming to stay over from pakiland :shock:
they're strangers to us
Most grandparents are lovely, you'll enjoy it!
I love it when my gran is over however never got the chance to know my grandad but from what i hear he was a personality worthy of knowing (May Allah bless his soul in peace)
In my own experience i've always been close to my mom
cuz i lived with her alone for 7yrs of my life and then sadly
her time cam... Allah's will was done and that was it.
After that my dad brought me here to live with my stepborz n sisz n my
real brother whom all i didnt even know existed.
My dad aint shown interest in me since mom went
so i got messed up in life and school life was jus taking the piss
But now Insha-Allah im trying my best todo right although i still
lead my ruined side of my life from time to time.
Granparents man they are a blessing from Allah trust my
Dadu and dada were the best loving things i had but for some reason all the loved ones seem to leave us behind.....
Allah grant them all Paradise Insha-Allah.
Learn To Love The People Who Are Willing To Love You At Present. Forget The People In The Past & Thank Them For Hurting You, Which Lead You To Love The People You Have Right Now..
Yeh I never really got to know my nana from my mum side, she lived in pakistan and hardly went there to see her. I did go once but I was very small just a couple of months old. Never really saw her after that.
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
u mean your cousins? lol
Yes, and my grandparents from Pakistan, mainly because of the distance between us and cultural differences.
I never really got to know my grandparents from my mum side!
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
MS you mentioned in the girls forum that you wouldnt have a problem with marrying a convert but your not sure if your parents would be happy about it. You seem to think highly of your parents so doesnt their racist attitude bother you?
Ramz sis, I dont think MuslimSis'z parents are racist I just think that they share the same views just like all the other asian parents. You know the ruling about marrying from your own background, thats all, I mean its not highly in the racist view is it?
Learn To Love The People Who Are Willing To Love You At Present. Forget The People In The Past & Thank Them For Hurting You, Which Lead You To Love The People You Have Right Now..
I don't agree. If her parents are anti any race other then Pakistani, bengali, gujarati or whichever race she is then that is clear racism to me.
she also mentioned in that post that her best mate is a convert and her parents love her too, her mom was born and brought up here [i]i think[/i], so i very much doubt u could call them racist.
i agree asians generally have a stigma attached to marrying ppl of another race, and we should really get rid of it, but whilst some are genuinely racist, others just think a person of the same culture will be more compatible (if their child has been brought up recognising their culture and really living it). i disagree with this reasoning as well, but would not go as far as to class it as racism - its just parents wanting whats best for their kids.
I think she's more than capable of answering for herself. :roll:
ofcourse, i do not doubt that, but as it seems she is not here to answer at the moment i thought i'd add some info about her post, which none of the bros/newbies can see and may come to the wrong conclusion.
(btw we prefer to keep the sister's forum stuff on there itself...)