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Its wedding season, many weddings are taking place these days.

I’ve always really loved weddings; they’re such joyous occasions…. However, I do have some issues regarding weddings that I wish to raise.

Firstly, the extravagance that takes place these days is unbelievable…I’m not advocating being a cheapskate, but one should really spend according to their means and should not splash out unnecessary things i.e. hiring out numerous limo’s, getting ice sculptures carved, hiring out extremely expensive venues in the countryside...

Shooting The Messenger


Nowadays instead of listening to the CONTENT of someone's message, people begin to criticise the messenger.

Why do people do this? Is it because they’re just looking for an excuse not listen to the truth?

If someone says something that’s true, one should listen to it.

Does it really matter if the person or their family conveying the message does or doesn’t do it themselves? No one’s perfect in every respect.

'Heroes of Islam' Youth Convention

Annual Youth Convention
'Heroes of Islam'

Saturday 9th July 2005

London Muslim Centre (LMC)
Whitechapel, London, E1

A Brief Introduction

The AYC 2005 is set to be one of the largest brothers only gatherings of Muslim youth in one specific place to share with one another the beauty of Islam and brotherhood.

The Annual Youth Convention (AYC) is a holistic display of the deen of al Islam in all its glories, it shall attempt to dispel the myths to the shabab that Islam is 'boring', that it is 'crazy' or for only 'old people'.


Every nation has



Many new restaurants are opening up in my local town centre which also serve sheesha.

Personally, smoking disgusts dad used to smoke and I used to avoid sitting next to him when he was smoking because the smell would go in my hair and clothes…

But a woman smoking puts me off, more so cos it’s just not “lady like”.



Peace of heart comes from a heart free of anxiety. Anxiety is caused by the weight of all that is material.

The weight of possessions, love of family, children, this world etc.

These all weigh the heart down and prevent it from soaring. The way to purify and free it is to remember Allah (swt).

Remembering Allah (swt) internally/secretly by making inward supplications is one of the principle qualities of identifying the true believer.


Colour Blind?


Islam is supposed to be colour blind. No race/colour is superior to another.

How much do you stereotype? When you see someone who is black, do you hold your purse closer to you and walk past him/her quickly?

I often hear elders stressing over how our youth are “acting black”….listening to rap/hip hop makes them “black”

When you see a white girl do you just assume she's easy?

Do you ever come across Pakistani’s or Indians and assume that they’re backwards and smell of curry?

Does the media reinforce our stereotypes? Or do people actions make us ascribe stereotypes to them?

How Do You Measure Religiousness?


"Being religious" means different things to different people.

Depending on where you're standing the water will look a different colour. "Too much" or "not enough" is all open to interpretation.

I’ve often heard people ask, “Are you religious?” Or say “She’s SO religious”….or “Mashallah he has a beard so he must be religious”. Or that so and so is "too" religious.

But how does one measure religiosity?

According to some, establishing an Islamic Khilafa makes one “practicing”

According to others, it’s to internally perfect yourself i.e.

Who’s Your Role Model?


Human nature is imitation, we automatically subconsciously copy the actions of those who are around us.

More so, those people whom we admire/think highly of or look up to.

We ALL need a role model in life, someone whom we look up to and aspire to be like.

Of course as Muslims are role model should be the Holy Prophet (saw), simply because he is perfection personified.

Who’s YOUR role model? Is it your parents? Your neighbour? A friend? A teacher?

Who has touched your life? Who has transformed your life/thinking? Who do you wish you were like?

Are WE Donkeys?


Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani has referred to those who KNOW yet do not apply their knowledge no better then donkeys carrying heavy books.

The Holy Qur’an in reference to the Torah likened those who possessed the divine commandments yet did not understand or apply their knowledge as donkeys.

Don't we act like donkeys? We carry so much knowledge on our backs, but don't understand it.

And what exactly does it mean to be a donkey?

Are those people who spend their lives memorising of the Qur’an in a parrot like fashion without understanding it Donkeys?
