Its wedding season, many weddings are taking place these days.
I’ve always really loved weddings; they’re such joyous occasions…. However, I do have some issues regarding weddings that I wish to raise.
Firstly, the extravagance that takes place these days is unbelievable…I’m not advocating being a cheapskate, but one should really spend according to their means and should not splash out unnecessary things i.e. hiring out numerous limo’s, getting ice sculptures carved, hiring out extremely expensive venues in the countryside... which all puts people into debt
And why are weddings SO long? How long does it say to say “Kabool”? Must weddings drag on for hours and hours?
Dancing is another issue…personally I love dancing even though my parents always tell me not to…..I don’t see a problem with dancing if there are no males present and if nothing gets recording….I don’t know what Islam says about this though.
But I know that dancing in front of boys is definitely wrong. It’s not right for a woman to dance in front of her dad, uncles, cousins and other strange men…
That’s another thing, why aren’t all weddings segregated? If they were all segregated, women could wear/do whatever they wanted to without any restrictions…
Also, to me weddings are all about the bride. But why is it that, people rate the bride when she enters the wedding hall. Everybody cranes their neck and falls all over themselves to see if the guy's wife-to-be is fit or not.
This is so wrong, what business do strange men have in the Fitness of another man's women!?
And then after everyone rates her she has to sit there like a doll for hours and hours getting bogged out by everyone. Again, ALL weddings should be segregated.
Also, I’ve always believed that if any aspect of culture does not contradict the teachings of Islam then there is nothing wrong with it…and I’ve always been a fan of the “Mehndi” ritual….But some of the rituals that seem to go on in weddings seem to stem out of superstition…or are just plain ridiculous.
e.g taking money and twirling it around the bride/groom's head to take off "nazaar" (the evil eye), oiling the door before the bride enters the home, throwing rice etc etc
Please share your views on all of the above.
yep definitely wedding shopping stresses me out.....just want the perfect outfit without having 2 raid each shop 2 find it!!! lol
i agree...most weddings are way OTT...although iv never seen or heard of anyone having ice sculptures lol...but wouldnt shock me..
i think one limo is enough and the local venue is not 2
yeh thats the annoying part when the bride has 2 sit for ages n ages...with nothing 2 do but look pretty...probably gets very sad/annoying/boring/irritating etc etc after half an hour!
i cant and never will dance lol...but i dont think theres anything wrong with dancing when its only sisters n like you said none of it is being recorded
i definitely agree with that...i mean if your a sister who always covers (n sisters that dont cover also ) then suddenly on your wedding day your exposed and put on display 4 the whole community 2 see...what the heck....that should totally stop!!!!
most wedding rituals are totally stupid and meaningless....throwing rice..i mean all i see that as is wasting perfectly good rice just 4 the sake of throwing it over your shoulder!!...what 4 blessings? lol dont think so...making dua 2 Allah will do nicely thanks.
never heard of oiling the door 4 the bride...but i guess these rituals vary from area 2 area lol
As if putting the bride on display for people to gawp at her and for people to 'rate' her isn't bad enough. What really gets my goat, and sends me into fits of rage when talking about this, is when at the end of the day the bride sits in the middle the marital bed and is filmed for a good ten minutes. And if that's not bas enough, the groom then comes in and poses whilst sitting or lying next to her. And it's all on bloody film for every Tom, D ick and Harry to see!
i totally agree...thats just unbelievably shocking that people find it acceptable 2 film the bride n groom on the bed...totally un-Islamic. its like when it comes to stuff like weddings Islam goes out the window n instead stupid, Indian influenced traditions are followed...totally pathetic
I agree!!!!!
where's the shame in that :evil:
I've seen this happen back home-I don't know if this happens here as welll
I'd never in a million years let the camera crew come into my bedroom
trust it happens here as well
same here
bride looked beatiful
her suits (mendi/nikaah/ruksati) ones were all so posh and pricy
she wore yellow lengha in the menhdi, red in Nikaah and turqiouse in Ruksati
everything was colour co ordinated accoring to her
guy wore suit and sherwani.....(guys look so good in sherwani's)
the guy was mums cousin-tall, fair, with a shadow on his face-he's a decent guy...he was better looking then his bride
food in Manchester Nikaah was nice...the one served in London Ruksati was crap-made me sick
all the girls in the wedding were wearing Sari's (bearing it all :roll: )
but I want to get a Sari that covers up tho....I don't know if I'll be able to carry it off tho cos I aint that tall :?
yep guys look the best when wearing either shalwaar kameez or sherwani's
im wearing a sari on my auntys that fully covers....sari's look really nice if worn properly....dont worry my sis aint that tall n shes wearing one....its all good!
By the way, if you really mean it, then it takes half a second to say Kabool.
Otherwise it takes two seconds.
Try it.
I hate dancing-but thats cos I don't know how to dance
I'd love to learn
I LOVE watching dances-esp at weddings and talent shows in school
same here...i dont know how 2 dance so iv just got it down as 1 of those things that im never going 2 do! but i like watching sisters n cousins are good at dancing...its a good way of having fun
my sisters are good at it too-esp my lil one
so are my mates
i LOVE watching dances-its a LOT of fun
best type of dancer is the one who knows how to move to ALL types of music
P.S IMO guys who love to dance are batty
yeh dancing just seems like a more feminine hobby/interest
Wow-that is disgusting. It's such a shamless cultural practice.
The bride should speak out against such things, and refuse to participate.
I wore a sari in my cuz weddin and i am like only 5ft lol and this gona sound so sad but i looked nice in it and my height didnt make any difference, everyone thought it looked actually made me look taller!!
As for wedin with dancin etc not my scene plus its haram(thank god we dont have that in our family wedins) but really even if it wasnt i dont think i am the party animal type..simple wedin with close family and friends are very nice and sweet but unfortunately in our family that aint the case!!
I think you have to say it three times... so maybe they need to take a breather before each time... who knows... i've never been married b4.
I've never really been that bothered really. I usually go, eat food, chat to people and then the DJ (or someguy on the mic) invites me down personally to dance... dunno if its bcoz im just that good at dancing or wat, but that seems to be what tends to happen.
I personally think that girls can dance if they want to infront of family (some get offended if you dont, i know i once had to nip out to help out with things behind the scenes at the wedding and missed the part where ppl started dancing and the bride complained afterwards that i didnt) wether they want to dance infront of their friends is entirely up to them.
But dancing infront of people you plain just dont know... hhmm maybe not.
Another thing i've noticed over the last 10 years or so is that b4 they used to split the males and the females up. Ladies have their own section and the Gents have theirs; but for some odd reason they dont do this any more, dunno why, maybe its a fashion thing.
Your lucky your not in Pakistan, i was at a wedding once with my dad in pakistan and for some weird reason they started waving a chicken over the brides head instead of money to take off "nazaar".
Bottomline: Alot of planning goes into weddings, from what kind of chairs the gusts are going to be sitting on to the food to the music. The day is about the bride and groom, but the parents seem to go OTT in displaying their happyness that their beloved son/daughter is getting married.
They need to learn to calm it down.
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lolz is that for real, what was the bride like, very bizare way to take off nazar! and that is considered normal there?????
I didnt knw that they did this. But when they started waving it over her head, it def raised an eyebrow with me so i turned to my dad who said:
"Dont worry, on your wedding we'll wave a goat over her head" :roll:
But he also said it was a strange but common practice in that part of Pakistan... not sure if its common around the country.
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lolz...u better tell your future wife this vital piece of info before she consents!![Blum 3](
lol, i wana see that happen..i knw if i saw that i would just go into fits of laughter even though its maybe a normal thing for some but hvnt seen it happen so will find it weird...i am gona ask my mates if they do that kinda thing in their family wedins.
lol sis u really wana see it happen...i feel for the poor girl and the goat! lol
nothing is more depressing then them girls who spend YEARS planning a spectacular wedding based on Asian Bride mags etc
do the full works-only t have their marraige break up within a year
people shud focus less on the wedding and more on the marraige
personally I don't want ANY expense spared on my suit/hair/make up etc
but aint to fussed about the rest-if I could I'd get married in my front room
the best wedding is the one that is the simplest and costs the least
I don't like it when women cover their whole face in white make-up.
Natural make-up is good.
I like simple weddings.
"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim
girl can wear as much make up as she wants on her wedding
but as long as it looks natural-
and getting the right foundation can not be emphasised enough
the beauty parlours here are pretty decent
only pakistan ones give the bride a ghost look
Dont mind the make-up but like LilSis said as long as she dont turn up looking like Casper, its fine.
Just dont like the idea of having both men & women at the wedding in the same room. Coz the girls dont wanna dance infront of strange men and the guys dont wanna make prats of themselves infront of strange girls (was gonna say something else then but decided against it.)
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I have mum telling sumtimes "don't worry its a religious wedding so u can do the full works"
religious wedding=segregation
segragted weddings are in the minority
it aint the norm any more to do them segregated
which is a shame-
yep brides only look nice when they look natural....OTT make-up spoils any bride and she ends up looking a mess
do any of u girls buy Asian Bride?
have u seen how gorgeous the brides are made up in the mag?
That magazine is amazin, and the outfits are very pricey wich is expected cuz its a well known magazine and the designers are pretty famous...the brides look wow in those magazines
yep.. wow... thats the word that comes to mind.
Gigady, gagady, gig
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