Exclusive Interview With Sergeant Yusuf Dar

After the Jean Charles de Menezes shooting and the raids in Forest Gate relations between the Police and the Muslim community have been under the spotlight. Sajid Iqbal, Editor of The Revival, met up with Sergeant Yusuf Dar from the Greater Manchester Police who is the current Chair of the Greater Manchester Muslim Police Association, to discuss the crucial issues facing the Muslim community.

What would you say is the role of the Police? As the view of many people is that “They don’t do anything!”


by Alveena Salim

What would you do if you were subjected to extreme physical, sexual, and emotional abuse by the one who claimed to love you? What would you do if your husband came home one night drunk and abusive? What would you do if he sexually abused you coz you accidentally burnt his shirt?

What would you do if your husband thought it was ok to use you as a punch bag for ten years? Would you accept your fate? Or would you be provoked into hurting your husband the way he hurt you?

These were some of the dilemmas faced by Aishwarya Rai when she played the role of a victim of domestic violence in the film ‘Provoked’. Directed by Jag Mundra, the film is loosely based on a true story.

So what is domestic violence?

Issue 8: Aliyah & Jameela

By Sara Salim and "Imaani" Aslam

Jameela: Asalaam Alaikum Sis, I see you've dyed your hair again?

Aliyah: Yep. Looks good don't it? What do you think?

Jameela: Erm... I think you may have overdone it with the blonde highlights, not too sure if it suits your skin tone... but hey, what's with the makeover anyway?

Aliyah: Well, you're looking at the new me. I've decided I'm through with all this being a Muslim girl thing. Now people know that I ain't one of those girls they can order about. I've decided I ain't taking no crap any more.

Jameela: Well that's great, respecting yourself is really important, but what's taking crap got to do with being and looking like a Muslim?

Issue 8: Emails to the Editor

Salamun alaik,

What do I think of the mag... great stuff masha'Allah. It's very hard hitting covering topical issues in a manner which will engage your target audience- spot on Masha'Allah.

The niqab article was in particular a very good read and in fact I'm going to leave a few issues in our staff room at school coz the way the sister countered J. Straws comments was very effective and I think my colleagues will finally understand the wisdom behind it.

Rayhana, Oxford


Editorial - Are you a sheep?

By Sajid Iqbal

Who are you? What are you? Are you a leader or a follower?

Do you follow society or does society follow you? Are you scared to be different or proud to be you? Do you stick to your guns?

Or do you say what people wanna hear? So the question is... ARE YOU A SHEEP?

"...I ain't no sheep, orite!..."

is what y'all sayin' yeah?

So tell me, are you proud to be a Muslim or embarrassed to be labelled one? Do you stick to your Islamic beliefs at home as well as when you're at college/uni/work?

Bollywood Or Bust

Alveena Salim

Meera had an incurable brain tumour. The villains found where she lived and shot her in the head. Luckily for her the bullet passed through her ears taking away the tumour along with it, thus curing her in the process…

Who Will You Stand With?

Naheem Zaffar

“...and then one day when the air is still and the night has fallen, they come for you. It’s only then you realise while you are talking about organising and committees, the extermination has already begun. Make no mistake my brothers, they will draw first blood. They will force their cure upon us. The only question is will you join my brotherhood and fight? Or wait for the inevitable genocide? Who will you stand with...?”
