Idiots Guide to the Qur'an

By Sajid Iqbal

1. What is the Quran?

The Quran is the Muslim holy book, ya’ know like the Bible is to Christianity and the Torah is to Judaism. It was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) through the Angel Gabriel. The Quran is the record of the exact words revealed by God to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Did you know that the Quran is a 'first-person' revelation, and is the authentic expression of the divine voice of the Almighty? The Quran offers a revelation from the point of view of God Himself.

2. Why was it revealed?

The Quran was sent to the whole of mankind for all times and not just for Muslims. The Quran is an instruction manual for life. If you follow it you will never go wrong. God says in the Quran:

Lethal Weapon: Young, Gifted and DEAD

By Zahid Maqbool

Walking down the street it is no longer enough to speak in rap. The gold rings mean nothing. Nor do the chains. There are two types of people out there. Those that carry and those that are dead. Bang bang.

La pistola. The Ultimate Badge of Honour. It says more than anything else. Who cares about the police? I own the streets and people fear me. And they should. I am the law. Disrespect me at your own peril. Bang bang.

Ain't fasting Bad for ya?

By Saima Iqbal

As the fourth pillar of Islam fasting is mostly observed during the month of Ramadan. Although technically you can fast at various other times of the year too, the month of Ramadan is the most well known for it. Fasting is a means of abstaining from not only food and drink but also putting in more effort in following the teachings of Islam.

As well as the spiritual benefits of fasting, there are also many other benefits that can be gained from fasting.

Issue 9: Aliyah & Jameela

By Sara Salim and Imaani Aslam

Jameela: As’salaam alaikum Sis. How you doin’?

Aliyah: Alright Jameela, where you at?

Jameela: Er… I’m good Alhamdulillah. What you been up to?

Aliyah: Not much, not much. Listen yeah, Ramadan’s starting soon innit?!

Jameela: Yep Sis, I can’t wait!!

Aliyah: Great!!! Not long now then. Iky says he wants to cool it during Ramadan. He says his Dad’s gonna be watching him like a hawk and he can’t risk gettin’ caught. Plus he says I’m gonna distract him, but I told him straight, look it ain’t my fault I’m so fit.

Jameela: I just love the whole atmosphere in Ramadan, I’ve been really looking forward to it.

Beat the Bullies

By Imaani Aslam

Chances are you know someone who is being bullied or that even you yourself have at some time in your life been bullied. A recent report revealed a staggering 69% of young people are bullied. In other words, a shocking 2 out of 3 people [1].

So what can be classed as bullying?

Back 2 Basics: Zakaah

1. So what’s this Zakat business all about?

The word “Zakat” literally means "that which purifies" and "that which fosters growth". So the act of giving Zakat means purifying one's wealth to gain the blessings of Allah (swt).

Zakat is the third pillar of Islam and is one of the most fundamental acts of Ibadah (worship) hence being mentioned over 30 times in the Holy Quran. In simple terms, it is the more able people giving 2.5% of their yearly income to those who are less financially able. Performing Zakat is to re-distribute wealth from the rich to the poor so the rich can help those who are less fortunate than themselves.

Emails to the Editor

Select messages received by the Editor

Assamualaikum Brother,

I would just like to start by saying we all know you are trying to do a good job in the way of Allah by writing a magazine for the Muslim youth but have you ever really thought about the topics you are writing about?!? Banging on about the youth of this time and pointing out how misguided they are and writing about what you think people get up to these days in not going to want to make youngsters embrace our religion.

Online Exclusive: From the Forums

This is a bonus article that is not in the print version of the magazine.



Is anyone sick of saying it?

Do people not SEE the hijaab or beard?

Mr Honey's Day Out:

It is better than ignoring you. If I was your friend and inviting people down the pub I'd feel terrible just specifically inviting everyone except you.

If you can't go and order a Coke, maybe it is your opportunity to suggest something specific another time.


Editorial - Who Am I?

Sajid Iqbal

I am a father, a mother, a husband, a wife, a brother, a sister, a son and a daughter. I am a child, a teenager and an adult. I am a neighbour, team mate, work colleague and soul mate. I am a student, a graduate and a teacher. I am soap mad, a football fan, a food fanatic and a shopaholic. I am normal, special, ambitious, creative and fun.

So what am I? I am a Muslim.
