actually for those who are against even my saying salaam, i made quite clear that I did it in EMULATION of people of knowledge, NOT because I mentioned any1 asbeing a jahil.
SubhanALLAH Im damned if I reply, Im damned if I dont.
Med ur such a liar :roll:
"Med" wrote:
When the people of knowledge come across a person of [b]ignorance[/b] they say a word of peace.
Submitted by Angel on 1 November, 2005 - 14:15 #92
"naj" wrote:
A 3.) As was explained in the answer to question #1 above, Shariah has not mandated a particular format for Dawah work. Religious education, Tabligh, Jihad, etc. are different ways of discharging this collective responsibility and they are all important in their own right. The popular format chosen for a given function is an administrative matter. For example, today our religious schools offer instruction for ten months a year, for six days a week, for six hours a day. They also have exams at predetermined intervals. This arrangement has been found useful through experience but it was not used at the time of Prophet Muhammad, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and one cannot find any evidence requiring it in the books of Hadith. However, since this arrangement is not considered mandated by Shariah, but it is only an administrative matter, therefore it cannot be considered a bid'a (innovation).
How is it considered as just an administrative matter? WHy is it not considered bidah?
"naj" wrote:
The format adopted by Tablighi Jama'ah is also an administrative matter, and therefore, is permissible and it does not need any evidence in its favor as long as it is not considered mandated by Shariah. However, for our understanding, it is sufficient to note that all Prophets and Prophet Muhammad, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, himself had gone to the people to invite them to Islam.
It is incorrect to regard the wisdom of going out in Jamaa`h as concrete and solid basis for going out in Jamaa`h as the recommendation of the numbers of days (7, 40, etc) could compulsory rule has been set on matter of days spent towards work of dawah,
There should be no compulsory ruling on dawah, dawah should be a 24/7 thing.
Med ur such a liar :roll:
How is it considered as just an administrative matter? WHy is it not considered bidah?
There should be no compulsory ruling on dawah, dawah should be a 24/7 thing.