i always wondered how the revival manages to get published on time. Ive come to the conclusion that there must be a women behind th scenes to keep you lot on your toes
now thats makes sense lol
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by Seraphim on 2 October, 2007 - 10:32 #32
"Naz" wrote:
i always wondered how the revival manages to get published on time. Ive come to the conclusion that there must be a women behind th scenes to keep you lot on your toes
now thats makes sense lol
Except that woman is called Ed.
But as the saying goes. Behind every good man... theres a nagging woman.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Imaani on 4 October, 2007 - 15:08 #33
Err... actually Seraph, the saying goes: Behing every good man... there is an exhausted woman.
At work someone asked me: "So are you an Islam or a Muslim?"
And I don't know how I did it but I actually managed to keep a straight face while answering and explaining it to her.
Submitted by Seraphim on 19 November, 2007 - 13:38 #34
I was with some friends... just hanging out etc. When my phone rang:
[color=blue]Me[/color]: Hello... oh hi sweetheart, how you doing?... hhmm
ahuh... sure... see you soon... love you... bye.
[color=green]MyFriend[/color]: Who was that? :twisted:
[color=blue]Me:[/color] Angelina Jolie.... i like to call her mom. Who thinks that hot?
(It was actually my mom)
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Funzo on 19 November, 2007 - 19:12 #35
"Imaani" wrote:
Err... actually Seraph, the saying goes: Behing every good man... there is an exhausted woman.
At work someone asked me: "So are you an Islam or a Muslim?"
My cousin has the name islam so he would reply i am both lol
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
mum: have you packed your bag?
me: yep
mum: have to got everything?
me: yep
mum: are you sure?
me: yep
mum: where is your passport?
me: huh :?
mum: your gonna need it if your flying on a plane
me: what are you on about i dont need a passport
mum: but you said it takes four hours
me: yeah think so buts its only cumbria mum, its in England and were going by coach.
I turn my back for one second during an IT lesson (was checking my emails :oops: ) and my usually very good class goes wild - I have one boy (who has the face/persoality of an angel) on top on another kid who is twice his size and he's trying to strangle him. I was SO angry, as physical violence has never been an issue in my class.
I seperate the two red faced boys and get them to calm down and then I asked them what happened.
Miss MuslimSister: *Billy why were you strangling *charlie
Billy: cos he wasnt doing his work properly. He was getting it all wrong.
Miss MuslimSister: You decided to strangle him just cos he was doing his work all wrong? Do you ever see me trying to strangle you when you get your work wrong?
Billy: No, miss.
Charlie: Its alright miss. After Billy strangled me, I learnt my lesson.I'll get all my work right next time.
Submitted by Ya'qub on 4 December, 2007 - 17:17 #38
bring back strangling in schools, thats what I say...
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by MuslimBro on 4 December, 2007 - 17:54 #39
This is what school children [i]should[/i] fight over, not over girl/boyfriends.
Submitted by Funzo on 4 December, 2007 - 20:07 #40
Me: Asalaam bro
friend: oh no dont go all religious on me man!
Me: bruv what are you on about?
Friend: giving me salaam and what not
Me: oh, im sorry
friend: just make sure you dont take long trips to paki land
me: what the hell are you on about?
friend no2: *whispers to other friend* bruv if i woz u yeh i wud do a runner dis man goes on dem religious vibes, last time he game sum jigga salaam man!
friend no1: ano man dont wrry, ill talk about girls he will go.
friend no2: nah bruv u kno deze moli types they go on about islam but then next minute chattin up gyals nd wot not.
Me: you guys arent very good at whispering you know.
It wasnt funny but awkward
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Submitted by Dawud on 7 December, 2007 - 11:42 #41
"Ya'qub" wrote:
bring back strangling in schools, thats what I say...
Here here!
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Submitted by Seraphim on 22 January, 2008 - 09:48 #42
[color=blue]Seraph:[/color] Hey man, theres only one god.
ChristianFriend: yeah... hallahhouya bro.
[color=blue]Seraph:[/color] What does hallahlouya mean again?
ChristianFriend: eeer... i think it means praise be to god.
[color=blue]Seraph:[/color] And how do you spell it?
ChristianFriend: H-A-L-L-A-H-L-O-U-Y-A
[color=blue]Seraph:[/color] Okay... now drop the 'H' at the beginning and the third 'L' and 'Y' & 'A' at the end. And what do you get?
ChristianFriend: ALLAHOU.... (realises what he's said) :evil: dude thats not cool man... how can you play me like that?
[color=blue]Seraph:[/color] Its a gift.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Seraphim on 22 January, 2008 - 09:56 #43
This happened at my friends house. He was trying to convince me to get married... so to try and strengthen his arguement he brought his mom in.
[color=violet]FriendsMom:[/color] Salam Seraph, Kamran tells me your 24 now. You should get married now.
[color=blue]Seraph:[/color] Yeah auntie, I agree with you 100%. Jibrans (my other friend) getting married at the end of this year, I think me and Kamran should also get married at the same time. It will be fantastic.
[color=violet]FriendsMom:[/color] Yeah your right. Thats a great idea! (turns to my Kamran) Yeah you should get married at the end of this year.
[color=red]Friend:[/color] :evil: Woh woh woh... mom! You're supposed to be on my side! Your not supposed to... look just go.
[color=red]Friend:[/color] (turns to look at me) dude that is soo not cool.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Funzo on 22 January, 2008 - 11:22 #44
"Seraphim" wrote:
This happened at my friends house. He was trying to convince me to get married... so to try and strengthen his arguement he brought his mom in.
[color=violet]FriendsMom:[/color] Salam Seraph, Kamran tells me your 24 now. You should get married now.
[color=blue]Seraph:[/color] Yeah auntie, I agree with you 100%. Jibrans (my other friend) getting married at the end of this year, I think me and Kamran should also get married at the same time. It will be fantastic.
[color=violet]FriendsMom:[/color] Yeah your right. Thats a great idea! (turns to my Kamran) Yeah you should get married at the end of this year.
[color=red]Friend:[/color] :evil: Woh woh woh... mom! You're supposed to be on my side! Your not supposed to... look just go.
[color=red]Friend:[/color] (turns to look at me) dude that is soo not cool.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Submitted by Ya'qub on 22 January, 2008 - 12:09 #45
I don't understand why anyone wants to delay marriage.
I know there's extra responsibilities etc. but, [b]trust me[/b], the perks greatly outweigh them.
I would be married now if I wasnt waiting for the get-go from both sides' parents. They (understandably) want the prospective lady to complete uni first.
I think all of you should be looking forward to moving out of home and taking on some independance in your lives; I've found myself actually getting much closer to my mum since I moved out of home.
I don't understand why anyone wants to delay marriage.
coz ppl want to get an education first and then be financially secure before they settle down. The actual wedding ceremony costs a couple of grand.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by Ya'qub on 22 January, 2008 - 13:58 #47
"Naz" wrote:
The actual wedding ceremony costs a couple of grand.
isn't it free, or at most a small fee?
If you mean having a big party, then thats different. I've been to expensive weddings, but I've also been to ones at people's houses which cost no more than about £100 all-in (including outfits for the bride and groom and food for all the guests).
The actual wedding ceremony costs a couple of grand.
isn't it free, or at most a small fee?
If you mean having a big party, then thats different. I've been to expensive weddings, but I've also been to ones at people's houses which cost no more than about £100 all-in (including outfits for the bride and groom and food for all the guests).
lol youve obviously never been to a Pakistani wedding. Pakistani parents like to pull out all the stops when their kid is getting married.
Its more expensive for a guy to get married then a women. The guys side of the family have to give a ton of gold, the bridal dress, other outfits with matching accessories, toiletries, other nic nacs to the bride. Thats a couple grand already. The guy side also have to hire out cars for their own family, book a hall for when the brides side comes to eat as well as their own relatives, the food.
Women side gives the bride clothes and gold (but its not as much as the grooms side gives), the expense of going to the beauty parlour to get hair, makeup etc done, hire out cars for their own relatives, book a hall to feed the grooms relatives and well as their own, food.
"Noor" wrote:
"Naz" wrote:
The actual wedding ceremony costs a couple of grand.
only if you want it to be
If only it were that simple.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by Ya'qub on 22 January, 2008 - 18:31 #50
"Naz" wrote:
"Ya'qub" wrote:
"Naz" wrote:
The actual wedding ceremony costs a couple of grand.
isn't it free, or at most a small fee?
If you mean having a big party, then thats different. I've been to expensive weddings, but I've also been to ones at people's houses which cost no more than about £100 all-in (including outfits for the bride and groom and food for all the guests).
lol youve obviously never been to a Pakistani wedding. Pakistani parents like to pull out all the stops when their kid is getting married.
Its more expensive for a guy to get married then a women. The guys side of the family have to give a ton of gold, the bridal dress, other outfits with matching accessories, toiletries, other nic nacs to the bride. Thats a couple grand already. The guy side also have to hire out cars for their own family, book a hall for when the brides side comes to eat as well as their own relatives, the food.
Women side gives the bride clothes and gold (but its not as much as the grooms side gives), the expense of going to the beauty parlour to get hair, makeup etc done, hire out cars for their own relatives, book a hall to feed the grooms relatives and well as their own, food.
haha! one western tradition which I'm definitely sticking to is the father of the bride paying for everything!
it is! then again, it depends on what type of family you come from.
Submitted by Funzo on 22 January, 2008 - 22:54 #52
Weddings are just a gateway for asians to show off.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Submitted by Seraphim on 22 January, 2008 - 22:57 #53
"Irfan.Khan" wrote:
Weddings are just a gateway for asians to show off.
Its not like you've got any other occasion really... except maybe eid when you hire out those cars and drive around the block playing crappy music and waving a flag.... coz thats not showing off... thats patriotism.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Funzo on 22 January, 2008 - 23:04 #54
No thats called being sad, i mean eid is about family not going out and spending "p's" and most of the guys who spend there money should be saving it because its not like there minimum wage job is going to pay off debts.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Submitted by MuslimBro on 23 January, 2008 - 01:10 #55
"Ya'qub" wrote:
I think all of you should be looking forward to moving out of home and taking on some independance in your lives; I've found myself actually getting much closer to my mum since I moved out of home.
I was actually considering this before but my mum got upset.
I've seen Asian families where the sons have got married and they live with their parents, wife and kids in the same house. MashaAllah!
it is! then again, it depends on what type of family you come from.
It doesnt matter on the type of family you have. Marriage isnt just about you and your wife/huband to be. Theres your family and your in laws as well to consider. If they dont get on then chances are that your marriage aint gonna work. Ive been to enough weddings and have seen the family of the bride and groom arguing about the most ridiculous things. Nobody ever bothers to consult the bride and groom about what they want.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by Funzo on 23 January, 2008 - 19:43 #59
I agree with both of you, there are costs to consider like naz mentioned but like noor said if your dead set on sticking to a low budget you can make a really crappy wedding at your house and only inviting the bride and groom and a few others.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Theres nothing wrong with having a simple wedding. I think they are much better then the ones where they spend loads. But ppl of the Pakistani origin will always splash out coz otherwise ppl will make digs and call them cheap skates.
now thats makes sense lol
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Except that woman is called Ed.
But as the saying goes. Behind every good man... theres a nagging woman.
Back in BLACK
Err... actually Seraph, the saying goes: Behing every good man... there is an exhausted woman.
At work someone asked me: "So are you an Islam or a Muslim?"
And I don't know how I did it but I actually managed to keep a straight face while answering and explaining it to her.
I was with some friends... just hanging out etc. When my phone rang:
[color=blue]Me[/color]: Hello... oh hi sweetheart, how you doing?... hhmm
ahuh... sure... see you soon... love you... bye.
[color=green]MyFriend[/color]: Who was that? :twisted:
[color=blue]Me:[/color] Angelina Jolie.... i like to call her mom. Who thinks that hot?
(It was actually my mom)
Back in BLACK
My cousin has the name islam so he would reply i am both lol
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
mum: have you packed your bag?
me: yep
mum: have to got everything?
me: yep
mum: are you sure?
me: yep
mum: where is your passport?
me: huh :?
mum: your gonna need it if your flying on a plane
me: what are you on about i dont need a passport
mum: but you said it takes four hours
me: yeah think so buts its only cumbria mum, its in England and were going by coach.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
I turn my back for one second during an IT lesson (was checking my emails :oops: ) and my usually very good class goes wild - I have one boy (who has the face/persoality of an angel) on top on another kid who is twice his size and he's trying to strangle him. I was SO angry, as physical violence has never been an issue in my class.
I seperate the two red faced boys and get them to calm down and then I asked them what happened.
Miss MuslimSister: *Billy why were you strangling *charlie
Billy: cos he wasnt doing his work properly. He was getting it all wrong.
Miss MuslimSister: You decided to strangle him just cos he was doing his work all wrong? Do you ever see me trying to strangle you when you get your work wrong?
Billy: No, miss.
Charlie: Its alright miss. After Billy strangled me, I learnt my lesson.I'll get all my work right next time.
bring back strangling in schools, thats what I say...
Don't just do something! Stand there.
This is what school children [i]should[/i] fight over, not over girl/boyfriends.
Me: Asalaam bro

friend: oh no dont go all religious on me man!
Me: bruv what are you on about?
Friend: giving me salaam and what not
Me: oh, im sorry
friend: just make sure you dont take long trips to paki land
me: what the hell are you on about?
friend no2: *whispers to other friend* bruv if i woz u yeh i wud do a runner dis man goes on dem religious vibes, last time he game sum jigga salaam man!
friend no1: ano man dont wrry, ill talk about girls he will go.
friend no2: nah bruv u kno deze moli types they go on about islam but then next minute chattin up gyals nd wot not.
Me: you guys arent very good at whispering you know.
It wasnt funny but awkward
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Here here!
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
[color=blue]Seraph:[/color] Hey man, theres only one god.
ChristianFriend: yeah... hallahhouya bro.
[color=blue]Seraph:[/color] What does hallahlouya mean again?
ChristianFriend: eeer... i think it means praise be to god.
[color=blue]Seraph:[/color] And how do you spell it?
ChristianFriend: H-A-L-L-A-H-L-O-U-Y-A
[color=blue]Seraph:[/color] Okay... now drop the 'H' at the beginning and the third 'L' and 'Y' & 'A' at the end. And what do you get?
ChristianFriend: ALLAHOU.... (realises what he's said) :evil: dude thats not cool man... how can you play me like that?
[color=blue]Seraph:[/color] Its a gift.
Back in BLACK
This happened at my friends house. He was trying to convince me to get married... so to try and strengthen his arguement he brought his mom in.
[color=violet]FriendsMom:[/color] Salam Seraph, Kamran tells me your 24 now. You should get married now.
[color=blue]Seraph:[/color] Yeah auntie, I agree with you 100%. Jibrans (my other friend) getting married at the end of this year, I think me and Kamran should also get married at the same time. It will be fantastic.
[color=violet]FriendsMom:[/color] Yeah your right. Thats a great idea! (turns to my Kamran) Yeah you should get married at the end of this year.
[color=red]Friend:[/color] :evil: Woh woh woh... mom! You're supposed to be on my side! Your not supposed to... look just go.
[color=red]Friend:[/color] (turns to look at me) dude that is soo not cool.
Back in BLACK
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
I don't understand why anyone wants to delay marriage.
I know there's extra responsibilities etc. but, [b]trust me[/b], the perks greatly outweigh them.
I would be married now if I wasnt waiting for the get-go from both sides' parents. They (understandably) want the prospective lady to complete uni first.
I think all of you should be looking forward to moving out of home and taking on some independance in your lives; I've found myself actually getting much closer to my mum since I moved out of home.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
coz ppl want to get an education first and then be financially secure before they settle down. The actual wedding ceremony costs a couple of grand.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
isn't it free, or at most a small fee?
If you mean having a big party, then thats different. I've been to expensive weddings, but I've also been to ones at people's houses which cost no more than about £100 all-in (including outfits for the bride and groom and food for all the guests).
Don't just do something! Stand there.
only if you want it to be
lol youve obviously never been to a Pakistani wedding. Pakistani parents like to pull out all the stops when their kid is getting married.
Its more expensive for a guy to get married then a women. The guys side of the family have to give a ton of gold, the bridal dress, other outfits with matching accessories, toiletries, other nic nacs to the bride. Thats a couple grand already. The guy side also have to hire out cars for their own family, book a hall for when the brides side comes to eat as well as their own relatives, the food.
Women side gives the bride clothes and gold (but its not as much as the grooms side gives), the expense of going to the beauty parlour to get hair, makeup etc done, hire out cars for their own relatives, book a hall to feed the grooms relatives and well as their own, food.
If only it were that simple.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
haha! one western tradition which I'm definitely sticking to is the father of the bride paying for everything!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
it is! then again, it depends on what type of family you come from.
Weddings are just a gateway for asians to show off.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Its not like you've got any other occasion really... except maybe eid when you hire out those cars and drive around the block playing crappy music and waving a flag.... coz thats not showing off... thats patriotism.
Back in BLACK
No thats called being sad, i mean eid is about family not going out and spending "p's" and most of the guys who spend there money should be saving it because its not like there minimum wage job is going to pay off debts.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
I was actually considering this before but my mum got upset.
I've seen Asian families where the sons have got married and they live with their parents, wife and kids in the same house. MashaAllah!
at one point, 3 families (or 4) all lived at my grandmas house.
How big is it?
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
It doesnt matter on the type of family you have. Marriage isnt just about you and your wife/huband to be. Theres your family and your in laws as well to consider. If they dont get on then chances are that your marriage aint gonna work. Ive been to enough weddings and have seen the family of the bride and groom arguing about the most ridiculous things. Nobody ever bothers to consult the bride and groom about what they want.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
I agree with both of you, there are costs to consider like naz mentioned but like noor said if your dead set on sticking to a low budget you can make a really crappy wedding at your house and only inviting the bride and groom and a few others.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Theres nothing wrong with having a simple wedding. I think they are much better then the ones where they spend loads. But ppl of the Pakistani origin will always splash out coz otherwise ppl will make digs and call them cheap skates.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy