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u see i have realised the way my nickname is prenounced it seems right to say funzo not FAN-ZO so im sorry i wont change it

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

oh, aryt Sad

i made this decision quite a long time ago but havent been on this 4 a long time

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"Noor" wrote:
does anyone now how far gamkol shareef masjid in birmingham is from the nearest train station.

btw where is cheetham? is it in manchester.

Doing Housework can give you Asthma...

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


gona print this out and show it to my mum! haha, woo hoo, no housework for me!

hang on a min, then what are we meant to clean our houses with? :? i love the smell of them fresh sprays.

"Noor" wrote:

hang on a min, then what are we meant to clean our houses with? :? i love the smell of them fresh sprays.

I think u've let them go to ur head

Back in BLACK

ok i'm back Dirol

i think i made a comment a few weeks ago about fasting in Britain being hard cos of the long hours..........i TOTALLY take that back now! try fasting in 43 degree sunshine!

i saw the ABSOLUTE extremes of Muslims: from the very best to the utter worst (elbowed in the stomach whilst doing tawaf! then the guy refused to apologise and would only say 'wa alaikum' when i gave him my salams! may Allah (swt) forgive him).

i have 245 emails to look thru.... :shock:

but alhamdulillah we got to spend Eid in Mecca cos it was on friday and we left early saturday morning.

reading thru the revival.......where IS everybody?

and thats the end of that chapter

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Assalamu alaikum Ya'qub!

Congratulations on your umrah!

And welcome back.

You have to have more to say than that!? What was your i'tikaf like?

mabrook on your umrah. maasha'Allah

so how was it? the whole atmosphere and everything.
its mentioned in a hadeeth that the holy prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said, those who do umrah in ramadan is like they've done umrah with me. subhaan'Allah.

Congratulations on your very blessed Umrah experiance.

Very happy and pleased for you , can't help but feel jelous how i wish i was there too!

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

"Noor" wrote:
"Noor" wrote:
does anyone now how far gamkol shareef masjid in birmingham is from the nearest train station.

btw where is cheetham? is it in manchester.

If you mean cheetham hill then yeah it is

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

"Ya'qub" wrote:
ok i'm back Dirol

i think i made a comment a few weeks ago about fasting in Britain being hard cos of the long hours..........i TOTALLY take that back now! try fasting in 43 degree sunshine!

i saw the ABSOLUTE extremes of Muslims: from the very best to the utter worst (elbowed in the stomach whilst doing tawaf! then the guy refused to apologise and would only say 'wa alaikum' when i gave him my salams! may Allah (swt) forgive him).

i have 245 emails to look thru.... :shock:

but alhamdulillah we got to spend Eid in Mecca cos it was on friday and we left early saturday morning.

reading thru the revival.......where IS everybody?

and thats the end of that chapter


I need to hear more Yaqub!

How did you feel when you first saw the Kabah? How did you find your umrah? How many Tawaafs/Umrah did you do? Did you go sightseeing?

Do you prefer Makkah or Medinah?

Did you shop in Bin Dawood? Biggrin

How did you find the people? The food? How do you feel now that your back?

And did you meet Admin? Biggrin

Umrah Mubarak Ya'qub!

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

eugh, there was this guy on the bus, well there were 2 of them. they come, sit down and take their shoes and socks of eeek. they get get a nail cutter out and start cliping their toe fingernails! yuk! and the other one, pulls out a bog roll, spits on it and starts wiping his feet with it. aaah it was disgusting! stinky tramps.

wt bus ws it?

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.


id rather walk thn get on 75 or 75- always full of weirdos!

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

all the way from hillsborough, no chance.

salam guys, sorry i havn't been too forthcoming, I moved house about 2 days before going to Saudi and still havn't sorted out internet at my new place yet so online time is being rationed.

I had a very enriching experience, the test started before I even left my house when my passport and ticket mysteriously found there way to inside the bottom of my filing cabinet so i had to take the draws out to find them (this was with 5 mins to go before my friend picked me up to take me to the airport!). I really enjoyed Medina, the mosque is so BLINGING with its domes that slide silently away so you can see the stars at night (except you cant see the stars cos the lights of the city are too bright!)

We were fed Iftar by a family of identical (but of varying sizes) Turkmenistani boys aged between 5 and 14. They reminded me a bit of russian dolls that all fit into one another, they were VERY sweet and SO well behaved).

Mecca was a whole different experience altogether. 3.5 MILLION Muslims in the mosque let alone all the rows and rows of people standing in the streets LITERALLY as far as the eye can see. It was constant pushing, shoving, squeezing into a space to pray and telling people 'Sabr!'

I got to kiss the black stone by standing patiently for my turn, alhamdulillah. The best time for tawaf was STRAIT after maghrib when many people left to eat. I saw many fights and it reminded me of my days of Jahaliya when I used to have a go in mosh-pits!

Ibn Dawud mall was cool, on the 27th night it was actually full of people praying, but I'd spent most of my money in Medina so I just went for halal Burger King (i know its not good but you all don't understand how difficult giving up McD's and BK was for me when I became Muslim!)

We saw the best, kindest people and the worst, rudest people. Almost EVERYONE was Egyptian!

Someone we met in Egypt a few times came ALL the way from Yemen for ONE NIGHT just to see me and my friends!

I've got so much more to say but its still settling in my mind so I'm sure more things'l come up when I have more internet time!

Don't just do something! Stand there.

i watched the kingdom yesterday
any1 seen it?
amazing movie

"ThiS WoRlD Iz A PrIsOn 4 A BeLiVeR AnD PaRaDiSe 4 A NoN-BeLiVeR.........."

im in one of those moods where i just dont wanna do anything.

im sooo tired of everyday cr@p that .....

i wanna put everything on HOLD and ... i dunno... go somewhere where I can gather myself. You know travel from place to place and get into adventures.... like Kane from Kung Fu.

Back in BLACK

^ i'm like that every other day.

my head is spinning Cray 2


beginning to loose the will to go on.

I need a vacation

Back in BLACK

i think i'm going mental :?

my brains not with it.

does anyone cry for no reason? turn of the lights, sit on the ja namaz, countryside or wherever and cry your heart out? i'd go insane if i didn't do that.

"Noor" wrote:
does anyone cry for no reason? turn of the lights, sit on the ja namaz, countryside or wherever and cry your heart out? i'd go insane if i didn't do that.

It's good to cry sometimes, or in your case regularly. It brings out your frustrations and stress that you build up during the day.

Allah (swt) loves tears and the one who cries in fear of the hell-fire and for forgiveness. During Ramadan it was sad to see uncles crying like a baby when the imam was doing the du'a, I simply couldn't do it. Whenever I do cry, I do it when no-one is looking or when I'm alone, maybe it's a man thing, trying to look strong.

You know... i dont think i could cry if i wanted to.

Im just not a weepy person.

I prefer to take my frustration out at the gym.... or maybe id punch a midget or something.

Back in BLACK

"MuslimBro" wrote:
Whenever I do cry, I do it when no-one is looking or when I'm alone

i use to be like that a year back or something, whenever someone would sing a naat or narrate a hadeeth i would force my tears back, but now i can't just do that. sitting in zhikr, when meeting my shaykh or doing ziyarat all set me of. mum now understands, before she use to think her daughters had gone doo lally!

in makkah, after tahajjud, Imam Sudais would lead a long dua that was very emotive and practically EVERYONE around me was sobbing a LOT. these were the same macho men who, only a few moments before had been pushing and barging their way through crowds in an aggresive manner. the Imam himself was crying too, especially on the odd-numbered nights. But i couldn't feel anything. it felt like i was the only dry-eyed person out of the 3 million of us in and around the mosque. it may had been a language thing, but then again there were many people there who couldn't understand much arabic, including my friends, who all 'fealt' the need to cry.

i was left standing, saying 'Ameen' for supplications which I had no knowledge of. I felt absolutely no connectionion with Allah (swt) throughout every dua, no matter how hard I tried.

it was quite a lonely and alienating feeling (but even being lonely didn't make me cry either!!)

Don't just do something! Stand there.

tears are for Allah swt alone, IMO shouldnt be publicised

everyone should try to cry for the sake of Allah swt, to be near to Him SWT, for His SWT forgiveness, the longing for the Praiseworthy SWT

it is even said that if you cant cry, pretend to - theres even blessings in that. One's heart should be as soft as wool, and the tears normally flow in certain experiences that cant be described accurately by me

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.



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