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The real question for those who object to Mutah is:

Would you not let your sister, or daughter, marry Sahabas in a mutah marriage.


Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

There aren't any Sahaba's living amongst us today. Before the Prophet pbuh made mutah marriage haram I would have had no objection at all. At that time people didn't know any different, it was something that was practiced like drinking alcohol... until made haram.

what kind of question is that malik? :roll:

as imaani said, there are no sahaba amongst us now so that question aint applicable.

ps: it's sahaba and not sahabas. sahaba is plural and sahabi is singular.

"malik" wrote:
The real question for those who object to Mutah is:

Would you not let your sister, or daughter, marry Sahabas in a mutah marriage.

No, the real question is whether my sister/daughter would want to marry a Sahaba in a mutah marriage, I can't force her to get married otherwise the marriage would be invalid.


Btw Shia's still practice mutah marriages but the consensus among Sunni scholars is that it is now unlawful.

a was just wondering, when you get to the reivival site, and click forums, ,who automaticly sighns in? and hu does it manually coz am getin bored of typin in "m4k4v3l1", everytime i click sign me in automaticly it neva works

"ThiS WoRlD Iz A PrIsOn 4 A BeLiVeR AnD PaRaDiSe 4 A NoN-BeLiVeR.........."

I do it manually, I didn't know there was an automated system.

With a name like yours, I don't blame you for getting bored.

Automatic all the way.

I can be impatient.

Back in BLACK

MuslimBro has answered the queston perfectly. The other two tried to dodge it as if they are ashmed of the practices of Sahabas and Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (pbuh).

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

no we haven't tried to dodge the question, i mean why would we? if it was permitted then yes but it isnt so it's a NO. get it? :roll:

I think we need a change of subject... Biggrin

Anyone watch eastenders?

Generally, the whole point of marriage is to make it last for ever is you can. So isn't a Mutah marriage more like cohabiting. "I'll be married to you for now, but 6 months down the line I'll ditch you."
Give me a break!

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

"malik" wrote:
The real question for those who object to Mutah is:

Would you not let your sister, or daughter, marry Sahabas in a mutah marriage.


Theres a difference between the Sahaba and average joe like us on the forums.

So the question is would you give your sister/daughter to anyone on these forums in Mutah-Nikah?

Then ask yourself, which is correct your deluded/diluted version of Islam dictated to by khomeini or that which is given by the Prophet Mohammed (SAW)?

He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition, burns a picture to obtain the ashes!

"mmm" wrote:
Then ask yourself, which is correct your deluded/diluted version of Islam dictated to by khomeini or that which is given by the Prophet Mohammed (SAW)?

I will ignore that because if I were to say the same thing about your Abu Hanifa or Shafi, we would go down a different theme.

Your dislike for Sunnah of Prophet and his Sahabas is clear.

I suspect that you put your own wishes above those of Divine teachings.

The fact is that mutah is a valid "short term marriage" in Islam. It was allowed by the Prophet (pbuh) and practised by the Sahabas even after his death.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

"Gulz" wrote:
Anyone watch eastenders?

Astagfirullah! kufr tv in ramadan! tutut

"malik" wrote:
The fact is that mutah is a valid "short term marriage" in Islam. It was allowed by the Prophet (pbuh) and practised by the Sahabas even after his death.

You remember the teachings,

Yet you take them out of context?

Back in BLACK

"malik" wrote:
Your dislike for Sunnah of Prophet and his Sahabas is clear.

so you're al-hakim now? wow.. :roll:

malik, why don't you stop dodging the questions thrown at you and start answering them instead of twisting everyone else’s words.

I think Malik got upset!

Well Khomeini and the magnificent 11, said Mutah is Hallal. Then it must be Halaal for all Shias including your family.

There is a phrase that springs to mind..... big pimpin'

He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition, burns a picture to obtain the ashes!

"Gulz" wrote:
I think we need a change of subject... Biggrin

Anyone watch eastenders?

al change the subjecttt
i split up wid ma gf lol

"ThiS WoRlD Iz A PrIsOn 4 A BeLiVeR AnD PaRaDiSe 4 A NoN-BeLiVeR.........."

"M4k4v3l1" wrote:
"Gulz" wrote:
I think we need a change of subject... Biggrin

Anyone watch eastenders?

al change the subjecttt
i split up wid ma gf lol

no change the subject again

Anyone seen that advert for Cadbury dairy milk where that gorilla/ape is waiting patiently near his drum kit then he starts playing it. All adverts have a disguised message. What’s the Cadbury got to do with a gorilla/ape playing the drum? Its been bugging me for days. Can anyone put me out of my misery.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

Careful noor might start cursing we're talking about the tele again..

Astagfirullah! kufr tv in ramadan! tutut


"Gulz" wrote:
Careful noor might start cursing we're talking about the tele again..

Astagfirullah! kufr tv in ramadan! tutut



No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

You guys are dodging the real question, whereas I would be honoured to give my sister to Prophet or Sahabas in such a marriage. But you some of you guys do not seem love the holy Prophet (pbuh) and his Sahabas as much as you should. You would refuse to marry them your sister in a Mutah ceremony.

I am shocked that you think that they would be doing anything unlawful.
I would hand them anything if they so requested.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

malik, when did you become al-hakim? who the hell are you to say whether if we don't love the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) and the sahaba as much as we should? do you no what's in our hearts? well, do ya? i think NOT.

if you opened your eyes a lil, you would see that all of us here said we wouldn't object to a mutah marriage if it was HALAL, but it isn't halal, it is HARAM so we cannot turn a haram into a halal. if we were living in the era of the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) and the sahaba and if the mutah marriage was permitted then yes, no one would object to it.

is that clear enough for you? or don’t you still get it? :roll:

Yes sister i get it now. Thanks for taking time to explain.

So we all agree now that in the time of Prophet (pbuh) we would all give our sisters to Prophets or Sahabas in mutah.

This is good to hear.

Ya Ali Madaad.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

"malik" wrote:
Yes sister i get it now. Thanks for taking time to explain.

So we all agree now that in the time of Prophet (pbuh) we would all give our sisters to Prophets or Sahabas in mutah.

This is good to hear.

Ya Ali Madaad.


I thought she was saying that too, but then re-read it and there's a second 'if' as in:

"if the mutah marriage was permitted"

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

i've got 1 assignment for tomorrow and another 4 for this month and i haven't even started any of them and i'm posting on the revival!!!
i'm forcing myself to do it but its just not happening... and i'm not even panicking!

what's wrong wid me :?

i'm so gona get chucked of this course!

Your becomin addicted! Biggrin tut tut

Spreading the word of Islam!!! is the duty of all muslims.

does anyone now how far gamkol shareef masjid in birmingham is from the nearest train station.

Hey Fanzo why have you changed your name for?

I shouldn't find the line in your avatar funny, but I do. Still preferred the man U one though. I think this pic's a bit OTT.


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