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1) Look in the manual, box or the manufacturers website for your wireless router, usb adaptor/network card.

2) Open the software for your usb adaptor/network card and it should be there. If your hardware is called Linksys then I should be able to help you out as I have it.

[b][color=indigo]I'm confused :?

I'll ask uncle tmz. [/color][/b]

"MuslimBro" wrote:
"yashmaki" wrote:
mine is encrypted im pc savvy Dirol lol

What encryption do you use? (WEP, WPA or WPA2)

"Seraphim" wrote:
(i wouldnt say hack-in as that implies you actually did something to break in... which you dont... only a matter of point and click).

If there is a wireless network which isn't encrypted then yes it wouldn't be called hacking-in, but if the network was encrypted and you use software to hack-in then yes it would be called hacking-in. You interested in hacking by any chance?

"Seraphim" wrote:
But having said that... password protected networks arent all that if you know what your doing and have the right tools.

WEP can easily be hacked into (if you have the right software and know your stuff) but WPA and WPA2 encryption are near impossible to hack into bcoz of the major improvements they have made, only the most advanced hackers can hack into WPA networks (I would say that WPA2 is impossible to hack into bcoz it uses WPA technology and also AES and CCMP so it is fully secure).

WEP is riddled with flaws: the IV generated is a maximum of only 24 bits not to mention some cards giving it a value of 0 and then incrementing it by 1 every time. WEP2 simply changed it from 24 bit to a 128bit... only to fail to prevent the IV replay exploits and IV key reuse.
WPA and WPA2 provides a bit more of a challenge WPA2 provides government grade security by implementing 140-2 compliant AES encryption algorithm.

But just when you thought it was safe mathematically speaking they're all still suseptible to a determined brute force attack. Its only a matter of time.

IMO the only computer 100% safe is one thats not connected to the internet or any other network for that matter.

Back in BLACK

"MuslimBro" wrote:
You interested in hacking by any chance?

I have a passing interest.

Back in BLACK

he;s got nowt better to do...hacker u comp watcher just like train spotters huh! :shock:

"yashmaki" wrote:
he;s got nowt better to do...hacker u comp watcher just like train spotters huh! :shock:

Woh Woh Woh.... i hope that wasnt directed at me?

Im not a weirdo hacker... im a tinkerer of things... i read alot... nothing else

Back in BLACK

ah ur a nerd...its the nerds ur gotta watch out for they're the ones that bill gates recruits Wink

"yashmaki" wrote:
ah ur a nerd...its the nerds ur gotta watch out for they're the ones that bill gates recruits Wink

actually i do alot more than just computer-know-how... im a man of many talents. Dirol

Back in BLACK

:roll: can u cook if u can then id be impressed and i'd have a long list of potential brides for u Lol

"yashmaki" wrote:
:roll: can u cook if u can then id be impressed and i'd have a long list of potential brides for u Lol

lol unfortunately sis thats not one of them

my cooking skills go as far as spaghetti-bolognese and anything i can heat up in the microwave....

sorry to disappoint

Back in BLACK

"Seraphim" wrote:
I have a passing interest.

Just reading or actually doing it?......I'm still learning, not that I plan to do anything Blum 3

"yashmaki" wrote:
he;s got nowt better to do...hacker u comp watcher just like train spotters huh! :shock:

Ahh there's a big difference. Train spotters are harmless, hackers are not :twisted:

or some reason i have an interest in almost all aspects of computers... except hacking.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

i'm so glad my laptop is all on wireless connection so little hassel.

oh yeh talking of laptops are laptops harmful for you in any way?

becasue my uncle and mum do not let me keep it on my knee or if i am in bed i'v have to put a pillow or a cushion underneath it and then rest teh laptop on top of it?

mum and uncle say it can give u cancer :roll:

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

"Bliss" wrote:
i'm so glad my laptop is all on wireless connection so little hassel.

oh yeh talking of laptops are laptops harmful for you in any way?

becasue my uncle and mum do not let me keep it on my knee or if i am in bed i'v have to put a pillow or a cushion underneath it and then rest teh laptop on top of it?

mum and uncle say it can give u cancer :roll:

There was an article in the paper to that affect causes cancer and infertility :roll: but i wouldnt believe it.

Back in BLACK

best to take precautions specially if ur pregnant dont sit there with the thing on ur lap next to your stomach. i agree with ur parents. where there is radiation there is always a possibility.

I don't think it's the actual laptop that gives out radiation, it is the network card (which you use to connect to the internet).

Same with wireless usb adaptors, mobile phones, wireless game controllers, all of them give out signals.

I get headaches and my ears go red if I talk on my mobile phone too long, wonder why....

While the first bit is funny (there are ignorant people everywhere, not just the US), the end is downright scary.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.


as you point out, there are stupid people everywhere......but the US certainly has it's share!

The bit I find frightening is the ending whre people at some point (I would assume this clip is a year or two old) were willing to support an invasion of another country they had not even heard of!

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

agree, although it is presented as 'comedy' it is disturbing - i guess the only 'redeeming' feature being that they clearly targetted completely ignorant people with no knowledge of culture/history/beliefs/geography/history.
I was going to say that since many US citizens
now believe they are the worlds superpower they have become a very insular nation and dont care much for what happens outside their country (unless it affects their oil supply) - but they didnt know anything of their own country either ('name a country beginning with U' - which drew mostly blank faces and 'Ugoslavia!?) ??!!
Iam hoping they had hours of footage they coudnt use as people gave sensible comments - but im not so sure...

the 'Name a country starting with U' bit was hilarious.

But to get there, you probably do require a lot of footage. Besides anyone can have a thick moment.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

The answers some people gave were really funny. May I take the pleasure of quoting the best ones.

Q. What's the religion of Israel?
A. Israeli, Muslim, Islamic, Catholic.

Q. What religion are Buddhist monks?
A. Islam.

Q. Who's Fidel Castro?
A. A Singer.

Q. How many sides does a triangle have?
A. 4, 1.

Q. What is the currency used in the United Kingdom?
A. American money, Queen Elizabeth's money.

And how did people believe the guy was the prime minister of Australia, a man even claimed to see Howard on tv and he couldn't even tell the difference!

The map game was quite funny, people were relying on reading the names rather than knowing where the countries where.

Q. Who is Tony Blair?
A. Skater, Actor.

Q. Kofi Annan is a drink, true or false?
A. Coffee's a drink.

Q. Which countries are in the axis of evil?
A. Germany, California, New York, Jerusalem, Florida, Mississippi.

Q. What is a mosque?
A. An animal Lol

Q. How many kidney's does a person have?
A. 1.

Q. How many world wars have there been?
A. 3.

Q. Star Wars is based on a true story, true or false?
A. True.

Q. Where is the West Bank?
A. East Coast, New York.

Q. How many Eiffel towers are there in Paris?
A. About 10.

Q. What is Al-Qaeda?
A. Suicide group in Israel (and president of Al-Qaeda is Yasser Arafat), a wing of the masonic order.

Ok, nearly all the questions were funny, except for the bit at the end.

The guy at the end of the video said "Whatever he (Bush) thinks is right....he's got to be right." I can't believe some people still have this attitude, even though they have seen what is going on in Iraq. To make it worse, they have never heard of the country Kyrgyzstan.

This video is part 2 of 'American People are Stupid'.


I was shocked and even angry at some of the responses people gave, some people even blame Iraq for September 11th....even though Iraq was of no threat to the US, and the west in general.

D.u.m.b. as mules and twice as ugly

Back in BLACK

Once again I will point out that ever village has it's idiot. You will fidn ti if you look hard enough.

(I assume we all have two kidneys? That is going a long time back and Biology was something I normally daydreamed through...)

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
(I assume we all have two kidneys? That is going a long time back and Biology was something I normally daydreamed through...)
is that a serious question? yea we have two but we can live with just one.


"*DUST*" wrote:
"Admin" wrote:
(I assume we all have two kidneys? That is going a long time back and Biology was something I normally daydreamed through...)
is that a serious question? yea we have two but we can live with just one.

Yes it was serious.

Now coming to think of it I can remember some diagram from school.

I know we have one heart, one brain, one liver. Blum 3

But it was just as an example that anyone can not know something which is simple, or forget when in the limelight.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

could any one tell me more about microsoft office?? My hubby needs it for his accounts. Are we looking at the right product?? if so could anybody tell me where I can get it from?

live and let live!!!!!!!

"Admin" wrote:
(I assume we all have two kidneys?

Yeah we have two kidneys and it's possible to live with only one.

While we are on the topic, can I just list some amazing facts:
- You can live without a gallbladder.
- Brain makes up about 2% of your body's weight but requires around 20% of your body's blood supply.
- Your small intestine is 5 meters long.
- Skin is the largest organ and accounts for 16% of your body's weight.
- When you swallow, your voice box is blocked to prevent food from entering your lungs.
- When you drink alot of water, your kidneys produces more urine to prevent your blood from becoming too dilute (admin that might have been the reason why the woman died - you know the story you quoted who drank lots of water in a competition to win a Nintendo Wii.....well I think it was you).
- Your liver is the largest internal organ.
- Your appendix has no known function.


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