App Recommendation - Salaah: Muslim Prayer

I've just come across this app today - available on Android and also iOS devices (iPhone, iPad etc) too.

It is a pretty simple app with a pretty simple goal: A step by step guide to prayer and its precursors.

Prayer is something where many can feel embarrassed to ask questions as they think they should already know everything, so having an app that covers the basics is a very useful thing.

This app covers all the basics wudu, ghusl, prayer, funeral funeral (something that can be performed so occasionaly that you need to brush up every time before any funeral you attend), eid prayers and salaatul tasbih.

The App is well thought out, it is clear and conscise, giving you specific details. This app does not mention i but it teaches the hanafi way and it is to teach you how to perform prayer without getting bogged down or losing you in the details.

The app provides simple illustrations of positions in prayer, provides the arabic words to use, their translitteration to help pronunciation and also translation to understand the meanings.

I recommend this app to everyone to have a look at and use.

If you are not hanafi, then the taught method may differ slightly from how you pray (as the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) prayed in slightly different ways throughout his life and as all are valid, the scholars have different opinions on which is the preferred way, but these differences are allowed and minor), but it should still be useful to have and a IMO a very good app to recommend to people who want to learn about prayer or even brush up and check if they fully remember what they have been taught already.

5 Stars. Out of 5.

If I had any suggestions for the app authors, it would be to break the adhaan out into its own section, to cover the sajdah sahv (extra sajdahs done when you make some mistakes, but I can see why that will make the app very detailed and may make it lose simplicity) and have an about page confirming that the method taught is the hanafi method - something that for most it is not really necessary to know, but nevertheless interesting for those who want to research such things.

Google Play Link: Salaah: Muslim Prayer


Oooo, that looks interesting.


the one that i have is called Muslim Pro lol.

Its got prayer timetables, The different Islamic holidays, the entire Quran is on there. Its got Halal places to eat near you finder, a list of hte 99 names of Allah (swt). And a compass to help you find the Qibla.

It also lets you send e-greetings cards.

Back in BLACK

The step-to-step guide is really useful, though to improve they could have given audio recordings of the arabic. Other than that, it is really good, and I can see why you've given it 5/5 

(The ghusl bit does mention it's the hanafi method)

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Seraphim wrote:
the one that i have is called Muslim Pro lol.

Its got prayer timetables, The different Islamic holidays, the entire Quran is on there. Its got Halal places to eat near you finder, a list of hte 99 names of Allah (swt). And a compass to help you find the Qibla.

It also lets you send e-greetings cards.

Useful stuff. However no step by step guide on how to pray that you can recommend to people who are interested.

This app does that and does it well. It leaves all the other stuff you mention above to other apps. Like the one you mention.


EDIT - Better phrasing follows:

both Apps are complementary. Salaah:Muslim Prayer teaches you how to prayer. Muslim Pro tells you when to pray and where to face and allows you access to recital of the qur'an (the free version just has a surah etc).

So both apps cover different needs and are complimentary to each other.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.