
Ticking Time Bombs

‘Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 is not the company’s only smartphone prone to dangerous explosions, according to a new lawsuit that says a Galaxy S6 Active shot out flames 5in high and left one user with melted flesh.

It was revealed that the lithium ion battery was causing combustions.

More than 90 Samsung Note 7 phones have caused damage, and problems continued even after the company recalled and replaced some of the phones. 

The Note 7 is now banned from many airlines, forcing the company the open stalls in airports where owners can swap or refund devices before boarding.

App Recommendation - Salaah: Muslim Prayer

I've just come across this app today - available on Android and also iOS devices (iPhone, iPad etc) too.

It is a pretty simple app with a pretty simple goal: A step by step guide to prayer and its precursors.

Prayer is something where many can feel embarrassed to ask questions as they think they should already know everything, so having an app that covers the basics is a very useful thing.

This app covers all the basics wudu, ghusl, prayer, funeral funeral (something that can be performed so occasionaly that you need to brush up every time before any funeral you attend), eid prayers and salaatul tasbih.

HTC One X updated to Jellybean (Android 4.1)

I yesterday got the much awaited for update to the phone software to Android 4.1.

Its just minor refinements, but now also includes "Google Now".

I havent turned that on, as its creepy for your phone to know that you are going work befoer you do... but you can still use voice with the google search box and its really good.

Without turning on Google Now, I dont know a way to get the weather to be set to celcius instead of centrigrade, but its still good. It can answer some queries in voice, for others it will bring up google search results if needed or even carry out actions.

"Is it going to rain tomorrow?" (spoken reply) "yes, the forcast for tomorrow in ... is 45 degrees with rain"

"Set alarm for 9am"

"Send message to ..."

Xperia X10 meets Android 2.1

It has been a while since I talked about my phone.

Today, I got impatient with T-Mobile releasing the latest softweare update for my phone, so I debranded it to generic firmware and then updated it to the latest released version for my phone - Android 2.1 (Eclair - all the android versions are named after deserts) to get all the new goodies.

There is the live walpapers that other android phones have now had for yonks, updated web browser, and an updated lock screen that shows more information.

An unexpected thing is that the theme for the phone is slightly tweaked making the text size larger, and that will take some time getting used to.

Navigating my Android, Xperia x10 Redux

Today while at work I read that the google maps that can be downloiaded for android (and this update has been available since before I got my phone) now comes with navigation.

So I thought I would test it out.

But before I get onto that, a couple of other things. I think google is spying on me...

In the maps app, for "from" I accidentally hit the letter "i" and the very first suggestion that popped up was "Islamgarh, Mirpur, Azad Kashmir" or something close.

Secondly, google mail has built in chat and the phone has a gtalk app. Today, freakily it suddenly started talking to me. Well, not it but someone who I have emailed (revival related) who needed to get some things done. I had thought if the app was shut, I would be unavailable.

Android Qibla Finder apps comparison

How do we know which direction we should face when we pray?

There are ways of calculating this - you need to know your current location, the location of the qiblah and also some way to determine direction.

Most android phones have built in GPS (and most/others can also use other means to determine a good approximate of the location), and a built in compass. This should be enough for some app to combine the data and let you know which direction to face.

I am not the first with that realisation - there are a few apps on the Angroid Marketplace which say they can locate the qiblah/direction to face when praying. I tested the free options.

Sony Ericsson Xperia X10

I wasw going to write a blog full of innuendo and stuff, but I cannot remember what most of it was :/

And then I briefly considered taking a picture of the phone to accompany this blog, but again that would be weird since the photo would be taken with my old phone...

Ok... so... the phone.

Its got a nice and large screen (am I compensating for something by buying a phoen with such a huge screen?) and it looks nice enough.

It is an "Android" phone, meaning it has the android Smartphone OS on there - version 1.6 at the moment, which is sort of ancient, but I decided to accept the information that they will update it to the lastest version something in the near future.