Single Muslim mums

Asalaamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu, my name is Misbah and I'mm the founder of Single Muslim Mums. I'm here to promote awareness insha'Allah about the problems that  single Muslim mums face on an every day basis.  These sisters are shunned by society, seen as substandard and are in a lot of cases refused for marriage simply because they are single mothers either throught divorce or by being widowed.  They are made to feel isolated and are stopped from speaking up about this issue as they are made to feel guilty.  A lot of sisters suffer from low eeman as a result and some are depressed and even suicidal.  It can be very lonely being a single mum as not all sisters have their famiy's support, that means no help with the kids, no financial aid if their ex refuses to pay maintenance but more importantly no-one to talk to that will comfort them.  These women are the mothers of our future ummah, OUR sisters in Islam and it is our responsibility as an ummah to help them in whichever way we can.  For more information please contact me or check out my facebook page: I am currently trying to make the organisation into a charity and am looking for a free website designer/maintainer who is willing to take their reward from Allah swt.  I am also insha'Allah looking for an aalim/counsellor willing to write regularly for the website.  If you are interested please get in contact with me.  Jazakhallah khairan.

Sounds like a good charity

I'll get people (single mums and others) to LIKE the FB page...