Inshallah i will be writing an article on 10 things every mosque should do.
so do me a favour and list everything you think all mosques should do/provide etc
Inshallah i will be writing an article on 10 things every mosque should do.
so do me a favour and list everything you think all mosques should do/provide etc
LOL-Mr Ed ur such a lazy bum
any way
mosques should
1-GET WOMEN MORE INVOLVED!!! the shouldnt be so sexist and should encourage EVRYONE to get involved-
2-encourage the youngster to do english speeches/work there
4-be in touch with current affair and not get bogged down with aqeedah issues
5-be open 24/7 for people of the community
6-open their doors to the non Muslims
7-teach Islamic studies to kids-not just Arabic
8-give back to the community-always doing fundraising events
9-produce literature
10-Appoint LilSis to run their Mosque for them
Great list!
But I don’t like number 10 though :? ….
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Like I care what the likes of YOU think :roll:
Its alrite lilsis im sure they wouldnt mind having a little girl whose afraid of the dark on the comitee.
Back in BLACK
c'mon ppl, ignore that judda budda, hes doing his best to destroy every thread....
lets get some serious answers pls...
especially considering she wants it open 24/7.....that includes in the dark
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
they shouldnt mind
my sisters been trying to get on the mosque commite for some time now
they all know and like her-they call her up to do speeches and give her number to women who convert in their mosque
they know our family-they dont have a probl with her aqeedah
and yet they wont let her on the commitee cos she;s a girl
good for nothing sexist men
EVRYONE should be allowed in mosque commitee
even non practisng people
i think theyre afraid of women more than anything, like 2 keep the power to themselves.
not sure on non-practicing mulsims bieng in the commitee.....doesnt send out a good message
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
you are spot on littlesis..
women should have as much say as men
they should definitely be on the committee to air the views and concerns of the Muslim women in the mosque and the community....
today alot of mosques dont even have facilities for sisters..which is disgraceful!
at least two mosques in my town dont allow women to pray there
they think that women should pray at home
me and sis made dad, my brother,my cousins and their mates boycot that mosque
we dont allow the men of our family to pray in sexist mosques
dont you think every mosque should have:
pool tables/table tennis etc.. to attract the youngsters to enter the mosque..and then get them in to salaah/education etc...
i mentioned this on the radio past few years and got shot down, big time!!!! accused of creating the mosque in to a club
in this other mosque that my sister goes to they have a pool table and teach kids kick boxing at least once a week
mosques should have some facilities like that
but only open to people to reg go to that mosque-
dont want the riff raff coming in and blazing :roll:
lol....ur ryt Ed, the mosque people are foreggting the purpose of the mosque is also a focal point for the community. a place where everyone can get together and work for the community, not just pray 5 tymz a day.
do you remember that Imam from Chicago? Big Dude who used to be a real gangster, but converted to islam and has done a lot of work in USA for muslims. well....the mosque they created had soprts facilities, leisure facilities etc where kids could hang out and when the aza'an went every1 would stop and go pray, and then return.
it creates a sense of cohesion amongst the community, and more importantly it would give the mosques more of a positive shine
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Every mosque should have
1. its own Islamic library or even a cyber cafe.
2. Some sort of recreation activity to draw youths away from the streets.
3. Get more involved with the community e.g. fundraisers was a good tip
4. a womens circle type thing where they get togeather and do stuff (alot of sisters are going astray... sad to see but its tru).
Back in BLACK
but one problem exits for most of the suggestions.....funding.
creating facilities cost money, and some mosques have to struggle to buy a new carpet...whislt others hide the money under the rug
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
And there lie the 2 main problems.
1. No cash (u knw money, the green stuff, the stuff that makes the world go round)
2. And if there is cash some1's lining their own pocket with it.
Back in BLACK
If mosques have pool tables and stuff then it should be for regulars only, like Lilsis said.
We had a 'madrassah' around here which had pool and boxing but that attracted people who would have a fag or a joint before and after namaz. :roll:
some very good points made by MPAC, not surprising most are politically motivated:
1) They will all have pro-active media departments ready to mobilise the community to counter any Demonisation of Islam/Muslims and provide positive feedback on favourable presentations of Islam/Muslims. The mosques would ensure the Media remains free from a few powerful vested interests and remains the publics property.
2) They will all have political departments ready to teach the community the A-Z of political participation. They will provide advice on voter registration, lobbying your MP, domestic/national issues, encouraging an ethical foreign policy, joining and taking an active part in political parties. Aiding the fight against terrorism by effectively channeling the anger of those who are justifyably angry at foreign policy, and allowing them to fulfil the 'fard' duty of Jihad Peacefully, Democratically and Intelligently.
3) They will all focus heavily on education - not just Islamic - but the national curriculum too. They will organise homework clubs, provide tutors, have a library, internet access and a careers advice facility. Muslims are the most poorly educated community in Britain, sytematic programs by the Mosques can reverse this.
4) Islamic history to be taught. Young Muslims must be informed of the great achievements of our past Heroes. Mentoring schemes should also be set up to provide role models and practical advice for the younger generation. Young Muslims know more about Bollywood filmstars than they do about Khalid Bin Waleed. Again this is soley due to the failure of the Mosques.
5) All mosques should have a welfare officer to council and deal with the problems of the congregation and their families. We must stress the need for “social justice” and provide advice and help on issues such as marital harmony, drug abuse, homelessness and discrimination and all other relevant issues - the welfare officer would look after the needs of local residents Muslims and non Muslim. The mosque must not become a place where Muslims only look to help Muslims, but the wider community, the beauty of Islam is justice for all not the few.
6) Outreach and Open Day programs to be created to stop racism and Islamaphobia and ease community tensions. Invitations to be given to all non-Muslim residents in the neighbourhood of the mosque. Monthly open days to be held where non-Muslims will be invited to the mosque for a meal and given the chance to ask questions and learn about Islam and the Muslim community. This will break down barriers, create understanding between communities and reverse racism and Islamaphobia created mainly by sections of the Media. MPACUK is already trialing this in a numer of Mosques around the UK.
7) All non-Muslims from the community would have full rights to visit and benefit from any and all facilities and teaching programs within the Mosque. Programs to encourage this would be set up. Failure of non Muslims to attend would be a failure by the Mosque Leadership to encourage this, and they would be held accountable.
9) The imams and Mosque staff must be the best men from the community, religious Scholars/Activists/Managers with excellent knowledge not only of Islam but also of British society and the English language. The minimum wage for the Imam or Mosque Management Team would be £30,000. To attract and retain the best man for the job we must be prepared to pay a fair wage. The community would be taught to pay a good wage for a decent service to the community.
10) Womens Rights In The Mosque a priority. All Mosques to contain adequate space and facilities for women, plus the Mosque committee should consider having reserved seats for female members of the congregation so they are not excluded from taking an active role in creating programs for the betterment of the community. Women must have equal decision-making roles and an equal platform to serve the mosque and the wider community. Our failure in allowing women to part of the committess has destroyed the very fabric of our community. By not creating active women, we fail to train the mothers of our children in how to better the world. It is no surprise then our children are so lost in the world today.
11) All Mosque leaders must be accountable to the public, both Muslim and non-Muslim. Any member of the public can demand an audience and the leaders must justify publicly all decisions and actions they have made on behalf of the community. The Mosque Leaders should act like Umar RTA taught us - as servants to the public and not their masters.
12) Twenty-four hour hotlines in all the larger mosques to address community needs or any challenge to mankind anywhere around the world.
13) Campaign teams would be set up to respond to any challenge within 24 hours to any situtation anywhere around the world.
14) Friday sermons must be in English as well as the language of the local community and must contain messages on current affairs and offer practical solutions/advice on how to help the community and work for the good of all the Ummah not simply stories from the past.
15) Offices will be provided for local community groups within the Mosques, so the local Muslims and non Muslim activists can benefit the wider community and find support from Mosques themselves, rather then working alone. Thus homeless groups to drug rehabilitation agencies can be based within the community heart helping the whole community from one roof.
every mosque should have a marriage where ppl can talk and discuss marraige with the imaaam, mufti etc...and speak to qualified ppl about choosing a marriage partner etc
every mosque should have a discuss personal problems...
but would you trust a counsellor with your problems? next thing you know, you turn up to jummah and everyone is lookin at you awkwardley
i think too many upheavals in the mosques wont work....sum committees cant be trusted whilst others can
marriage bearuea isnt a bad idea, but shud be separate from the mosque. it could possibly have negative effects no the mosque
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
obviously anyone who is appointed in the mosque has to be trustworthy, qualified, know the islamic ettiquettes etc
most of the points we have mentioned on this thread can be implemented in most mosques only if the committee, imam, and the public of that mosque is willing, eager, sincere aand understands the needs of the time.
asking for too much realistically. it would probably work in a few mosques at the most and mess up somewhere down the line of implenting the suggested improvements in other mosques.
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
ok so what is realistic to you?
Here's my first suggestion:
1. All UK mosques should have one universal set of rules regarding committee selection. All mosques should hold elections on the same day.
Not gonna happen but it would be great if it did.
the mosque near me got a gym sorted out sm where in bck so the lads would want to come ....and only opened after salaah time.....they gt sm brains
qualified counseller is a good idea
marraige thing is a silly idea-esp since cultural backward elders will take this upon themselves :roll:
Besides, people will only use to look for a second, third or fourth wife.
All I can suggest is that mosques encourage, participation from all types of members of the community…so that ALL types of people feel that they are represented in the Mosque…be it women, men children, teenagers etc etc
People can then feel that they can relate to someone just like them….active participation will also keep people busy and away from trouble.
And the benefits of having a counsellor is that our Muslim community will feel that they have someone to talk to confidentially….that way they wont have to chat to their teachers or people who may give wrong/un-Islamic advice.
That, and the fact that Imams need to get more culturally clued up.....become more "British" and less "Paki"...also realise that youth dont really care about aqeedah issues....there's much more important stuff to discuss.
not everyone thinks like u Fred :roll:
Paki women would never allow their men to have a second wife
and this aint even in our culture
I was just wondering where the funding for all this would come from, the MPAC list, point number 9 that Imam should get no less than £30,000 per annum is a good joke, where will all the other funding come from i.e pool table, dart board, skipping ropes, hopskotch areas, library plus staff to manage all this?? Today many (not all) imams are money motivated, they came from overseas for a job and if the get £150 a week they will do the work for that amount and if they are asked to do more then they fall out with the committee.
Many imams tend to have big madrassas back home and what do they do? collect all the money and send it back home to make even more madrassas! Why not build a few good schools or Islamic education institutes here! In my opinion the UK will only get more home grown imams if they see a better image of the mosque imams and the pay. How can someone be tempted to study Islam when there friend is earning £500 a week just by working in a 9-5 office job?
A great change is required which should begin with educating mosque committees and having educated people on the committee boards.
The best preacher is the conscience, the best teachers are time and experience, the best book is the world, the best friend is God