So do you celebrate the mawlid/milad?
yes, no, why?
if you do how do you do it?
if not what's the main reasons...
How is it done in your town/city/local mosque?
Lets not get in to sectarian debates... and accuse each other of bidah, kufr etc...
If those who celebrate it and those who don't communicate properly hatred disappears and you start to understand and appreciate each other instead of seeing the other as 'wahabi', 'brelwi', 'deobandi', 'salfi', etc...
nope, because the prophet (pbuh) didnt do it. and the companions neither.
and I agree with your last point, Good point.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
+1 the sahaba didn't do it. I'm good with anything as long as people have evidence ie. Qur'an, Ahadith, ijtihad among scholars.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
ijtimaa' isnt? consensus you meant?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Why did i write ijtihad??? But yeah that's what i meant, thanks
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Yup, I do celebrate Mawlid/Milaad.
life, and to remind ourselves of the Sunnah, which we can then try to bring into our lives. I mean without the Prophet
we would still be living in a society who was corrupt and deep within the Jahliyah (Although you could argue that we are living in ignorance now -which is actually true, society now is corrupt and in a sense we defo are in the midst of Jahiliyah). The Prophet
gave Women rights,helped us to gain peace and tranquilty and taught us about our creator, Allah (swt). So I suppose without the Prophet, we wouldn't have the holy Qur'an because it was revealed to him.
Tbh,I do it to celebrate the prophet
I celebrate Mawlid/Milaad, by fasting, Sending extra Salawat to the prophet, Thanking Allah and showing gratitude,Singing praises about the Prophet(Burdah). In my community though, I suppose there is kind of an atmosphere during Mawlid/Milaad, Houses are lit up with lights,etc. But I think it's kind of become a competiton now- which is really stupid as the true sense of Malid/Milaad is dissapearing.People want their kids to sing the best nasheeds/praises, they want to argue about trivial stuff during recitiations. We should all be united and pray and thank Allah(swt)together. We are the Ummah after all.
Death is the end of time. Not the end of Life.
Shaykh ul Islam Dr Tahir ul Qadri made a very beautiful point regarding Mawlid. Shaykh mentioned that Mawlid is better and higher in rank than Laylatul Qadr. On Laylatul Qadr we stay awake during the night asking Almighty Allah to forgive us, the night of Qadr is for us, for our own benefit, we spend the night in repentence for our sins whereas for Mawlid we stay awake in the remembrance of Almighty Allah's Beloved, we stay awake celebrating the birth of the Holy Prophet SAW, singing his SAW praises, talking about his SAW seerah, reciting durood and salaam upon him SAW, making the dhikr of Almighty Allah.
Shaykh states that what is more worthy and loving in the sight of Almighty Allah, staying awake for our own sake or staying awake for the sake of His most Beloved Prophet SAW and rejoicing in his coming.
‘Say: Because of the (fadl) Blessings of Allah and His (rahma) Mercy you should celebrate (with happiness and pleasure). That is better than what (wealth) they amass.’ (Quran - 10:58).
Can I ask, those who don't celebrate the birth of the Holy Prophet SAW, do you celebrate your own birthday whether it's in the form of throwing a party, receiving gifts etc??
I find it funny those who state it's 'haram/bidha/shirk' to celebrate the birth of the Holy Prophet SAW yet they hold their own birthday with such importance and celebrate it.
I love celebrating Mawlid-un-Nabi SAW, just the thought of the day the greatest creation was sent to mankind to take us out of darkness makes me want to shout out loud alhumdulillah, we are truly blessed. No birthday is more worthy to be celebrated as such, the whole world should know that this is the biggest calendar date for the Muslims.
I love the feeling and I pray to my Lord SWT that he continues to bless me and my family to continue celebrating as well as our coming generations
Rabbi-ul-awwal Mubarak!
nope, dont celebrate my bday.
i accept that some people feel that its an important date, but the most important celebration? how can we tell the world this is our most important celebration and yet some of us dont celebrate it. thats..not right.
Let's stick to the eids being our msot important celebration eh?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Asalaamu Alaikum,
Due to it being an innovation, nope.
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I think the idea is that if a person is not Muslim, then no other celebration matters. Without the prophet (saw), we wouldnt have the other celebrations.
As for importantness - I dont see why people argue such stuff too much.
I do believe that all Muslims who may or may not "celebrate" the mawlid are still happy and joyous that the prophet
was born and that is the most important thing. (It seems I am arguing importantness now.)
As for the argument of bid'ah, I came across a new idea the other day - that the sahabahs did "bid'ah" infront of the prophet
- this is a form of sunnah where if something was done said or mentioned infront of the prophet (saw), and the prophet
either agreed or remained silent, it became a part of accepted sunnah.
But before the prophet (saw)'s reaction, it had to be independently done by a member of the sahaba and would be something new that hadnt been done before.
Saying that, I still dont think it applies here as any acts done are rarely "new acts" but existing acts which are strengthened or done more than normal.
But as long as people are doing what they do for the right reasons, I can accept them all - including not doing something specific in order to greater emulate the way of the prophet (saw).
A superb thing to do.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
i find it funny that you are making assumptions. i don't celebrate my birthday. i remember one birthday party done by my parents when i was very young, they were ignorant so it's forgiveable. My friends have given me presents in the past, but when i started learning about my religion i expressly told them not to, but theyre more than welcome to give me presents all year round, i won't say no to that, what sane person would?
i don't celebrate the mawlid same reasons as lily i think theres a lack of evidence for it, end of.
if you choose to great, but lets not argue about it please.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
i dont think intention is enough.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Can the people both for and against put together actual points with evidence for their position?
I'd like to read them please.
I don't want you to argue about it, just want to compare them and see where each person is coming from and how strong their evidence is.
Jazak'Allah khayr in advance
I don't think i have enough knowledge to go around correcting people and demanding that they should or should not celebrate Milaad, because i am in no place to judge at all. I don't see a problem with doing Durood, Dhikr and extra recitation of the Quran, but isn't that something that we should be doing all year around anyway?
Last year, near to where i live, the Peer landed in a helicopter, there were horses and fireworks, road closures and people put up Christmas decorations at the front of their houses. I'm not too sure whether the Prophet (S) would approve of this extravagance since Islam is all about simplicity? Here's a link of what it looked like:
I liked this answer
@ Hummus, personally I don't think the peer needed a horse and a helicopter :S how is that celebrating THE PROPHET
birthday? :S
i like the new quoting style
my "evidence" is that the prophet didnt do it, the sahaba (companion) didnt do it. the tabi'een didnt do it and the tabi tabi'een didnt do it. and these people are the best of mankind.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Why is it wrong to send durood, fast, etc, make more an effort to know about the life of the Prophet
in this month?
You can't say that's wrong :/
People say "why don't people do it all the time", well I think that's not a valid response to the argument. I mean take Ramadhan, for example, people make more of an effort because they are reminded of it, it's a special time and they want to take advantage of it.
Now, whether people get extra reward for making an effort in this month or not is irrelevant. The important thing is that they are reminded of the birth of the blessed Prophet
and so make an effort, it helps them boost their imaan and they are coming closer to the Prophet
and so Allah (swt) Himself.
Oh yeah, next time you feel "eurgh it's monday :@
" please do remind yourself that it's the blessed birthday of the Prophet
so you should be happy on that day and love it!
Assalamualikum Warahmatullah.
I am not so learned in this line , but I would like to share my thoughts.
First, what is Mawlid/Milad ? Any definition ?
well what I understand Milad is just to Praise Allah (SBT) and say Dorud and Salam to His Rasul(PBH).As part of that in Indian Subcontinent there are some tradition to Say salam and dorud , like Ya nabi Salamalaika ...ya rasul ..also quote from verse of Shahaba ...ajaal badru alaina...etc etc. It may be noted that our Lord never pray like us , but one thing he does like us is saying dorud and slam to Rasul(PBH). As he says -Innallaha Wa Malaikatihi Yusalluna Alannabi , Ya Ayuhallajina Amanu Sallu Alaihi Wa Sallimu Taslima. Shouldnt we do it more and more ?
So I feel no harm but very much right thing to say Salam and Dorud this way to our most loving Rasul (PBH). we can do it any other way also if the theme is same.
My some brothers and sisters write about milad Haram/bidat etc etc. I would ask them with due honour if this is haram /bidat .. then what about the other real Haram things that we are doing every moment which is completely/truely against the Quran and Hadith.
So I think it is up to us what I am thinking believing , If my believe is Allah (SBT) and His Rasul(PBH). Then I think its OK. May Allah bless all of us with his Rahman and Hedayah.
It is important to not let our own cultural biases get into the way of things when tryig to suppose how the prophet
would act.
As an example, how do you thnk the prophet
would react to dancing in the mosque?
I will hazard that its nothing like this:
(Just to clarify, this was not lude or rude behaviour, but a war dance - entertainment nevertheless.)
Going back to your post, the only relevant question is is it allowed - and if there is a reason for banning the use of a helicopter, horses and carriage, or processions, that questioning it is valid. If not, the most you can say is that it may be distasteful, but that is down to personal preference.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Since the argument against has been mentioned, I will mention the argument for:
1. in the Quir'an it is ordered that we proclaim and rejoice in the favours from our Lord - the arrival of the prophet
is the biggest once.
2. The prophet
fasted on mondays and said that it was because it was aday on which he
was born.
3. There is a verse in the qur'an where God sends peace on the day of his (as) birth (and on the day of his death).
All of these suggest that celebrating the mawlid is allowed.
Sometimes people argue that these do not limit the celebration to one part of the year, which is an argument with which I can agree, but point out that as humans we are not always constant and occasions through out the year can help us by reminding us about our faith, about providing momentary motivation that we may be otherwise lacking.
and then there is number 4:
4. Why not?
For something to be not allowed, it needs precedence. In Islam everything is allowed unless forbidden, not the other way around. Some people do argue the opposite using the hadith on bid'ah to make their point, but then they are only using one hadith and ignoring the rest of the ahadith and sunnah:
There are many other examples too.
None of the above compells a person to act at a specific time on anything and mawlid can be celebrated any day any time of the year if you so wish to.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Why do people try to belittle the status of the Prophet SAW?
How can one possibly overpraise the Prophet SAW when we as human beings do not know his lofty status?
Our 5 daily salah, tahajjud, dhikr, zakah, sadqah, hajj, fasting, nawafil acts etc, are all for the sake of Allah Almighty and for His SWT pleasure.
You talk about people have such extreme love for the Prophet SAW but do you know God's love for the Prophet SAW? The Prophet SAW has been granted the lofty status of Maqam-e-Mahmood. On the Day of Judgement Allah Almighty will command the angels to get a throne and put it besides the Arsh of Allah Almighty, a throne will be placed for the Prophet SAW NEXT to the throne of Allah Almighty and God will say to the Prophet SAW sit. But out of adab the Prophet SAW won't.
The dhikr of the Prophet SAW has been raised by Allah Almighty, God says if you were to spend the night say Muhammad Muhammad SAW, it is as if you have been saying Allah Allah.
The sahaba would wipe the spit of the Prophet SAW on their faces and bodies. They would not let a single hair of the Prophet SAW fall when he SAW was having his hair cut. The sahaba would almost break into fights to get some of the left over wudu water from the Prophet SAW. The sahabiyya would collect the sweat of the Prophet SAW in bottles. The sahaba would knock on the door of the Prophet SAW with the fingernails. Allah Almighty forbade people to talk loud in the presence of the Prophet SAW.
The only sunnah Allah Almighty has is sending durood and salaam on the Prophet SAW. No other sunnah but this. If God does something it is impossible for creation to ever equal this.
Everyone knows God is One. The Prophet SAW said he did NOT fear shirk for his ummah.
No one ever tries to match God astaghfirullah, that is shirk. Do not mistake peoples love for the Prophet SAW as shirk.
As Shaykh Hamza Yusuf said, let the lovers love in peace.
That is called Istighata and has been proven by ahadith.
The sahaba used to often say 'May my life, my family, my wealth by sacrificed for you Ya Rasullullah SAW".
The fact is we as human beings will never be able to praise the Prophet SAW enough or give him SAW the respect, due he SAW deserves because we do not know his SAW maqam.
On the Day of Judgement everyone will run towards the Prophet SAW and ask him SAW to intercede for them. All the Prophets AS will direct people towards the Prophet SAW.
We will all be in the Court of Allah Almighty, Allah Almighty will be on His throne BUT we will go pleading to the Prophet SAW and NOT God Almighty.
Will everyone be committing shirk in the Court of God the Most High in front of Him?
out of interest can those who don't celebrate mawlid answer my above point pls.
My reply PROVES the legitimacy of Mawlid because it was celebrated throughout our history in the last 1000 years...its only in the last few hundred years it is seen as something devient.
Almost every classical scholar deems it permissible- and these scholars aer a million times better than the modern scholar today. It is these scholars who have given us the understanding Of Islam today beacuse of their tafseers of quran, sunnah and books of Fiqh. If you haven't heard of shaykh suyuti, ibn kathir, ibn jawzi, asqalani, sahawi, shaami, nawawwi then I'm sorry you haven't studied Islam at all.
Who will have a better understanding of Islam these classical scholars or me or you or any Imam today?
To know if you are on the right path you need to look at the understanding of Islam from our history... has this act been approved by the ulema in the last 1000 years or is it something new?
So for ANYONE to say Malwid is wrong, deviant, unIslamic, deviant Bidah...don't know their history and haven't studied what the ulema have said again and again in the last 1000 years.
Other people may be avoiding replying because there is an historic dispute over the mawlid and how to celebrate it etc.
The one thing that is 100% untolerable is feeling negative at the idea that the prophet (saw)'s arrival on this world. Other than that, people can celebrate it on a day if they want, or not do so if they want, as long as their intention is to do best by Islam - if your intention to celebrate is to show your love, that is good. If your intention to NOT celebrate in a specific way is also to show love for and aderence of the sunnah, that is also OK.
However, the problem becomes when eg someone tries to prohibit its celebration (which AFAIK no one has tried to do here).
I also dont think that anyone has been disrespectful to the prophet
in this topic - I do disagree with things said and hold other opinions etc, but I do not think anything has been done as a lack of respect.
One useful feature of events around the year is that they can be energy boosts. Like alarm clocks even to tryt and wake people up (though they can still turn around and immediately hit the snooze button).
On the issue of people doing things wrong in celebrating mawlid (or anything other that is religious), there is often a case of either over eagerness and lack of knowledge making people do something wrong, or over eagerness and a lack of knowledge that make people think something that is allowed is not allowed.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
That's the thing with forums you can't tell who you are discussing with.
Ignore my comments...
I thought you wanted a proper discussion on reasons why people do celebrate mawlid thats why the IJMA OF CLASSICAL SCHOLARS was mentioned...
I didn't know I was bullying, judging or trying to convert you:-)
but anyway...take it easy
ed you're saying its legitimate because it was celebrated throughout the last thousand years, it still doesnt explain why the most important people i;e the prophet
himself neither his wives or children or closest followers did not celebrate His (Saw) birthday during his lifetime nor anyone elses? To be honest what deviant things people do now within mawlid celebrations is irrelevant to me, the reason me and others don't do it is because of this very reason the prophet
and his nearest and dearest did not.
i really didn't want to get involved in this debate, i just think its pointless debating it,but felt sorry for PATIENCE
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
I'd like to know what wrong/deviant/unIslamic things people do in Mawlids.
I have been attending Mawlid celebrations all my life and I have never seen anything unIslamic happen ever.
So all the scholars in our history got it wrong then? Imams suyuti, asqalani, ibn kathir, ibn jawzi etc etc
they are all misguided then?
they dont understand what bidah is then?
they are all promoting a devient act then?
we should close almost ALL the madrassahs/islamic schools/institites cos almost ALL of them teach their books?
so we should burn all the books of all the scholars in the last 1000 years cos they dont know anything; rather we should follow Imas today who know better than them.
we are living in crazy times... thats all i'm saying.