14 Pillars of Prayer

pillars of PRAYER (not Islam, thank you TPofS) if you miss any of them out, for whatever reason, then the prayer is invalid. and missing any pillar cannot be compensated by thr sujood of distraction. You have to redo the prayer.

  1. standing
  2. opening takbeer - Takbiratul Ihraam
  3. Reciting Suratul Fatihah
  4. Rukoo'
  5. Rising from Rukoo'
  6. Sujood on seven bones
  7. Rising from Sujood
  8. Sitting calmly between sujoods
  9. Being tranquil and calm during each pillar
  10. Doing the pillars in order
  11. The Last Tashaahud
  12. Sitting during the last Tashahud
  13. Sending Salaah and salaam on nabi (pbuh)
  14. The Final Tasleem


-_- I didnt mean that,

look, music: they say it creates hypocrisy in the heart. WHAAAAAAAAAT ive ben listening for 4,5 yeasr and i NEVER did something bad.

now for drawings, Im doing this for fun, you reaaaaaaaaly think Im trying to imitate Allah's creation? or beileive that theirs life, and if you DO beielive in that hadith quote, keep in mind that ACTIONS ARE BY INTENTIONS, I once did a sculptute of a famous guitarist, did I CREATE A LIVING THING or did I THINK i could?

I just made it, with TALENT... for fun... its like cartoons, theyr entertaining, but when a person beileives that theyrs life (wich would be really stupid) now THAT is haram, see your MIND IS SO STRICT take the time to think a little...

and, drawings of the prophet(saw) is haram, heaven ,hell ,angels...

you cant just say ITS WRITTEN, you need a good tafsir, an argument that has a good point in it.

There is no point showing you an argument and tafsir - You still don't think there's anything wrong with missing salah for a concert!

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi


Metallica58 wrote:

Oh I didnt intend to get back into that discussion. As you may or may not have realised, I stopped trying to make you see sense. I'm just pointing out that there's no point trying to make you understand when you're not bothering to accept the answers. No point going around in circles.

This is how it is with you:

Ask about permissibility about thing you love-> get unwanted answer -> refuse to accept-> keep getting more explanations -> still refuse to accept -> ask something new

So what's the point in us trying?

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

why are you asking then?

if your not happy dont reply thats it.

Foysol89 wrote:

that awkward asian moment ("oiiii where's the remote?", "Change the channell" *awkward silence + nobody makes eye contact* and my favourite one, start a random convo about anything to avoid awkwardness e.g. "was this room always painted white?", "yo u wanna go shopping tomorrow" or " i killed a cat today" << if you can't think of anything else) Lol



Metallica58 wrote:
why are you asking then?

if your not happy dont reply thats it.

By the way, she's trying to ask the same. You ask for the rulings of stuff but despite the response you do it your own way anyway...

Why are you asking????


I dont know, its fun to interact and maybe Ill get an explatation...

do you beileive that drawing is haram Valkyrie?


look here.

let's suppose music is okay if its nothing firty/swearwords/blasphemous
you listen to it
but then a new problem arise
it could become a waste of time.
if you listen to it too much.
and not just if you neglect your religious duties
just a general waste of time.
then now, the music content is fine, but its making you waste time.
so now its a bad thing. again.
so you either make your life difficult by a.monitoring everything and everyword you listen to THEN b. have allocated time slot of something to listen to music so you dont waste your time
you make your life easier and forget abt music

dude, there is SO much more to listen to out there. talks, Quran. its only 2 things in a list but talks cover EVERYTHING abt life and Quran has TEN different type of recitation and then there's THOUSANDS different reciters. PLEEENTTYY OFFF HOUUURRSSS spent in a way PLEASING to Allah. so you get your fun/increase in knowledge/learn more about ISlam AAANNND you get rewarded.

drawing living things is not allowed because on day of judgement Allah subhanahou wa ta'ala will tell you to give life to the thing you created; especially a statue! and have you got the power to do that? no. so dont do it.

thats how shirk started. there were religious people. then they died. then shaytaan whsispered to the living ones, ohh these guys were religious, make statues of them so you can remember their religiousness and take them as examples, so they did, then they got confused/forgot and started to ask those statues for things, to be intermediaties between them and Allah. but in ISlam there is NO intermediaries, everyone can have a personal relationship with Allah. no need for statues or priests or whatever.

and Lollywood has just become the typoM15 agent. thats not even being a typo police now... plus he thinks if you make a typo you're young...

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

okay so music is NOT haram perfect.

look, i dont BEIELIVE that i could put life to them, im just having fun. I mean, did you read what the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said?: actions are by intentions

that means if you draw and say : look, I CAN create something, now THAT IS HARAM, but im just like creating a dude, (spongebob ,cartoons,), to have fun and thatts called: ART

art is a passion, so see what im trying to say?

Metallica58 wrote:
I dont know, its fun to interact and maybe Ill get an explatation...

do you beileive that drawing is haram Valkyrie?

1) How many explanations d'you think you need till you actually listen to one?

2) Dunno the exact ruling, but I know that along with listening to music, it isn't recommended in Islam. I also know that I don't have to go out of my way anyway, to refrain from either of the two, so why do it?



this is sourat 77, 46 what does it mean?

[O disbelievers], eat and enjoy yourselves a little; indeed, you are criminals.

Metallica58 wrote:
this is sourat 77, 46 what does it mean?

[O disbelievers], eat and enjoy yourselves a little; indeed, you are criminals.

enjoy yourselves in this world for a short time, coz the believers will enjoy themselves in heavan FOR EVER. a long time basically. an you DID read the previous bit right?

actions are by their intention but they need to conform to Allah'sguidelines.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

actions are by intentions, what if you dont know that it was right or wrong? I mean, if you draw and your intention is LOOK I CAN MAKE THINGS JUST LIKE ALLAH(SWT), (istarfirAllah) now that is a bad intention, if you draw for fun, art and passion... then its cool, why not?

alright , what do you think of this: i go to the concet, pray in my head, pray when i come back, do extra ones, pay more for the charity... would it still be bad?

AND IM SO SCARED, every time I think of Allah, in my head, theres in image that he has a mother! (starfirAllah), but really i cant get it out of my head, WHAT DO I DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, i never beieliveed it, or will, its just entering my head.

so its beyond my control, is it really wrong???????????

This 'actions are by intentions' thing does NOT apply to fardh and, haram things. So no u can't pray in ur head. In fact there Is no such thing as praying in ur head sO I don't know why ur bringing it up again. You miss a salaah for a concert = sin. End of story. No ifs, buts, maybes, should, could or whatever.

Allah also has said drawing living thIngs is wrong so again it does NOT matter what ur intention. In fact doing something which Allah has saId is wrong, 'just for fun' could land u in more trouble?

Now this idea of Allah having a mother (astaghfirullah), although ur thoughts don't count as sins, unless u actually believe in this, u have to look at why ur thinking this. No Muslim would randomly think this. So is it because things you have been reading? Peoples opinions? Whatever it is u gotta tackle it, tell yourself it's not true and look at all the 'evidence' which says otherwise. Read the Quran, keep doing istigfaar/other zikr and do dua to Allah to guide and keep u on the straight path.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

just dont think about the Allah has a mother thing. its got no impact on your day to day life, so i dont know why you're thinking abt that. sometiems shaytaan

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

oh, thanks I was so scared, it just popes up in my head... I try to forget it but it keeps hiting me in my head, I DONT BEIELIVE IT never ever ever ever... its just EVRYTIME I think of Allah(swt) something popes up, and I try to forget it. Its beyond my control... really.

and where in the quran does it say that drawing is haram?

ok look, go to that concert, pray in your head, pray when you come back, pray extra ones, give more money in charity... I mean... this is my best... instead of NOT going at all...

Sometimes you get thoughts that are best not dwelled on.

Always reply with a'udhubillah, and realise that its wrong and move on.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I AM DOING THAT !!!, but the shaytaan keeps attaking!

but since im not beileiving it, and not trying to think and saying audobillah, its no sin right??


and nnow if you try to improve yourself even more, do other good things, the shaytaan will be busy trying to combat them instead of giving you new thoughts.

Remember, the devil finds work for idle hands.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

man, the devil is weaker then I thought.


so, if I go to the concert, pray in my head, pray when I come back, do extra prayers, give more charity, and ask Allah's accpentance to my deeds, is it still bad? its my best instead of not going at all.

Or I could combine them...

Metallica58 wrote:
man, the devil is weaker then I thought.


you mean the devil is STRONGER than you thought, right?

M58 wrote:

so, if I go to the concert, pray in my head, pray when I come back, do extra prayers, give more charity, and ask Allah's accpentance to my deeds, is it still bad? its my best instead of not going at all.

Or I could combine them...

we already answered (Power of Silence did) and you already asked this. so stop asking. its the same answer. missing prayer for a concert is SINFUL. you get SIN. dont go to the concert. and like Bilan said. stop talking abt this its in TWO years. you might not even want to go by then.

check out . you'll find loads of stuff on the importance of prayer inshaAllah and inshaaAllah you'll understand why you shouldnt miss it and no matter how much making up you do, it's never going to be made up.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

the devil is stronger? no... I mean just THINKING OF ALLAH and hes gone, so the shaytaan has NOTHING againts Allah and alhamdulillah he protected me from that devil.

ok ok ok , im going EVERY SALAAH possible. every one.

now, if I go to ONE or 2 concerts in my life, AND combine the prayersm make them up NYTHING ANYYYYYYYYYYYYTHING POSSIBLE TO PLEASE MY LORD. and you still say im a sinner.

look dude, I understand that missing a sallah is a sin, but in the concert, THERES NOT A SQUARE INCHE to pray... I would reallyy love to go, and if incallah I go, i increase my good deeds I thank Allah.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dude, do you know whats halloween?

we go for candy, at night, ut I might DELAY ishaa, so is it okay? because I have ALOT of time???

and what if my brother says: no I dont want you to pray at the amusment park, I wont wait for you. what do I do? im gonna get lost!!

Metallica58 wrote:
dude, do you know whats halloween?

we go for candy, at night, ut I might DELAY ishaa, so is it okay? because I have ALOT of time???

and what if my brother says: no I dont want you to pray at the amusment park, I wont wait for you. what do I do? im gonna get lost!!

you aint gona get lost. thats what maps and mobile phones are for. and you tell your bro "you want to stop me worshipping my creator?" that should silence him/

and muslims are not meant to celebrate halloween.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Metallica58 wrote:

and where in the quran does it say that drawing is haram?


It doesn't. I said, or I should've said that God doesn't want u to do it as it says it in the hadith.

Feel free to go to a proper scholar to find out the exact commentary and meaning of the hadith though

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

I told him, he said PRAY WHEN YOU COME BACK Sad

HALLOWEEN IS CANDY get it? NOT DEVIL, candyyyyyyyy I dress up for fun and go eat candy, you reallyyyyyy think im gonna ''celebrate'' halloween? -_-

Metallica58 wrote:
I told him, he said PRAY WHEN YOU COME BACK Sad

Tell him he'll be sinning if he doesn't let you. Isn't anyone else going with you?
HALLOWEEN IS CANDY get it? NOT DEVIL, candyyyyyyyy I dress up for fun and go eat candy, you reallyyyyyy think im gonna ''celebrate'' halloween? -_-


"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

okay, I'll try my best, but his head is hard...

whats so funny? - - ??? you dont like candy?? o.O
