pillars of PRAYER (not Islam, thank you TPofS) if you miss any of them out, for whatever reason, then the prayer is invalid. and missing any pillar cannot be compensated by thr sujood of distraction. You have to redo the prayer.
- standing
- opening takbeer - Takbiratul Ihraam
- Reciting Suratul Fatihah
- Rukoo'
- Rising from Rukoo'
- Sujood on seven bones
- Rising from Sujood
- Sitting calmly between sujoods
- Being tranquil and calm during each pillar
- Doing the pillars in order
- The Last Tashaahud
- Sitting during the last Tashahud
- Sending Salaah and salaam on nabi (pbuh)
- The Final Tasleem
Dressing up and going trick or treating...sounds like celebrating halloween to me
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
ok yeah so? what do you think celebrating halloween means?
devil worship??!!! NEVERRRRRRRRRRRR
just so you know, I go ONLY for candy.
you can buy candy from a shop.
Immitating non Muslim festivals can be taken too far sometimes.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
omg, ok first its FREE CANDY
2-immitating? what imitating? its like chrismas, they celebrate Jesus's birthday, I DONT I just chill with my friends and eat stuff... thats it.
3-taking it too far would be beileiving that the shaytaan will attack you if you dont dress up wich is completely stupid... I GO FOR CANDYYYY
I know what im doing, but my question is the ishaa prayer... I might delay it.
you sound like a little kid.
In which case anyu candy you buy will also be "free" since its your parents paying for it.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
in Halloween, neither me or my parents pay...
its REALLY free
and I think I found the concert solution: are you saying that example: you have the final exam and you have to be there or you fail, so dont go to that concert... but in prayer is it the final one? you dont know so you dont take risks right?
what if I try my bestttttttt ever,if I die before Allah will know that I wanted to do good deeds... to compasente...
except that for this to work, all the parents of all the kisd have to go and get candy.
So instead of just getting the candy for you, your parents now have to get enough candy for the whole neighbourhood.
A very expensive example of free I would guess.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
How would you fit coursework and attendance into this example? There are courses where merely not having adequate attendance will lead to you failing.
and why isnt this concert over with already?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
look, I GO RINGING DOOR TO DOOR, AND PEAPLE GIVE CANDY. parents do nothing get it?
i didnt get anything abt your last post.
and haloween. is islamically wrong. dont celebrate it.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
how could it possibly be wrong?
and when people knock on your door I assume the candy tht is given to them magically appears from out of nowhere?
and when you knock on others doors, the same thing too.
No one has to actually buy the candy for it all to work?
Its all magic.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
ok ok look
those peaple buy candy. why? TO GIVE IT TO PEAPLE. so THEY PAY its their choice!!! their nice... and YOU go ringing, and they give you. GET IT
stop mocking me, you just trying to make up your fancy sentences to remove the subject.
what I ment to say was:
you have an exam, really important and if you go to that concert... youll miss it and fail. So now, the prayer is the exam... but we dont know if its the most important since we dont know when will we die... so dont take risks right?
what if I pray in my head WHY BECAUSE THEYR NO PLAAAAAAAAAAACEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, AND I DO EXTRA PRAYERS!!!! and that concert, I DIED FOR IT ITS AWESOME, it comes 2 a lifetime, I sincerely mean it to Allah... I mean if you say dont take risks ever you wont live... !!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes, yes, thats it exactly!! that's it exactly!! dont take the risk!!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Edit: wait. Can't edit right now. But I did misunderstand it point so I guess not all the following applies:
The fact that we don't know when we will die is what make this exam MORE hard and important. Not knowing about death is meant to make us understand and focus on religion MORE not less. Otherwise if we knew, everyone would do as they please and just pray like mad only when they have like a day left, to live.
So you accept you would fail ur exam if you went to the concert therefore you have to understand that you are failing GOd's exam too, by not accepting that u cannot read salah in your head and missing it for the concert is an invalid reason.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
alright, what if its your last day to live?
but know the thing to do is pray when you can right? but now you KNOW that I want to pray but there is no place, and by KNOWING that you WANT TO MAKE THE PRAYES UP and do your best to seek Allah's forgiveness thats why you should pray in your head and extra ones.
by the way you made me laugh
yes, yes exacly
okay, but if I redo them and extra ones, would it lead me to hell or just a lower stage of heaven?
and look at this its so funny and cool:
hey guys, what ifin the amusment park, theres a waiting line... its not like the concert aalll day, but sometimes its 1 hour waiting... so i might delay the prayer what do I do?
is it okay to pray before the time by 3 to 5 minutes or after?
stop compromising your religion dude. its tiring and its leaving me with a dirty taste in the bck of my mouth, all that compromising and trying to get round things.
here- about halloween http://www.therevival.co.uk/forum/general/9063#comment-185458
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
OH MAN, look , you have such a hard head to understand this.
ok so, they worship the devil OK SO AM I DOING IT??????? am I dressing up so he dosent attack me, am I scared from shaytaan more than Allah?
NO NO NOOOO, I dress up for fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its the intention your doing.
if your purpose is the real thing tjat becomes haram.
your extremist, you say: they worship the devil so dont imitate them. IM NOT.
its all about inetnion.
comment on the topic you simpleton...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
why are you such hardheaded?
let it be any topic, the main reason is to amke you understand.
did you see my question? IF I GO TO AN AMUSMENT PARK and theirs waiting lines... I might delay the prayer... sooooo what do I do!!!
why are you such hardheaded?
let it be any topic, the main reason is to make you understand.
yes i think i did. but ive stopped paying attention i thnk.
furthermore. get off my topic. get your own NOW. its easy, you create a username, then create a topic where you introduce yourself and we'l carry that on there. see ya there.
(i will ask admin to stop you commenting on here)
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
fine I dont need you
emotional blackmail? dude, you need us. if you hadnt realised. and ive been nice ot you but you're abusing. and i understand you dont even realise. but do us the favour of creating your own account, (please with anice islamic ish name) and get a proper topic for everything related to you. i meant it in a nice way..even though it didnt come out nice, so i shall apologize for this. but the core of the matter, i meant it.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
okay yeah, I need you
im too lazy to make a account...
oh perrrleaaase its easy and quick. aaaand you can get rid of that dreadful orange theme and get a nice green and grey one (Y) its SO worth it!
and being logged in has LOADS of advantages, like yu dont have to keep doing that captcha code thing everytime you post and you can click on "recent posts" and underneath each topic it'll say if there's any new post since last time you checked it. awesome or what? so need need to stay on one page and keep pressing F5.
are you convinced?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
oh cool.
where do I start?