pillars of PRAYER (not Islam, thank you TPofS) if you miss any of them out, for whatever reason, then the prayer is invalid. and missing any pillar cannot be compensated by thr sujood of distraction. You have to redo the prayer.
- standing
- opening takbeer - Takbiratul Ihraam
- Reciting Suratul Fatihah
- Rukoo'
- Rising from Rukoo'
- Sujood on seven bones
- Rising from Sujood
- Sitting calmly between sujoods
- Being tranquil and calm during each pillar
- Doing the pillars in order
- The Last Tashaahud
- Sitting during the last Tashahud
- Sending Salaah and salaam on nabi (pbuh)
- The Final Tasleem
Smiling is sunnah, smiling is charity.
Not at a non-mahram, though.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I dont understand... could you make it clearer?
gez. i woouldnt even TALK To you if i thought that!
he (pbuh) said: archery, swimming and horse riding. yes? THEN WHY DONT YOU DO THAT? why do you do "concert going, guitar playing and spongebob waching" FOR FREAK'S SAKE? you are BSIDE the point.
futhermore. prayer the 5 daily prayers are not A PAIN. YOU BUILD YOUR LIFE AROUND THEM. so they never get in the way of anything, things get in the way of them. thats how we should see it.
praying 4 rakaat of dhuhr wont destroy and kill your archery practise, and you know what? in summer you might actually pray dhuhr, practise archery and FINISH PRACTISING and then you still have time till the next prayer! AMAZING RIGHT?
men and wmen are together, thats all. end of. it doesnt mattr if you're looking
what doe sintention got to do with DYING RIGHT THERE AND THEN? you will be resurrected with them, whatver your intention was... plus the two dont link anway...
I AHVE BEEN LISTENING TO WHAT YOU ARE SAYING! HOW ELSE WOULD I HAVE BEEN ANSWERING? see when you say mean, evil, bratty stuff like that, thats when you "metaphorically" turn around and slap me!
dude, if you have seen the ORIGINAL comment, then you would have known the meaning of abusive; you started by saying really hurtful stuff like we're maniacs trying to stop you from going to your concert. you know you can always IGNORE us! but you cant really, because deep inside you know what we're saying makes sense.
i TOLD you it would hurt and be hard to take in if you dont have much knowledge of Islam and I TOLD YOU to go get some knowledge then we'll explain. i dont know where to start from to explain you stuff dude, so you're going to have to go to a sscholar, just sit down and say "teach me about Islam"
tell me, what are the five pillars of Islam?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Islamically, you should smile, you get reward for it
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
YES AMAZING but is there only swiming archery and horse?
I do swimming, bow... well i dont have any bowing school , and horse that would be great but Nowadays costs really expenseive and hard to find.
I do swimming... BUT it makes me delay by 30 minutes the asr prayer... so should I quit?
no no SORRY I really dont want to hurt you please!!! im sorry for what I said...
no I cant ignore you!!! your trying to help me, but How could I be sure that your right?
the five pillars in Islam are:
fastin (ramadan)
going to the hajj
I forgot the last 2, but I was sure about salaah and sahada.
and I have a question for you, what if the scholar says that I was right?
Just keep in mind I wont tell you (aha in your face) because now your not sure 100% your trying to be good
AND ME TOO!!!!!!!!! im praying, and everything but being a good person dosent count at all??? then why should we do it?
YOU GET REWARD FOR SMILING?????? REALLY??? why??????????
its such... nice... but how? what kind of smile?
A sincere smile just because you're being nice.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
oh waw, that is great!
but somebody said, doing good deeds, like being respectful and eveything does not give you anything... is it true?
For those who disliked this video:
"The Metal Mitilia", "The Four Horsemen" and "The Phantom Lord" will hunt you down "All Nightmare Long" as you pray for "The Devil That Failed". As you "Fade To Black", you wish only to "Suicide but Redempt", you better run little child as "The Thing That Should Not Be" shall "Seek and Destroy" you. I Know it's "Sad but true" but "That Was Just Your Life"
NOW, if we compare this, those are songs that I like from my favorite band (it was written ''The God that failed'' but I canhed it becasue thres only one God, and devil is like the king of the evils, so
Try to compare them to someone going to hell...
They ''disliked this video'' so someone will ''dislike Islam by not obeing to it'' if he REALLY MEANS IT
I dont mean to go to mixed concerts, so only men enjoy this concert and women never go... and the bands are busy so they cant do double... so im going to listen to music, NO its not, mixed=haram POINT, you need to have a good reason...
BUT SEE THIS COMPARISON!!!!!!!!! its SO CLEAR that a person wants to disrespect I DO NOT...
but great comparison right?
you have no idea how to express yourself properly.
it very difficult to understand what you are talking about.
speak english please.
and metallica sing about so much haraam things. even if some music is halaal, THIS almost certainly isn't.
i hope you enjoy growing up!
im trying to express!!! anyways
they even did a song called ''master of puppets'' and it talks about how aclhooholic drinks ruin your life!!!
proove to me ONE song that is haraam...
no, its not just these three. but anything you do in life, ANYTHING whatsoever, as in EVERYTHING, eat, sleep, EVERYTHING, even the most unexpected stuff (like..euh..sex basically) EVERYTHING you do you can get reward for it.. IF and only IF you have the RIGHT IN TEN TION. do you understand the massive thing im telling you here. anything you do can be rewarded by Allah, if you do it for His sake and His sake only. E:g pray - that obvious, we pray for Allah, but something like EATING - if you eat telling yourself i am doing this to gain enregy so i can carry out what Allah wants me to do, then you get rewarded. If you GO TO SCHOOL and work hard you can get rewarded - if you tell yourself it is for Allah's sake and for getting a good job to be able to provide for your family and that is what Allah wants you to do = reward!
anything you do for Allah's sake = Worshipping Him. so going to school (with right intention = worship) eating (could) = worship.
but there are some stuff that you just cant do for the sake of Allah, aka - stealing, or disobeying parents when their request is reasonable etc..
so now, to go about your life (and all the muslims should do this) you think everytime you're about to start something "i am doing this for the sake of Allah" EVERYTHING you do, you should be able to apply that sentence to it, even swimming, even archery, even playing with children, even ..and the list goes on.
BUT can you honestly, with the bottom of your heart say "im going to a concert for the Sake of ALlah" in any way possible, can you make it so? i dont think so...
and yes, we're still learning so we might still not know how to make a certain action be for the sake of Allah (but we should spend our lives trying to find out/trying to make all our actions that way) but its a good guidelines when you're starting to be a good muslim and trying to change.
but when i think about concert = pleasing Allah i just cant imagine that...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
so what exactly will you be asking the shaykh?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Can you come to my music concert lol
My English is not very good
well, firts I will be asking him:
-What are the valid reasons to miss a prayer
-I want to go to that concert, but I will miss a prayer...
-This concert is worth it!!! Im trying my best, by redoing the prayers AND doind extra ones.
Thats basically what Ill ask him...
But one thing: so eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevery thing you do should be for Allah? well , okay right, but its not how I explain that concert:
Eating:energy for living and praying...
Well... concert=fun, NO PORK, NO ALCHOHOL, NO HARAAM STUFF, and by the way (theres were cigarettes) BUT i didnt aproach them)
so... yeah, Im doing this to at least have some fun because if theres no concert for me= me very depressed...
But that text you just made was GREAT!!! waawwww really, you should be a poet or something
and by the way... my swimming practise is making me delay the asr by 15 minutes... should I continue?
and if you forgot a word durring the Salah, you ahve to restart everything, or just like resay the sentence and the word that you forgot...?
AND, if I have a pool practise... theres water everywhere in the changing room...so should I clean in and pray then... or go home and pray on the clean ground???
, my school dosent have any salah facilities... but theres grass outside... i guess I could pray there, should I?
AND LASTLY, I have school, fajr is VERY difficult, wake up everyday and feeling tired and no energy for school... do I wake up on time? or make it up with the duhr? or before I go to sleep after ishaa...?
and I forgot, if me and a friend want to go to the cinema... and its during asr time, do we delay it? or what???? help me!
and maybe that cinema isnt worth it, we could watch it at home... BUT the concert nooooo its really not as you watch it on the computer... and I will redo the prayers and extra of course...
and if somebody risks their lives for Islam... you are saying you should risk that concert...? well Islam is the religion of peace and harmonie... so it dosent want you to die...
and Muhammad
said that he didnt want to cause his uma any hardship... so yeah Heaven is surrondded by hardship but not THIS kind of hardship, I will make them up and extra!!
its that simple! if you cant do it at home...
You asked a lot of questions. Sorry if i cant remember all of them, just remind me.
Please, do us a favour. FORGET ABOUT THE CONCERT. Its TWO YEARS away. TWO YEARS! There rlly is no point going into this whole discussion about it when like I said before you might not even be alive. Instead use this time NOW to ask the questions youve been asking in you last 2/3 posts. The answers to THOSE questions will help you in the HERE and NOW, which is all you rlly need isnt it?
Fajr prayer: You HAVE to wake up for this one evn if you're having the best sleep uve ever had! Its not gonna kill you to wake up for 10 mins to pray and then go back to bed right? If you can wake up for school you can wake up for Fajr. Just set your alarm and do it. If we gave in to every excuse to not pray we wouldnt pray EVER! Not good, not good.
If you can pray on the grass at school then yh go for it! Defenitley. See mashAllah first you were I cant pray at all at school, but now your thinking about ways that you possibly could! MashAllah! See the difference when you put your mind to it?
If you want to go cinema, then choose a time that is either between prayers so that by the time you finish the movie you get home and can pray still within time. Or go after Maghrib (if its not too late!) cos Isha stays for a long time. This is if you DO want to go cinema, if you want to stay home thats up to u (though probs better). Just keep in mind to keep whatever you watch CLEAN!
What time do you go swimming and what time does Asr prayer come in? Can you go other times or is it a group thing?
You keep mentioning fun. Lets say you go to that concert and ya have fun. The most fun you could possibly imagine! In fact you dont think you could do anything fun ever again, cos you'll just explode!
The above scenario will never happen. Why? Because fun is a TEMPORARY pleasure. You just always want to have more! We're greedy! So what are you going to do when the next fun thing comes along? Cos it WILL! If we choose fun over prayer, we'll never end up praying, because the next fun thing is always around the corner! Its kinda when you watch tv. A nice programme is on, but you have to do a chore and you just say 5 more mins, 5 more mins, juuuust 5 more mins! and it keeps going like that.
Remind me of any other questions I missed out.
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
@metallicakid: believe it or not, islam is not supposed to be a burden to us.
In fact it has been sent to make our lives better and easier.
"It is through remembrance of Allah that hearts find rest."
If u approach ur prays as if they are a huge burden that u have to do, u will not gain as much as if u approached them for what they really are: a one-to-one audience with your Creator and the Ruler of Everything.
Don't u see that it's a big privilege?
Who's the leader of the world today? You might say Obama. Well imagine u could have an exclusive meeting with him; think how much u'd have to pay for that opportunity? imagine u could ask him anything, or to do anything?
I'm sure you'd make sure u were on time! And you'd be concentrating te whole time, u defo wouldn't say 'sorry I wanna go see a band can u wait for a few hours'
And guess what? Obama can't even change anything in this world! He is struggling to have power over ppl in his country, let alone the rest of the world.
But Allah (swt) has the Absolute Power to do Anything. And u'r given the opportunity to ask for guidance from Him, or anything you want.
And He offers us this opportunity throughout our lives. And instead of us paying, in fact we get rewarded for turning to Allah, in a form that is way beyond the fake 'pleasures and fun' of this life.
But we all slip up. Don't lose hope and the best way is to try to make up for what we miss by doing good deeds
Don't just do something! Stand there.
JazakAllah for your compliment, but truly its ALLah who's making me come up with those words and i just hope they reach you with my intention of just helping you.
remember what i said about prayer timings? basically, apart from Fajr, the pray timing is from the beginning of that particular prayer to the beginning of the next one, confusing? let me try and explain abit more (its late so i wont be able to answer the rest of the questions tonight, apologies)
fajr- its begin time depends on different ways of calculating it, BUT the time it ends is just before sunrise.
dhuhr - starts after the sun hit its highest point all the way to asr time starting
asr starts when the sun is below a certain pôsition, AALL the way until SUNDOWN.
maghrib - starts from when the sun disk completely disappears off teh horizon ALL the way till the sky goes ALL BLAck aka loose all its suncolours
Isha starts from whn the sun is totally no suncolour all the way to the beginnign of Fajr
Ive bolden everything im totally sure of, the rest i need to revise and resfresh my memory of. so these are the timings see? and in summer they are quite long arent they? the best thing to do is to pray RIGHT at the beginning of those timings, but there is no sin if you pray later but still during the timing.
the problem arises when you still havent prayed and the time is over. thats when you need a VALID excuse. but thats really pretty difficult. i mean right now, here in UK MAghrib is about 6:50 and isha at 8:15. it would be really difficult to have a valid excuse for that whole 1.30 hour-ish wouldnt it? so thats why it becomes a sin. and your prayer might not actually be accepted and stuff.
no one in their right mind would ever think about missing the prayer timing on purpose, thats just crazy.
Im out pretty much 12 hours of the day, so sometimes i actually gotta pray 3 prayers outside of home, and its possible. back in the days i didnt know, i used to pray everyting at home and let me tell you, the quality of those prayers was shamefully low and pretty much digusting. i'd be falling asleep and not concentrating and not knowing what i'm reading in my prayer. yuck. praying on time throughout the day actually Helped me. Its like amini detox, finally slowing down and chilling during those crazy neverending days. I mean, getting out your house at 7am and only coming back at 7pm is kinda depressing.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
YES YES i knowww your right!!!!
and obama? who cares about obama, he changed his religon to christian and instead of stoping war in iraq he made it worse!
ok but look, yes the concert is 2 years away or maybe even more, but what if it was in 3 days... I will EXPLODE if i dont go, AND i will redo my prayers, do extra ones, paying even more then 2.5% for the poor, and more good deeds... and its much easier for me, then completly miss the concert, dont you think it compensates?
and, my mom, works alot, ALOT she said that if I had to put the alarm I would wake up the entire family, and school starts at 7... not at 5 like fajr... but guess what, I asked for Allah (swt) to wake me up, HE DID!!!!!!!!!! can you imagine, and I didnt say, oh im too tired, I got up and did it!!!
but what is more imprtant the fajr or the subh?
and should I pray at home for subh and then go to school and not pray there, or wait until 12 oclock and pray... and EVERYTIME at school im hungry... so should I pray forst or eat, I still have a lot of time... but I could pray before going (at home)...
and, wuduu, I have shoes on... and theres no toilet exept in the school... so can I just take off my shoes... because I cant washe my feet and then go outside again! theyll be dirty...
subh and fajr are the same thing. fr fajr you only have to the two unis!/rakaats.
and you can do wudu by wiping your shoes..but thats another matter..SEE!! i keeeeep telling you you need more knowledge!!
and yes!! its amazing aint it!! when you ask Allah to wake you up for Fajr and He helps you!!! obviously He created us, He can do anything!!! ive experienced that before!! itsss soooo coooool!!!!!!!!!!!! put the alarm sound real low so only you hear it and wake up as soon as it rings, but if its going to disturb your mum then Allah can see that hence why He helped you wake up!!! amazing or what?!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
okay, you need a VALID excuse...
what are the valid excuses???
I read somewhere that al nabi Muhammad(saw), had a journey, like a traveling to somewhere and he combined those prayers, so, this concert is like travel! because theres no place to pray there NO 0 zerooo, so i could combine, before I go, the duhr and the asr, and when I come back, the maghrib and ishaa, but should I combine maghrib and ishaa wating for ishaa, like i come back at 8:45, and its almost over, the maghrib, should I do it, wait a little and ishaa then, or wait until ishaa to do maghrib and ishaa after it?
okay, but wipe my shoes from the botoom?????? theres... lots of, bactirias and stuff...
and if theres no water, what do you do?
then tell your mum to wake you up.
and He (pbuh) was travelling for good reason, not to -basically- sin. aaaannnndd if you researched a bit and learnt a bit abt Islam like we keep telling you to, you need to travel a certain distance before you can join prayers. and its while travelling, not when you get home.
Islaaam is ammaazing dude, I hope you soon find out HOW MUCH soon!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
that concert IS A GOOD REASON maybe not for you, but if you were me, you would explode to that concert...
but most of the time I go to amusment parks, and its always, 1 hour... and in a metro, you slip, your dead.
its while travelling..? well, thres NO place to pray at that concert, and its far away... so the best thing to do is combine them...
I KNOW THAT ISLAM IS AMAZING... take it easy wow
my mom cant wake me up for fajr... only for school... wich is at 7 fajr is like 5...
Just imagine if that concert turned out to be crap.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I did go one time... COMPLETE CONTRARY OF CRAP...
dude , you may not know what is heavy metal, the greatest genre of music ever!
i didnt say it was a good/bad reason.
i said it was a sin.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?