"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I am sorry if this comes across badly (especially since you are a new member and it may seem that I only bite), but I would disagree that it is better to see some than none...
Our sources we are meant to base things on are Qur'an and sunnah, not on The Arrivals, which does not always stand up well in the light of those sources.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
@ TheDivineExsistence - What do you take away from the series? Any specific lessons?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
a lot of lessons but i think mainly not to be fooled for living for this life, but for the nexxt and the the beattle is within your own soul, forget whate else is going on haha
"Love your haterz Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
a lot of lessons but i think mainly not to be fooled for living for this life, but for the nexxt and the the beattle is within your own soul, forget whate else is going on haha
Seriously? that's all that you've learnt. I think it would be better for people to live and experiance life or maybe just read some ISLAMIC books and they'd learn that.
Sorry but i hate how people go on like its some brilliant thing that teaches you to be great but really does nothing, or atleast nothing that couldn't be done by better means.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Yes but its not jus aimed at muslims is it? and not everybpdy can just pick up an islamic book and understand it ..... So it helps a lot people understand certain aspects of religion and the world itself a lot easier ..
It is giving people knowledge so i dont understand why people are so fast to critise it, because really what are you doing to spread God's message?? (when i say you i mean everyone)
So just take the positives and it is brilliant because they have clearly used their time and effort to share it with us and isnt that ummah in itself?
"Love your haterz Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
Yes but its not jus aimed at muslims is it? and not everybpdy can just pick up an islamic book and understand it ..... So it helps a lot people understand certain aspects of religion and the world itself a lot easier ..
It is giving people knowledge so i dont understand why people are so fast to critise it, because really what are you doing to spread God's message?? (when i say you i mean everyone)
So just take the positives and it is brilliant because they have clearly used their time and effort to share it with us and isnt that ummah in itself?
It's NOT spreading God's word.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
What are the main things the arrivals is trying to say ? not to be fooled into this life AND to focus on worshiping God for the next .. so it kind of is really, jus because it uses some un-islamic sources does not mean it isnt the trth .. atleast they're trying to do something about it, what are we all doing???
eveyone seems to get so defensive when people speak about the arrivals :/ lol
"Love your haterz Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
What are the main things the arrivals is trying to say ? not to be fooled into this life AND to focus on worshiping God for the next .. so it kind of is really, jus because it uses some un-islamic sources does not mean it isnt the trth .. atleast they're trying to do something about it, what are we all doing???
eveyone seems to get so defensive when people speak about the arrivals :/ lol
You are the first person to admit it's not an Islamic source.
And if you realise that, then i guess it can't do you much harm as long as you realise its not all right.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Haha i am not under any falsehood that it is an 'Islamic source' so to speak
i take me knowledge from only the holy Quran however you should always try to better yourself with knowledge
and really the arrivals does make some important points for example muslim brothers and sisters are so bust fighting within our own religion that really is it any wonder Islam is being attacked by others ???? We need to be united in the worship of ALLAH SWT instead of wasting precious time fighting dont you think
"Love your haterz Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
haha it is a bit long :/ so what i did was started watching from part 10 which is the start of section 2 this got me so intrested i was compelled to watch the rest ..
Also they have different titles so anything that intrests you, you can watch
"Love your haterz Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
I started off with the one about Bloodlines (which is what made me watch the rest). I think it really does wake you up though (hence "The Wake Up" Project). A lot of it seems to be too big to be coincidences like the bloodline thing and about Ray the Ancient Egyptian sun god and the masonic rituals (which has been described by many other people than just those who made the Arrivals)
Yes some concepts do make you think 'realllly?' but it's something to at least consider right?
Oh and the 9/11 thing being an inside job.. i went to something a few years ago (which is why i'm not writing specifics, it's a blur) and one of the security guards was there (i think he said he was the last one out of the building) and spoke about how the building blew up from the inside before the planes hit.
I think yeh now there might be 'terrorists and suicide bombers' because those guys have been given a false example to follow (i.e. the muslim guys who supposedly killed themselves along with all the rest of the people on the plane). Yes there were most probably suicide bombers existing before 9/11 but weird that it wasn't hyped up in the media as much, no one would be as 'afraid' of muslims before. Do we fear the irish as a group? no. But i'm pretty sure the IRA killed people too.
because i dont really like all those conspiracy theory and inside stuff.. =/
I like it simple and straightforward. (hence why i might just get used for my innocence, or thickness or lack of awareness..)
ANYWAY! Existence: you are one smiley person. How old are you? (you really should post in the New member topic, instead of answering my randomest question on random posts) SOme people dont like telling their age so its fine if you dont wanna, just let us know whereabout you sit in the age thingything.
simple and straighforward is a great way to be however sometimes we must think outside the box in order to realise what we are being fed to believe which is most defiantley NOT the islamic way
but putting that aside... Do you as a person want to be fed to believe something that you are unaware of?
to be fooled into thinking this life is to live for ?
to make the mistake the Holy Qura, Bible and Toraht have warned about ??
so i think this is why 'the arrivals' is a good thing to watchh..
it is not intent to feed us conspiracies so we have anxiety about anything, and really any thinking person can understand its goal .. like it says in one of the episodes some people are just not ready for the truth, they would rather believe in the so called 'reality' we are fed because it is easier for them to do so, therfore they can never overcome the trial that is this life and are blocking themselves from true spirituality and mercy from ALLAH SWT
"Love your haterz Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
Prophet SAW said that smiling was charity so i am giving virtual charity
Yes indeed these can be taken from the Quran however not everybody can pick up the Quran and understand the verses straight away, Non-muslims might not want to read the quran, so arrivals offers a good way of showing only PART of this afterall no, knowledge is greater then from the Quran
Well clearly you are now aware of it as we are discussing it what you choose to do with this knowledge is entirely up to you
the wake up project is merely a tool in helping HUMANITY from what is trying to destroy it, so everyone can understand the johad starts from within
the mistake i was refering to is to not follow the rules of ALLAH SWT, having patience, being compassionate, smiling, nota taking others life etc... this life is a false delusion in which we are being force fed to belive having the latest gadget etc is important, it is keeping us occupied while they are destroying our world
"Love your haterz Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
Seeee that's what I'm talking about - we should think outside the box!
(btw at the smiles are charity thing, all those smiley faces are scaring me, but good to see you being so generous!)
Well while Lilly replies with her age..
I shall tell you mine, I'm um um not 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 or 20. I'm 21 (why do i feel a little embarrassed at that fact?)
I shall now undo the suspense i have plunged you into through my not replying. ( i nearly actually missed your post with your age)
Im sixteen! (and a half) So year 11, well year 12 now
and you're Year 10/11 this year? Exception is in year 11 too now, not sure if she has hit her sweet sixteen yet. Well anyhow! Welcome!! hope we become friendly!!!
(just replace all the exclamation marks with smileys)
and yeah, as Truth said. those smileys are kinda scary...not you, just their yellow faces...
where was i? OHHH YEAH!! The revival is actually a secret organisation where we are recruiting kids/young people to take over the world. Just to let you know...
PS:how, when, why, where, what still need to be figured.
Mind if a third option is added to the poll?
I have seen some of it, not all.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
mashAllah that is good to hear 
well that is better then watching none
... i think it really opens a new way of percieving this life 
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
I am sorry if this comes across badly (especially since you are a new member and it may seem that I only bite), but I would disagree that it is better to see some than none...
Our sources we are meant to base things on are Qur'an and sunnah, not on The Arrivals, which does not always stand up well in the light of those sources.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Check this out The Arrivals: The sooner they depart the better
haha its okay
we wi8ll just have to agree to disagree
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
see, i knew that article would have no effect on those who believe in the arrivals! [but great article still :)]
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
@ TheDivineExsistence - What do you take away from the series? Any specific lessons?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
hahaha lol
@ power of silence 
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
a lot of lessons
but i think mainly not to be fooled for living for this life, but for the nexxt and the the beattle is within your own soul, forget whate else is going on
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
Seriously? that's all that you've learnt. I think it would be better for people to live and experiance life or maybe just read some ISLAMIC books and they'd learn that.
Sorry but i hate how people go on like its some brilliant thing that teaches you to be great but really does nothing, or atleast nothing that couldn't be done by better means.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Yes but its not jus aimed at muslims is it? and not everybpdy can just pick up an islamic book and understand it ..... So it helps a lot people understand certain aspects of religion and the world itself a lot easier ..
It is giving people knowledge so i dont understand why people are so fast to critise it, because really what are you doing to spread God's message?? (when i say you i mean everyone)
So just take the positives and it is brilliant because they have clearly used their time and effort to share it with us and isnt that ummah in itself?
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
It's NOT spreading God's word.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
What are the main things the arrivals is trying to say ? not to be fooled into this life AND to focus on worshiping God for the next .. so it kind of is really, jus because it uses some un-islamic sources does not mean it isnt the trth .. atleast they're trying to do something about it, what are we all doing???
eveyone seems to get so defensive when people speak about the arrivals :/ lol
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
started to watch it. but its SO long...
can i just watch random parts?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
And if you realise that, then i guess it can't do you much harm as long as you realise its not all right.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
i am not under any falsehood that it is an 'Islamic source' so to speak
i take me knowledge from only the holy Quran
however you should always try to better yourself with knowledge 
and really the arrivals does make some important points for example muslim brothers and sisters are so bust fighting within our own religion that really is it any wonder Islam is being attacked by others ???? We need to be united in the worship of ALLAH SWT instead of wasting precious time fighting dont you think
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
@ lilly
haha it is a bit long :/ so what i did was started watching from part 10 which is the start of section 2
this got me so intrested i was compelled to watch the rest .. 
Also they have different titles so anything that intrests you, you can watch
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
I started off with the one about Bloodlines (which is what made me watch the rest). I think it really does wake you up though (hence "The Wake Up" Project). A lot of it seems to be too big to be coincidences like the bloodline thing and about Ray the Ancient Egyptian sun god and the masonic rituals (which has been described by many other people than just those who made the Arrivals)
Yes some concepts do make you think 'realllly?' but it's something to at least consider right?
Oh and the 9/11 thing being an inside job.. i went to something a few years ago (which is why i'm not writing specifics, it's a blur) and one of the security guards was there (i think he said he was the last one out of the building) and spoke about how the building blew up from the inside before the planes hit.
I think yeh now there might be 'terrorists and suicide bombers' because those guys have been given a false example to follow (i.e. the muslim guys who supposedly killed themselves along with all the rest of the people on the plane). Yes there were most probably suicide bombers existing before 9/11 but weird that it wasn't hyped up in the media as much, no one would be as 'afraid' of muslims before. Do we fear the irish as a group? no. But i'm pretty sure the IRA killed people too.
The media really do rule our lives
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
im an idealist i think.
because i dont really like all those conspiracy theory and inside stuff.. =/
I like it simple and straightforward. (hence why i might just get used for my innocence, or thickness or lack of awareness..)
ANYWAY! Existence: you are one smiley person. How old are you? (you really should post in the New member topic, instead of answering my randomest question on random posts) SOme people dont like telling their age so its fine if you dont wanna, just let us know whereabout you sit in the age thingything.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
@ Truth's trazor - MashAllah i am happy somebody can see my point and yes i too started with the bloodlines one
its amasing
have you watched all of them ?
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
simple and straighforward is a great way to be
however sometimes we must think outside the box in order to realise what we are being fed to believe
which is most defiantley NOT the islamic way
but putting that aside... Do you as a person want to be fed to believe something that you are unaware of?
to be fooled into thinking this life is to live for ?
to make the mistake the Holy Qura, Bible and Toraht have warned about ??
so i think this is why 'the arrivals' is a good thing to watchh..
it is not intent to feed us conspiracies so we have anxiety about anything, and really any thinking person can understand its goal .. like it says in one of the episodes some people are just not ready for the truth, they would rather believe in the so called 'reality' we are fed because it is easier for them to do so, therfore they can never overcome the trial that is this life and are blocking themselves from true spirituality and mercy from ALLAH SWT
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
P.s i am 15
how old are all of you? 
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
smileys making me dizzy =/
Yes. good points, but it seems i could get all of this by reading books and the Quran.
how can i believe something i am unaware of? =/
whats the mistake the bible and toraht were warned about?
(genuine questions, not trying to put you down or anything)
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Prophet SAW said that smiling was charity
so i am giving virtual charity 
Yes indeed these can be taken from the Quran
however not everybody can pick up the Quran and understand the verses straight away, Non-muslims might not want to read the quran, so arrivals offers a good way of showing only PART of this
afterall no, knowledge is greater then from the Quran 
Well clearly you are now aware of it as we are discussing it
what you choose to do with this knowledge is entirely up to you 

the wake up project is merely a tool in helping HUMANITY from what is trying to destroy it, so everyone can understand the johad starts from within
the mistake i was refering to is to not follow the rules of ALLAH SWT, having patience, being compassionate, smiling, nota taking others life etc...
this life is a false delusion in which we are being force fed to belive having the latest gadget etc is important, it is keeping us occupied while they are destroying our world
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
oh and you didnt say ur age?
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
Seeee that's what I'm talking about - we should think outside the box!
(btw at the smiles are charity thing, all those smiley faces are scaring me, but good to see you being so generous!)
Well while Lilly replies with her age..
I shall tell you mine, I'm um um not 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 or 20. I'm 21 (why do i feel a little embarrassed at that fact?)
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
its nice to see someone agreeing with me
tbh we should think inside, around and outside the box
MashAllah thats nice to know
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
I shall now undo the suspense i have plunged you into through my not replying. ( i nearly actually missed your post with your age)
Im sixteen! (and a half) So year 11, well year 12 now
and you're Year 10/11 this year? Exception is in year 11 too now, not sure if she has hit her sweet sixteen yet. Well anyhow! Welcome!! hope we become friendly!!!
(just replace all the exclamation marks with smileys)
and yeah, as Truth said. those smileys are kinda scary...not you, just their yellow faces...
where was i? OHHH YEAH!! The revival is actually a secret organisation where we are recruiting kids/young people to take over the world. Just to let you know...
PS:how, when, why, where, what still need to be figured.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Haha, tbh i forgot about your reply
well i am going into year 11
and 16 in a month
..... ermm sorry the smileys are gna have to stay
LOL are you being serious?? if it was secret you would being telling me would you now
ohhh and thankyou for my welcome

"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
How can you smile to much ?
well dont be to creeped out
and just say SubhanAllah minus the shut-up

"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"