It's a Conspiracy, I tells you.

First, let me just clarify, I am a cynic. I take everything with a pinch of [i]NaCl[/i]. Except chips. I take them with more than just a pinch, and never ketchup. But I digress...

I have always thought of 9/11 conspiracy theories as absolute rubbish. Little more than wishful thinking by Muslims who fail to accept the fact that it was Muslims who were responsible for killing thousands of innocent people. That is until I saw this:

[url=]Zeitgeist - 9/11 part 1[/url]
[url=]Zeitgeist - 9/11 part 2[/url]
[url=]Zeitgeist - 9/11 part 3[/url]
[url=]Zeitgeist - 9/11 part 4[/url]

Furthermore, we all, as Muslims, reject the notion of interest or [i]riba[/i]. We know that the most of the African continent is stuck in a seemingly never-ending cycle of debt caused by interest. We may know that the total money raised in Live Aid and Live 8 will only amount to Cameroon's interest payment for a few hours (let alone the millions of people who are starving who it was meant to help. But we may not realise the way interest has been used by the large banking corporations to practically enslave most [b]Westerners[/b] too. The later parts of this film show just how manipulative and, yes, [b]evil[/b] the people in charge of our money really are. The film focusses on America, but many (if not all) of the points raised are applicable to us in the UK, as well as most 'developed' nations around the World. I would love to be wrong about these things, but the evidence in the later part of the film is pretty difficult to argue against. So, please take the time to watch this and contemplate on how we have been tricked into accepting a World-view that is simply not true.

[url=]Zeitgeist - Behind the Curtain part 1[/url]
[url=]Zeitgeist - Behind the Curtain part 2[/url]
[url=]Zeitgeist - Behind the Curtain part 3[/url]
[url=]Zeitgeist - Behind the Curtain part 4[/url]
[url=]Zeitgeist - Behind the Curtain part 5[/url]

I would be grateful to anyone of they can come up with anything that disputes what is said in this film. POW!!


"How they did this - we don't know"

Yes we do - they hit them both with a plane!

We lay people would probably expect the buildings to fall to the side, but well... we do not know.

It is entirely possible for the building to have collapsed the way it did - a cascade effect when one floor collapsed (the air on the floor below would account for the "boom")

Saying that, I do think the US government lied through its teeth afterwards. It got caught with its pants down and panicked.

As for the "Bin Laden Group" (BLG for shot)- well it is HUGE. If anyone does business in Saudi, I doubt they can avoid it in any way. Who do you think built the grand mosques? Who do you think employes all the construction workers? street cleaners? import/export? Yup, BLG.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
It is entirely possible for the building to have collapsed the way it did - a cascade effect when one floor collapsed (the air on the floor below would account for the "boom")

Well, the experts who they interviewed said that if the floors had collapsed in the way you say, then the central columns would still be standing. The official line - that the steel and aluminium melted because of the fire from the jet fuel - does not hold up because steel melts at a higher temperature than jet fuel can ever burn. Also, the architects who originally designed the World Trade centre are on the film stating explicitly that the building was designed to withstand a passenger jet crashing into it. Also, that doesn't even begin to explain the third tower which collapsed, or the workers in the [b]basement [/b]who felt and explosion coming from [b]underneath [/b]them moments [b]before [/b]the first plane hit.

You wrote:
As for the "Bin Laden Group" (BLG for shot)- well it is HUGE. If anyone does business in Saudi, I doubt they can avoid it in any way. Who do you think built the grand mosques? Who do you think employes all the construction workers? street cleaners? import/export? Yup, BLG.

I know this. I know they have distanced themselves from OBL. But that doesn't explain why CIA agents visited OBL four months before 9/11, when he was being treated in a US hospital in the Middle East, when he was on America's Top 10 Most Wanted List, and didn't arrest him.

And, if you were to watch the second half of the links I posted, you will see that there was the perfect motive of staging such an event.

Did you actually watch the whole video, or are you jumping to conclusions (which is exactly what I did when I was told by people about these things before)?

Don't just do something! Stand there.

I watched a part of it, got bored. Had other things to do.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
I watched a part of it, got bored. Had other things to do.

Well then why comment on it?!

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Because it was originally a two line reply which got built up. (I found the line "How they did this - we don't know" pretty amusing.)

I have watched it all now (not the second set of links which i assume are about the banking sector? I do plan on watching them too). Asks good questions, does not give good answers.

There is a possibility that it was staged. However there are also people out there who would do such things.

What I don't get is why 9/11 is such a big deal. There have been atrocities before and after. Shit happens. People learn to deal with it, move on. But this has somehow become a world changing act that is defining a lot of the world's policy.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:

What I don't get is why 9/11 is such a big deal. There have been atrocities before and after. Shit happens. People learn to deal with it, move on. But this has somehow become a world changing act that is defining a lot of the world's policy.

That is the point the second part makes. It shows why America needed some such event to enable them to increase 'defence' spending hugely, invade Afganistan to secure piplines in the Caspian Sea and Iraq to secure the Oil supply.

Everyone's scared of some inivisible entity and therefore are willing to give away their civil liberties in an attempt to gain more security.

Is this video biased and one-sided? Certainly. But at least it makes a change to the biased, one-sided media fighting for the other corner.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Just watched most of the second (not all of part 4, none of 5) and it starts off good, but it discredits itself later on by going into "crazy talk".

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
Just watched most of the second (not all of part 4, none of 5) and it starts off good, but it discredits itself later on by going into "crazy talk".

lol. If you think it gets crazy, with until you get to part 5! You will scoff, but then realise exactly what ID cards will mean fo us...

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ya'qub wrote:
You wrote:
Just watched most of the second (not all of part 4, none of 5) and it starts off good, but it discredits itself later on by going into "crazy talk".

lol. If you think it gets crazy, with until you get to part 5! You will scoff, but then realise exactly what ID cards will mean fo us...

Just hearing you two argue gives me the creeps.
I have a question: Why did America give Bin Laden a head start of two months to run? Why did they give him a chance to hide?

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

They didn't.

He was already in Afghanistan where even the Taliban "lost track" of him. And there was a little time between the attacks and War in Afghanistan - a lot of this was spent trying to pressure the Pakistan into pressuring the Taliban into handing OBL over.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
They didn't.

He was already in Afghanistan where even the Taliban "lost track" of him. And there was a little time between the attacks and War in Afghanistan - a lot of this was spent trying to pressure the Pakistan into pressuring the Taliban into handing OBL over.

Pressuring Pakistan to pressure Afghanistan? Why not just do it directly? There were two months before the invasion, America just spent a few weeks "panicking", why?

Your father I am!

Because they did not recognise the Taliban as a legitimate government.

Are you sure there were two months? From my memory it was closer to one month.

Also, logistics takes time. So does finding someone to do your bidding for you (The Northern Alliance).

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

To be honest I think Osama bin Laden could be dead.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

I watched the whole of Zeitgeist a while back. Yes, it is very one-sided, especially it's part about religion. The "world bank conspiracy" is not actually a conspiracy and holds very true - hence why there is a massive "credit crunch" problem at the moment - it is also one reason why [i]riba[/i] is totally [i]haraam[/i] - and it is also the reason that something ridiculous like 90-summat per cent of the world's wealth is in the hands of something like 300 men. Furthermore, for those who don't like Zeitgeist's style, there are many other documentaries about the banking phenomena in the US, such as Aaron Russo's own documentary (he was featured near the end of Zeitgeist talking about ID cards) as well as charities about fighting the unconstitutional income tax (which, if you watch Russo's documentary, you can find out about and visit their websites etc).

About the Trade Centres - I am not into conspiracy theories and totally agree that there are some mad idiots, who call themselves Muslims, who would, if the opportunity presented itself, go and do something crazy like 9/11. There is no doubt in my mind that there are sickos out there even today, who would love to do such murderous acts.

However, coming from architects and professors of physics, the evidence kinda does point to something else - maybe the plane hitting the tower was meant to set-off explosives that the terrorists had already placed in the building; maybe it was an inside job etc, who knows? The fact is though, the plane, by itself, did not cause the crumbling effect, and this is backed by, vehemently argued by, written by and documented by distinguished experts in the field.


All good and well, but that was not supposed to happen - the towers were designed to take such an impact.

At a minimum, the engineers did not build the building to the standards they claimed that they did.

And yes, a plane had hit a sky scraper before. The building survived.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.