Conspiracy theories

Spreading weakness through conspiracy theories

How many times have you heard comments that suggest someone else is in charge of your destiny?

"America controls the media"
"they don't like us"
"The Israelis control everything"

or even comments such as "the kuffar media".

Add to that talk about freemasons, the illuminati and any other group which is supposed to either control the world or have grand plans to control the world.

I am sure you have all heard of something along those lines.

There is one thing all taht talk has in common - and its not that it is all true.

The thing in common is that it all makes us weak.

It takes the power of action out of our hands.

Instead of doing something to fix any problems, it allows us to throw up our hands as if things are not in our control.

The Arrivals: The sooner they depart the better

Irfan Jalil

We love a good argument. We can debate the correct length of a beard with the best of them. We can rip into each other over whether Muslims are allowed to vote. We will accuse fellow Muslims of committing shirk and bid'ah and being kafir. We can tear ourselves apart over whether it's OK to celebrate Milad. Argument is keeping us in a perpetual fight with each other.

But nothing unites Muslims like a good conspiracy theory. The crazier the better. At the first mention of Freemasons we'll put aside differences in aqidah. We'll forget about haazir or naazir at the first hint of a subliminal message. As long as something is thrown in about how this was all foretold in the Quran and Hadith, we'll hear you out.

Shock! Horror! The Jews Didn’t Do It!

By Irfan Jalil

This is an online exclusive article added to the website for Issue 14.

From the death of Jesus and World War I to the death of Tupac and 9/11, Jews get the blame for anything that goes wrong and everything that is bad. It's as if they control the world and whatever they say goes. All perfectly plausible you might think. But this idea that a group of people secretly plot major events and manipulate political happenings from behind the scenes is called a conspiracy theory.

It's a Conspiracy, I tells you.

First, let me just clarify, I am a cynic. I take everything with a pinch of [i]NaCl[/i]. Except chips. I take them with more than just a pinch, and never ketchup. But I digress...

I have always thought of 9/11 conspiracy theories as absolute rubbish. Little more than wishful thinking by Muslims who fail to accept the fact that it was Muslims who were responsible for killing thousands of innocent people. That is until I saw this:

[url=]Zeitgeist - 9/11 part 1[/url]
[url=]Zeitgeist - 9/11 part 2[/url]