
Why would Muslims (allegedly) be "divided" over an interest free Student Loan option?

There was an article in the Guardian today where it was mentioned that the government is looking into ways of providing interest free student loans to those Muslim students who wish to untilise the service.

They wouldn't be any cheaper, but they would get past the issue of forcing people to choose between getting educated and paying interest.

The surprising bit to me was the Muslim students mentioned in there who did not want such an option to exist for others to use.

It's a Conspiracy, I tells you.

First, let me just clarify, I am a cynic. I take everything with a pinch of [i]NaCl[/i]. Except chips. I take them with more than just a pinch, and never ketchup. But I digress...

I have always thought of 9/11 conspiracy theories as absolute rubbish. Little more than wishful thinking by Muslims who fail to accept the fact that it was Muslims who were responsible for killing thousands of innocent people. That is until I saw this:

[url=]Zeitgeist - 9/11 part 1[/url]
[url=]Zeitgeist - 9/11 part 2[/url]