

What I've spent my morning thinking:

How can you help someone who doesn't want to be helped?

Sitting on the sideline is slowly but surely killing you both.

But any time you try to help - you get shot down, shut out. (because he's older than you so clearly "knows better")

It's not even like he's your child, so slapping him over the head and forcing him to do the right thing is out of the question too.

You're 100% certain he will benifit from the proposed changes and it will improve his life in countless ways. (not just this life)

Yet all can do is watch "what could have been" get flushed down the pan.


Why would you date. Lilly perspective.

Its not going ot be anything article worthy. just a quick thought i had today.


why would you EVER date a guy in secondary school or college?!

they are soooo not worth it.

they're stinky, weird, sport crazy, acne ridden, did i mention stinky? they talk weird, they word to describe it. and MORE IMPORTANTLY. they are FRICKING BROKE!


its beyond me why any girl would date a guy still in school.


let girls be girls and develop into awesome girls. let boys be boys, get some confidence, some height, some muscles, lose the spots, learn to speak (again) and get a job.


then in uni or whatever let them meet and be happy. married.


Is "doing the right thing" always the right thing to do?

Ms Curtis, my GCSE English Teacher, told me I should always check my work before submitting it. And since this is the first bit of work I’m doing since then, I thought I’ll act on her advice. When I did, by reading the title, I thought “well Duh..!! – clearly it is. But then I referred to scrap notes to remind myself why I started writing this article and remembered – doing the right thing is actually not always the right thing to do.

For example, if you’re driving along and see someone at the zebra crossing, you should stop as it’s the right thing to do? But what if you have a child in your car who you need to get to the hospital? Then the right thing to IS to stop, but also not to stop? Which one is righter? (if that’s even a word – but you know what I mean)

Getting exam-inified.

i think im going to TRY to go dormant for the next two months. i dont know how that's going to work out but im going to miss y'all.


especially all our cute lil newbies!

Me and Hummus and GD and... oh that's it. well y'all feel like an actual team but there's only three of you!


well, after exam we'll have fun coz Nasheedgirl said she's coming back inshaaAllah. you three are going to like her i think. She's fun like you.


and there's also Valkyrie and Lioness of Allah. If they come back you lot are going to take over loool

Making Choices

Ok there's this non-muslim who randomly got hold of my email address, and since then has not stopped talking to me about- religion.

I deleted her twice, yet she seems to be determined to pop-up and ask whether "I'm busy" so she can chat.. urgently Fool

The first topic of discussion was about 'covering up' and why muslims do it etc and then it was about 'consequences' and forms of 'punishment' if you don't adhere to a certain thing?!

One thing that is really REALLY ticking me off right now, is how would you go about explaining something to a  non-muslim?

I mean the only ever response I get is "WHY" ..

The Confession Box

I was just sat here with nothing to do reading through a few old posts (as one does on a rainy dull Sunday Morning) and thought it might not be a bad idea to have an annonymous Confession Box style section on here.

I know a lot of people share stories etc about what's going on with them and things they want advice on etc, but what about those topics thta people want advice on, but don't for what ever reason want others to know it's from them?

Not that I have anything such like topic to get off my chest, but I just thought it might be a good idea?

Who else has though we should have something like this?

He prayed in his nursery :)

Well, i came home and my little brother, (he's three years old), was dying to read the Quran. Its colour coded and each manzil has its background colour,and obviously, to him, its very interesting and fascinating.

Im suprised why he asked for it so instantly and he told me that in his day-care nursery, they had prayed Jumuah today and the teachers had made him take his shoes off, so he had absolutely loved performing the actions and he'd been a good boy today! (Apart from when one of his teachers said she'd told him off for kicking the toys LOL)

So, it got me thinking. It's pretty obvious that having certain experiences and opportunites at such a young age, will help him to become a better Muslim when he grows up i'A. 
