If we do not protect the rights of Muslim women, we will end up like France
The general elections may be one and a half years away but it seems that electioneering has started.
Until now the Coalition government has focussed on blaming the poor and vulnerable for the poor state of the economy while ignoring their rich friends which fund them and actually created the economic mess.
But now a new front has been opened up recently, as evidenced by a college's attempt to ban the face veil in Birmingham. While the college eventually backed down, it was not without first recieving the full backing of the Prime Minister.
Essential free programs to install on a new Windows PC
There is always a ritual that is carried out on a new (or even old PC), which involves removing as much pre-installed software as possible and then replacing it with useable and essential alternatives.
(I am certain I have done a similar post like this before...)
Here is my install ritual:
(Please note that all the software listed on this page is both legal and free. No pirate programs in this list. Many will also be opensource.)
Web Browser
Firefox. Many prefer Chrome, but I prefer Firefox (en-gb localisation). I like how it works and I don't think google monitors it as actively as chrome. Another alternative is Opera Browser.
Just some love.
I love you!
Now carry on with your wonderful day
Stay away from my sisters
I really want to marry him
Assalamu Alaykom wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,
So I got a question about
tranquility from a sister,
but about marriage proposals:
"What if the heart feels tranquillity
in a decision which isn't out of
the bounds of Shariah
yet circumstances dictate otherwise?
I.e parents turning down good
proposals due to race/status?
But you feel like the person would
be a good bet?
If the parental influence in this decision,
jeopardising the level of tranquillity
starts making you feel not tranquil,
does it become a whim if you still
wish to marry the person?
Should you just let it go because
the tranquillity has been unsettled?"
She actually answers her own
question. lol.
Today marks a special day.. Can you guess what it is?
Boom, Boom, Pow
Ok, so my neighbours have a kid whose like 10. And juding by the loud shouting matches we can sometimes over hear im pretty sure their home situation isnt all too wizard.
Anyway so they have this 10 year old kid, and there always this girl about his age that rides bikes with him ALL THE TIME. I mean they've been friends for what seems like forever and they ride their bikes with each other everyday. Every so often when im passing by i'll catch a glimpse of their conversation, and they talk about the cutest things. This one time he said something to her (i didnt catch it) but she replies 'I dont understand that'
and he says 'what?'
to which she replies 'how you can be so smart but you dont talk a lot,' at which point he laughs
How heavy is this glass of water?
A psychologist walked around a room while teaching stress management to an audience. As she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they'd be asked the "half empty or half full" question. Instead, with a smile on her face, she inquired: "How heavy is this glass of water?"
Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz.
She replied, "The absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my arm. If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb and paralyzed. In each case, the weight of the glass doesn't change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes."
The story of my Graphical Calculators
On the 14th of May, three days before my Core 2 Maths exam, a tragic mishap occurred. My graphical calculator fell from my hands and whilst I stood in the kitchen, with my eyes closed, almost cursing my clumsiness, wishing that I was seeing things...
I turned my calculator around to find that the screen was cracked and the right hand side of it had stopped working. It was a very sad day indeed.
Worried about what I will use in my exam, I ordered a new one from Amazon, knowing that it wouldn't reach me in time. Thankfully, Mr C gave me his to borrow for the day of the exam.