
Mobile web updates

A couple of months after replacing my PC, I have got around to making a few more updates to the site - I had quite a bit left to do after the changes to the layout etc that ended in Ramadan, but I never got around to them.

Right now, I have added preliminary support for a couple more sizes - screens that were 320px wide (eg iphone and smaller android phones) were already supported, but there was much wasted space on slightly larger devices - those that had a default device width of 340 or 360 pixels were less well supported creating wasted space.

That should now be fixed. I am aware that on some pages the page is being "stretched", making the view zoomed out and less easy to read. That might be figured out.

Eating dogs? Really?!

It seems that some Syrian clerics have issued a Fatwa allowing people living in besieged suburbs of Damascus to eat meat that is normally forbidden. So now, they may eat cats, dogs and donkeys to starve off hunger.

It's so heartbreaking to hear and shakes my insides to know that this is what is happening to our brothers and sisters half way across the world. The clerics add, that if the situation continues to deteriorate, the living would have to eat the dead.

Ya Allah, help these people, ease their suffering and make them amongst those who enter Jannah. O Allah they are in urgent need of Your Mercies, so send upon them Your Mercies, O Most Merciful. Ameen, thumma Ameen.

I ask you to make a special prayer for Syria tonight. A sincere dua. 



Who wears a poppy? Do you? If so, why do you? Have you ever faced any evil looks by other Muslims who wonder why you support such a cause? Have you ever felt pressured into wearing one, simply because a colleague or friend is wearing one and you feel you are obliged to do the same?

Do you not wear a poppy? If not, why not? Do you feel this is something that only White British people or the families of those who had ancestors participating in the war should do? Are you strictly against Britain involving in war overseas? Are you confused about how they should be worn?

The Revival Matrimonial Service


As Editor of The Revival Magazine over the last decade or so one issue that pops up more than any other is that of marriage. When a young Muslim in his mid 20's or early 30's wants to get married here he/she comes across many problems and obstcales. They don't wanna get married 'back home' or to their cousin and don't want to enter the dating scene- so what do they do?

Muslim matrimonial events or better known as 'halal' speed dating or even finding 'the one' online doesn't work for most and creates more problems.

So to avoid being forced in to marriage and marrying someone against their wishes what options do they have?

Africa - David Attenborough.

Amazing documentary. I havent been following it. just watched this episode about the Cape of Africa (the upmost bottom bit) It's pretty amazing and beautiful.


how the meeting of the two great oceans. The Indian and the Atlantic creates amazing things that repercurate all the way into inland Africa. Mountains 3KILOMETRES high that trap clouds and make the land beyond them into desert.

Monkey beatles?

heard of Pronking?

a king of Kingfish leading a "pack" of usually solitary Kingfishes on a yet unexplained pilgrimage?

currents and underwater sandstorms.

the GOOGLE rainforest?

“You’re a stay-at-home mom? What do you DO all day?”

It’s happened twice in a week, and they were both women. Anyone ought to have more class than this, but women — especially women — should damn well know better.

Last week, I was at the pharmacy and a friendly lady approached me.

“Matt! How are those little ones doing?”

“Great! They’re doing very well, thanks for asking.”

“Good to hear. How ’bout your wife? Is she back at work yet?”

“Well she’s working hard at home, taking care of the kids. But she’s not going back into the workforce, if that’s what you mean.”

“Oh fun! That must be nice!”

“Fun? It’s a lot of hard work. Rewarding, yes. Fun? Not always.”

This one wasn’t in-your-face. It was only quietly presumptuous and subversively condescending.
