
I feel this is kinda hypocritical of me

i have this memory, i dont know if its accurate or  just glossed over to make it look cool in my head and worthy of retelling in a revival blog. (which i totally ruined now)

so anyway, this memory is of my 16-ish years old self. pondering the difference between lonely and alone. having learnt about it the "life" way.

since then ive been careful of my usage of those two words and also highly aware of their difference and how they each feel in everyday living.

Ive always enjoyed having some alone time. just doing nothing or doing something that needs doing, that has clear goals and that has a clear end point but by myelf. (like hanging the clothes out to dry, or shopping with a shopping list..stuff like that)

The Walk, not an ordinary WALK

After my time with my wordsearch, I spent about about an hour and a half sitting with my dad talking about 'stuff'. I can't remember a single word about what we had talked about but all i know is that we talked about 'stuff' whatever that 'stuff' was. Then for a couple of hours i have absolutely no idea what i did because my mind is just blank at the moment so i'll begin at the part that i can remember.

I decided to go into town to try and look for matching items for the dresses that i had bought a while back and a couple of things for one of my sisters too, but then my youngest sister and mother decided they wanted to come too, so the three of us were dropped off into town by my dad.

My Big Yellow Giant Wordsearch

I woke up this morning to come on Revvy to write a blog about some very strange happenings that I was embraced with yesterday morning but then i got caught up with commenting on all the current threads and this site is just getting busier Alhamdulillah.

Two nights ago, my dad took away all of our gadgets and kept them in the frontroom because he felt like it. Whyyyy dad whyyyy is what was going on in my head. But yes, i guess after his little talk on making the most of Ramadhan i guess i know why he took them away. That's when i realised how ADDICTED i am to a screen. Well not the screen. Things that i do ON this laptop that i don't know what i'd do without.

Ramadan reflections day 18

SubhanAllah! Humans are great creations. Our abilities to understand and empathise are some of the greatest things we can do. We can recognise peoples’ emotions, and respond accordingly, we can help the emotionally distressed even by a few words of encouragement or wisdom. We can make people cry with laughter. We can make people feel happy, safe, accepted, loved.

I read in Thursday’s metro a story about a 15yr girl who had drowned and her 14yr old friend attempted to rescue her but drowned and died herself too. What a a courageous and loving girl she must’ve been. I hope her parents find solace in knowing their daughter will be known as a hero.

But humans can be capable of doing things which cannot be described as anything but purely evil.

Ramadan reflections day 17

Ramadan Reflections day 17

In Islam actions are judged by their intentions. Let me clarify – that’s just for good actions, wrong actions are wrong despite the intention. However good actions can be ruined and instead of being rewarded they can be a source of sin if our intention isn’t correct and sincere. On the other hand having the right intention in whatever we do can mean everything we do is a form of worship.

We should be making this dua at least 5x a day (unless you read a different one in your salah)

A fully grown pet CHEETAH

There is this man. I don't actually know what his name is but i think he's Arab. I found him somewhere on this world wide web. I think he's extremely brave and awesome and i've watched him and and i've been really amazed with my mouth looking like ------> :O

NO, i do not want to marry this guy and i don't fancy him because i don't know who he is, but i fancy something else that belongs to him. I am writing this blog to inform Titanium that this man has a FULLY GROWN PET CHEETAH. Can you believe it?

Confirmation: Trees and plants CAN grow inside of me

When I was a young-ish person, I was always warned that if i ever dared to eat the black seed within an apple, that one day I would have an apple tree growing inside my insides. The same applied to swallowing the cream seed that you find in an orange.

I believed that for quite some time, maybe even for a few years, until i realised that regardless of how many seeds i deliberately ate to test this theory or accidently ate, it was never ever going to grow inside me, because the conditions inside my body were different to the conditions outside my body.

Stop being a glass. Become a lake.

An old Master instructed an unhappy young man to put a handful of salt in a glass of water and then to drink it. "How does it taste?" the Master asked. "Awful," spat the apprentice.

The Master chuckled and then asked the young man to take another handful of salt and put it in the lake. The two walked in silence to the nearby lake and when the apprentice swirled his handful of salt into the lake, the old man said, "Now drink from the lake."

As the water dripped down the young man's chin, the Master asked, "How does it taste?" "Good!" remarked the apprentice. "Do you taste the salt?" asked the Master. "No," said the young man.

Ramadan reflections day 16

There are many lessons to be gained from the amazing story of how Musa peace be upon him was led to and had a conversation with Allah (swt).  I’m just going to share a part of the story here.

Musa (as) had been freaked out initially but by now he’s realised he is in a conversation with Allah (swt) but to make him feel calm Allah swt asks Musa (as) about something he is very familiar with

And what is that in your right hand, O Moses?" (Q 20:17)

Musa (as) replies


Just thought I'd blog because it's 5am and I can't sleep.

Soooo I'm 21 today woo. 

Kinda depressed about that, haven't done half the stuff I wanted to by this age. I just about graduated and passed my driving test in the past couple of weeks, I don't have much to show for my 21 yrs on this planet :/  
