
Ignorance is boring

The general state of the muslim people bothers me. It bothers me when they display ignorance to even the most basic of Islamic teachings.

It bothers me when even the elders prefer to hold onto their cultural beliefs for fear of what people would say. When they should be more worried about what Allah (swt) will say come judgement day. Even when they have been presented with the truth and beauty of Islam they refuse on grounds of "what will the people say".

Feeling metaphorical

Found a few good metaphors. By good, I mean bad. Really bad.

The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't.

Bob was as perplexed as a hacker who means to access\\aaakk/ch@ung but gets T:\\flw.quidaaakk/ch@ung by mistake.

Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever.

If I had money, I would be rich

Sounds simple doesn't it? But add to that the truth that you need money to make money.

Which brings us tom the news today that the price of metals is reaching record highs. A few months ago I had the idea that it would be good to invest in commodities that were devalued. Such as Silver. Only thing was I had no money.

Feeling qualified.

I do not like to apply for jobs unless I feel reasonably qualified. I also try to be brutally honest to myself.

Now that is a recipe for disaster if I ever saw one. Especially since I want to move out of sales - my bread and butter role of the last few years. Most of my employment life.

I Just applied for a position of Junior Web Developer. I have been making websites, maintaining and updating them for years, but I really had to think before I decided that I am qualified to apply for such a role.

Productivity. Or the lack of it.

I am a night owl by trade. I do most things when there is no disturbance. The most productive part of the day for me. The time when I think straight.

So does it make a bad person to feel frustrated when I have to house sit for someone else for three days running?

Even when they have a pretty much life or death situation?

I think so.

Im Playing Cricket

For all those critics; the truth does begin in lies. Take me for example... i do all sorts of things that id rather not tell my parents about. For example if I goofed off from studying to go watch a movie and my parents asked me "where I did today?" Id simply answer with "Playing Cricket"... or "When they shout from the hall: "Seraph! What are you doing?" I answer with "Playing Cricket".

Truth matters

The truth waits for nobody. It does not [url=/blogs/seraphim/truth-lies]begin in lies[/url], nor does it need to be sugar coated in lies. Truth is the absense of Lies. No matter what House says. If it is relative, it is not a truth but an opinion.

Some people lie to others for a multitude of reasons. Some which sound good, others which do not. But why do people lie to themselves?

If you cannot be truthful to yourself, can you be truthful to others?

Truth & Lies

Everybody lies. It's a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. The only variable is about what exactly.

The truth begins in lies. I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone that someone is probably the last person you should ask.
You want to know how two chemicals interact, do you ask them? No, they're going to lie through their lying little chemical teeth. Throw them in a beaker and apply heat.

So that begs the question, why do they lie?


My personal philosophy is that we are who we choose to be. We are where we are because of the choices we've made in life and if you dont like who you've become then its no ones fault but your own. Although there is something to be said about the element of fate, i for one refuse to believe we are helpless against it. To a certain extent id like to believe we can make our own fate and its never too late to change.
Change is difficult, even frustrating... but NOT impossible. All you need is a goal and the will to change.
