
Integrity, or the lack of it (Blair to teach in the US on faith ) and other musings

hoho, another funny news story I just spotted on the beeb:


Blair to teach in the US on faith

Tony Blair is to teach students at Yale University in the US when he leads a seminar on faith and globalisation.

The former prime minister has been appointed as a fellow at Yale and will begin teaching next year.

The prestigious Connecticut university said the work was related to Mr Blair's Faith Foundation which will be launched later this year.

Cowboy Justice

And here comes news from over the pond of a person being [url=]convicted of International terrorism[/url].

The evidence? while serving in the Navy a number of years ago, he purchased some video's. He also in one email mentioned that his ship may be passing through some location. Which it did without incident.

Later, he left the Navy and never did any thing related to terrorism. So much for integrating into the community.

Crisis in Gaza

Is that a little weird? Since when has Gaza not been in crisis?


BBC News[/url]]Gaza's humanitarian situation is at its worst since Israel occupied the territory in 1967, say UK-based human rights and development groups.

They include Amnesty International, Save the Children, Cafod, Care International and Christian Aid.

They criticise Israel's blockade on Gaza as illegal collective punishment which fails to deliver security.

A breakfast fit for kings

I had boiled tomatoes on toast for breakfast. A breakfast fit for kings.

One of the few things I liked about early shifts was getting 2 has browns an egg and a boiled tomato in a muffin. Gorgeous.

I had no idea how to make it myself, and Google just revealed recipe's for tomato soup. In the end got a tin of peeled tomatoes in rich tomato sauce from Sainsbury's.

I Heated it all up 'til the sauce was bubbling (a word of caution - a normal tin contains 4 tomatoes - and average breakfast will probably be just one or two). Made some toast. In the same was as usual - no margarine or butter. Made a cup of tea. No sugar. That was on oversight, but since I drink very little sugar in my tea, I thought I'd roll with it.

My verdict? Delicious. Y'all should try it.

Ar-Rahman Shows Mercy To Those Who Have Mercy On Others

The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) once kissed Al-Hasan Ibn ‘Alee (i.e. his grandson) while Al-Aqra’ Ibn Haabis was in his presence. So Al-Aqra’ said to him: [b]"You kiss your children. I swear by Allaah, I have ten children and I never kissed any one of them!" So the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: "He who doesn’t show mercy (to others) will not be shown mercy (by Allaah)."[/b]

Verily, mercy - in our religion - encompasses this world and the hereafter, as well as mankind, animals, birds, and the surrounding habitats. Allaah says:

[b] "And My mercy encompasses every thing."[/b]

Allaah has described Himself with mercy and He has also described His prophets and righteous servants with it. Allaah says:

Let the games begin.

Clearly I have not been paying enough attention to the games industry.

Through [url= I followed a link to [url= which had news (and links to an interview) about a Mod created by "Artist" Wafaa Bilaal called Virtual Jihadi:

Charity Begins at (my Future) Home

I recently met up with one of my oldest and dearest friends for coffee. The conversation often comes to Islam, because he was very upset and angry with me when he first found out I converted to Islam.

Anyway, the talk turned to charity, and I was recounting tales of some of my Muslim friends who are, masha'Allah, [b]extremely[/b] generous with their money. I was explaining to him how important kindness and giving is in Islam, because we believe that everything we give in this life will be repaid to us, many times over, in the next life.

My Moms Lemon & Almond Cake

Because sometimes lifes complicated enough. Have your cake and eat it.

[b]Ingredients [/b]
• 200g of ground almonds
• 2 Lemons
• 3 Medium Sized Eggs
• 50g plain flour
• 200g of fructose sugar
• 1 tsp baking powder

[b]Step 1:[/b] Get a saucepan and fill it with water, add the lemons and bring to a boil and allow to simmer for about an hour.

[b]Step 2:[/b] Take the lemons out and cut them in half. Remove the pips and then wack them in a blender and blend till its in puree form.

[b]Step 3:[/b] Oil a cake tin and line with baking paper. Preheat the oven to 170C.

[b]Step 4:[/b] Crack open the eggs and beat thoroughly while adding the sugar until pale and thick.

Spring is Here!

I went out today in my back garden, hanging clothes up on the line and just looked and saw how beautiful it was. Then I relise I hardly go out. I used to be a great netball player until I converted to Islam and my teacher wouldn't let me wear trousers instead of short skirts so I gave it up. I'm not sad, just disappionted that I can't keep active. But then I went outside then I asked my mum if we could drive to our nearest park. I walked with her up to the top of the hill then back and I felt fitter. Me and my friends are going running there soon. I'm going to make a weekly thing out of it.
