Forum Topics

1001 reasons why i love being muslim

ok everybody theres so much negativeness surrounding islam today and alot of people including muslims think its hardwork being a muslim due to alot of rules and constraints , but being muslim is wonderful, so everyone name things that make you love being a muslim

ill go first i love the [b]brotherhood [/b] Biggrin every muslim in the world is my brother and my sister and its great to be apart of such a big family (1.6 billion)

Prison Break

Who watches the prison break? comes on channel 5 every mondays...
i think its really good

[b]EDIT---- New topic created ---- NewModOnTheBlock[/b]

"sam" wrote:

i know we have talkied slightly about prison break, but i thought ill start a topic on it.
i'm so into it and am sure many other people are too;
did anyone watch todays series?
that white wannabe black guys i feel sorry for him in a way don't know why


what do you think of dogs?

i think islamically your not suppose to keep dogs, but having a guard dog is acceptable?

I've got two dogs a dobermann and an american red nose pitbull, has anyone else got dogs?

i have been told when a dog howls its not a good sign but haven't been told why its not a good sign does anyone know?

Radio Islam 87.9FM 1st April - 28th April


[size=18][b]Aashiq-e-rasool nasheed group will be appearing on the station.
there will be broadcast of Yusuf Islam (UK), Shaykh Umar bin Habeeb and Shaykh Habib ali Jifri (Yemen) and Shaykh Ahmed Babibkr (Sudan) and Shaykh ul Islam Tahir Ul Qadri[/b][/size]

LA Psychologist Wafa Sultan

Wafa Sultan, an Arab-American psychologist from Los Angeles. I want to know what you all say about her. She is really bashing Islam and also got some crucial points.


Her second clip
#783 - LA Psychologist Wafa Sultan Clashes with Algerian Islamist Ahmad bin Muhammad over Islamic Teachings and Terrorism



Well.. Just ran a trace on the spammer...

traced two separate ip's used.

One ended up at a uni in Iran. Another in the linkbynet solutions network solution in france. (ISP probably was tiscali, as it went through that network...)

So either we have a travelling spammer, or a group, or someone controlling a botnetwork.

Interesting. I would have thought they would have thing to do.

Apparently I am wrong.

oh and instead of deleting the isersz, can mods please just ban them, sending the username to me. I can them analyse them for wildcards...

Chill, Have A Break


I’m 21 years old; I’ve been in education non stop since nursery…it feels as if I’ve been studying forever (which I have been).

In University, 60/70% of students came under the “mature student” category…

What are the pro’s and cons of taking a break and returning to higher education?


Hi everyone...

i must say it's been a while since i've been here...but my life felt incomplete without it...!

anyhow i've come up with a problem n was wondering if anyone can offer any advice

i've recently started doing the Fajr namaaz every morning and im going to try and keep it as a regular thing as a really want to be a better muslim

however, there's a really big problem i've been experiencing whilst doing namaaz...everytime i do it, my minds not there if you no what a mean

i can read the whole namaaz without actually hearing it or realising what im saying Sad

this reall
