Forum Topics

Birth of the Prophet (pbuh)


The month of Rabbi ul Awwal is almost amongst us....

the month the holy prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) was born...

is it another month Muslims argue whether celebrating his birth is allowed or bidah?

or are we going to get something out of this month?

isnt it the perfect time to highlight to the world how great the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) was especially after the cartoon issue?

pls share your views



I will very soon need to find a new job.

I want out of sales.

The only other things I have done are dead end. (security was rilliant, but its a dead end.. and warehouses are also the same)

I am a lazy person as most of you know. So I will try to get you to think of decent careers for me! :twisted:

So call this suggest admin a job topic.

And no I will never go into teaching. (I like explaining things once, and only once. I do not want to be in the dock for strangling someone...)

so.. erm... please?

Look atmy face >>> Blum 3

how can you say no to that?

To Shake Or Not To Shake


Today I had a job interview with a teaching agency in central London; this is supposedly the best teaching agency in London, I was impressed and overwhelmed by the professionalism in that company and was desperate to make a good impression…

The guy who was interviewing me introduced himself and extended his arm out, I stood there thinking to myself “Shall I explain to him that I can’t shake hands with a non Mahram or should I pretend I didn’t notice his hand”.

Free Mixing in Islam

Salaam Alykum,
i understand that free mixing is haraam in islam and women and men are not allowed to be in the same company of each other unless there is a good reason behind it, however are we allowed to email, text or talk to non-mehram like on msn? because that won't be free mixing as where not in the company of males.

salaam alykum

Return of Eesa



**There will be no sister's facility available for this talk, sisters can listen online via Paltalk**

Go to [url=][/url] for instructions on how to listen




Islamic Circles Presents:


Date: Wednesday 29th March 2006
Time: 6.00 pm - 9.00 pm
Venue: Room B04, Basement, Birkbeck College,
Malet Street, Bloomsbury, London, WC1E 7HX

A special mid-week matrimonial event for those who may be divorced,
separated or widowed, or are open to marrying someone of these
statuses. All Muslims are welcome to attend regardless of ethnicity
or "level" of faith and practice. Mahrams are encouraged to attend
and assist where possible.
