Forum Topics

Storms To Batter Britain!

Britain is bracing itself for two bouts of stormy weather that look set to hit Britain in the last few days of 2006.

An area of low pressure is expected to bring high winds and rain to much of the UK today, ending a period of relative calm over Christmas.

Forecasters said there was then likely to be a brief respite tomorrow, before more gale force winds battered parts of Britain on New Year's Eve.

A MeteoGroup UK spokesman said winds gusting to speeds of 60mph to 70mph could hit areas of Northern Ireland, north-west England, Scotland and Wales tonight.

But he added that almost the

10 Top Idiots of the Year 2006


An e-mail i received, most of which i agree with

10 Top Idiots of the Year 2006

Imam Badi Ali of Greensboro, North Carolina says that 2006 was the year of the IDIOT. New Trend defines an idiot politically as a person who does not know that he/she is being used, is ego oriented and forcefully carries out a hidden political agenda, thus falling prey to the actual forces at work in the political arena.

New Trend has come up with the following IDIOTS of the year 2006 after consulting and searching far and wide for people who would fit into our definition of the IDIOT.

'Show unity on mosque'

[size=18]'Show unity on mosque'[/size]


27 December 2006
MUSLIMS condemned media reports of the 'mega-mosque' planned for West Ham and general coverage of issues concerning Islam.

Speakers at the Shalom Centre in Manor Park included Newham Respect councillor Abdul Karim Sheikh, Mobeen Anwar from the London Association of Muslim Professionals, Mudassar Ahmad from Newham Publ

FREE purification of the Heart course enrol today!

For a free DVD regarding the course of self purification which outlines the full course[purification of the heart] please email

Firstly, the Sheikh checks if their belief system is correct. If not, He will present to them the solution so that they can practically rectify their belief (aqeedah) according to Ahl-sunnah-wal-jamaat (people who follow the Prophetic way and the companions). Thereafter the Sheikh instructs them to learn the basic fiqh (if they don’t possess it already) according to the Hanafi school of thought regarding the external practices of Islam.

Dave/Timbo....Need your help!

Hello Biggrin

Dave, do you know anything about Intellectual Property Law in the USA? and if possible, specifically unregistered design rights? Or even better, what IP law in the US of A focuses on? I have mentioned in my assignment that in america its focused on creativity, whereas in the UK it focuses on ownership and designers rights. any info?
