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If u didnt know what a metrosexual man is-consider is a good thing

this prob means that u aint one

Metrosexuality is, according to British journalist Mark Simpson, the trait of an urban man of any sexual orientation (usually heterosexual)[citation needed] who has a strong aesthetic sense and spends a great amount of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle. Simpson coined the term in 1994 in an article in the The Independent... in general slang terms, they are "camp but straight."

gender differences shud never get clouded

men shud behave like men

and women shud behave like women

Islam only for the rich?

recently mr. hamza yusuf complained to that f they dont remeove his lectures from their database then he will have no choice but to report them to the databasing filing agents as terrorists!

can you believe that! :shock:

if you dont beleieve me go to the site and the alligations thrown by mr. hamza yusuf is clearly smack bang on the face. :shock:

West is accused of double standards on female circumcision

West is accused of double standards on female circumcision

A leading doctor has accused Western plastic surgeons who perform cosmetic surgery on the vagina of undermining the battle against female circumcision in other parts of the world.

Writing in the British Medical Journal, Ronan Conroy, senior lecturer at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, says the growing acceptance in Britain and elsewhere of so-called "designer vaginas" was exposing Western double standards.



Do u work in call centre?
Do you have good communication skills?
Do you SELL for a living ?
Can you sell?
Are you a sales or a marketing whizz kid?

We are in the process of expanding our sales and marketing team for
The Revival is the biggest Muslim Youth Magazine in the UK, to
continue to expand we need to expand our sales and marketing teams.
So those who:[/b]
1. can spare a few hours a week
2. wanna earn some money, as more sales you get more money YOU make
3. have sales skills
4. are a good communicator
5. are target focused



[quote]Muslims already form 8% of the prison population. 73,000 recorded prisoners in 2003 means there are now at least 5840 Muslims in prison and it’s rising . Over 65% of these prisoners are young men between the ages of eighteen and thirty.

This huge figure does not include youngsters under the age of 18 who are in custodial care. Over 1000 of the 5840 Muslim inmates have committed crimes relating to drug use or drug pushing.

The Next Sunni-Shia War

The Next Sunni-Shia War

Back in the 1980s, the USA, Saudi Arabia and Saddam’s Iraq worked together to pin back Khomeini’s Iran. Besides the bloody Iran-Iraq war, there was war of the theological kind too: a rather familiar one of Sunni-Shia mutual anathematisation. Now there are similar portents of a sanguinary reprise in which the priority will once again be the containment of Iran through a viscious proxy war in Iraq (and the fear is, further afield), with what might be the tacit blessing of the US and the UK.

Hate Preachers

Established 1981
London School of Islamics
An Educational Trust
63 Margery Park Road Forest Gate London E7 9LD
Tel/Fax: 0208 555 2733 / 07817 112 667
Hate Preachers
Not a single Imam preaches religious fascism and racial hatred. Extremism has not been created by the fanatical clerics. Muslim clerics never played any role for the radicalization of Muslim youths. There is no culture of hate, spite and distrust in the Masajid or in Muslim schools.

Top 10 excuses by women who don’t wear the Hijab

Top 10 excuses by women who don’t wear the Hijab

Salaams All

This list has been compiled after research and is not intended to offend or insult anyone. After reading them it is possible to reach ones own conclusions. As usual please feel free to publish post and circulate as widely as possible. Comments and feedback would be appreciated as always. Jzk.

1. Friends will reject me

The people I hang around with and really tight with none of them wear hijab/ jilbaab and they take the mickey out of those that do.

MUSICAL Nasheeds, a tool of the devil? you decide.

One of the most talked about article at the moment going around do you agree? with the contents... should they be banned?

O muslims know that we are of the blessed Ummah of the habib al Mustafa (Sallahu’ali’hi’wa’sa’lam), the Ummah who will be a witness for the ambiah’s against their own nations when accusations are brought against ruh’ullah Syyidina Isa (alihisalam) the source for his relief of the trouble times will be the Ummah of the beloved.
