Top 10 excuses by women who don’t wear the Hijab
Salaams All
This list has been compiled after research and is not intended to offend or insult anyone. After reading them it is possible to reach ones own conclusions. As usual please feel free to publish post and circulate as widely as possible. Comments and feedback would be appreciated as always. Jzk. sends e-mail)
1. Friends will reject me
The people I hang around with and really tight with none of them wear hijab/ jilbaab and they take the mickey out of those that do. Especially the hijabies who check out boys and do dirty dancing at college.uni parties. Names like fundies, molvies, hypocrites and they cover coz they are ugly. If I wear the hijab then I will lose all my friends and have the P******S taken out of me as well.
2. Harm my career
I worked my arse of to get where I am now in my career. I got a big salary, status and I enjoy the respect I get from colleagues and community. I can’t risk all that for a piece of cloth, besides I would look weird in board meetings and work parties in the pub and nightclubs. InshAllah when I get married in my 30s and have kids in my mid 30s, I’ll cover as I’m supposed to then.
3. My family are westernised
No one in my family wears hijab, even my grandmother wears bright coloured stylish clothes. If I were to wear the hijab I’d feel strange coz we have family gatherings where all the women dress in sarees and other revealing clothes and at our weddings we have a DJ playing bhangra music and we all dance to bollywood tunes, even my grandmother does a few funky moves on the dance floor.
4. Non-Muslims will stare
I’ve noticed since 7/7 that non-Muslims regard anyone who looks like a Muslim as a potential terrorist and by wearing the hijab I would attract attention. By wearing western clothes I get away with non-Muslims thinking I’m a Hindu, Sikh or moderate non-practicing Muslim. I’ve even had white guys trying to chat me up coz they think I’m up for it based on the tight western clothing that I wear.
5. I’m still young
I’m only 27 I’ve got my whole life ahead of me. I’m still enjoying life, u know what I mean, flirting with guys,clubbing,hanging out with mates in shopping centres. When I get married and have kids I’ll wear it then
For the next 5 please visit is external)
I DON'T choose to wear it coz........
[b] I JUST DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/b]
there are no excuses............i just don't...........wearing a scarf is enough. :roll: :roll: :roll:
live and let live!!!!!!!
where the ,,,,,,,,, did you do your research?
my mates wear one wud care if one decided to wear the niqaab
if i decided to wear the niqaab........and my family was westernised. it would never put me off!!
non muslims would stare??????? true!! coz you can never be 100% its a woman behind there!! if i ever decide to wear the niqaab.......i'll move to a muslim place.... I think i'll retire in DUBAI!
still youg?? erm I'm 28 have two kids and I most certainly don't go clubbing!! and nor did i go wen i was single!
live and let live!!!!!!!
Why get so emotional?!!!
He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition, burns a picture to obtain the ashes!
peacegirl he's talking about the "hijab" not the "niqab" says so in the title....
btw your comment about it could be a man under the niqab is something i expected from ill informed non muslims, it sounds like a form of ridicule.
In the west it's hard to know if a man is a man or a woman a woman anyways. Too many ppl have ops for gender changes, and too many trannies around.
-one of my so called mates distanced herself from me after i wore the hijab and furthermore after i wore the niqab, so it can effect a person, especially if they're weak in faith. They may wish to keep their circle of friends so deter from wearing it.
My family aren't westernised but into their culture. So they weren't thrilled about me wearing the hijab or jilbab forget the niqab. They still air their feelings every now and then. First it did upset me, now i just have a resigned attitude to it. I don't get into disputes over it, not worth the pain. They made the transition into the hijab and jilbab harder for me, they were a definate draw back. But eventually i found the strength to go with what i believed in.
For me wanting to look good for both men and women to see was never something that came into my mind for a second. Neither was the social scene coz like peacegirl i was never into clubbing, not set foot into one before, just doesn't appeal to me. It was all really down to a lack of religious knowledge,and family support.
Hahahahaha that made me fall off my seat! Wonderful stuff... you taught me something today yakshamahsgdf9esi! You can't tell the difference anyway... so true!
He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition, burns a picture to obtain the ashes!
hijaab??!! sorry showkat bro!
yashmaki.........i was sorry to read that your family are not 100% behind you on your decision. NO MATTER WHAT ANYONES OPINIONS ARE, FAMILIES SHOULD SUPPORT THEIR CHILDRENS DECISIONS. ITS NOT LIKE YOU ARE DOING ANYTHING WRONG!
live and let live!!!!!!!