Forum Topics

America is Losing

God will never allow Satan victory over Imam Ali's followers.

This is what Holy Prophet Muhammad and Holy Quran teach.

US is Satanic and is therefore it is destined to be humuliated by lovers of Imam Ali.


[b]Which Is the Isolated State: Iran—or America?[/b]

Iran has been pictured as a pariah state. Why, then, has the U.S. been so reticent in confronting it?

If America were just fighting terrorists, that would be difficult enough. Even if Iran were the only country supporting those terrorists, the battle would be daunting.

But America’s challenge is ever so much greater than that.

Getting followed

[color=magenta]Assalamu alaykum[/color]

[color=magenta]Hope all brothers and sisters are in the best of health and imaan insha'Allah.[/color]

[color=magenta]It's been a while since I posted here.[/color]

[color=magenta]But I was wondering do any of you brothers and sisters have any tips/advice as to do when you are getting followed?[/color]

[color=magenta]Basically, today i was followed by this idiotic man, and i felt so powerless as to what to do, i start walking slowly, he does the same, waiting to fall back in step with me, i start walking fast, he does the same, i walk into a shop he waits outside for 10 minutes.[/color]

Chinese Quake

China has now fell victim to a natural disaster wich follows the catastrophic cyclone in Myanmar. This sort of event has been mentioned in the Qur'an Majeed and must make us think, it could happen to us here! May Allah protect us all.


Hezbollah - The Party of God

[b]Hizbollah are the Party of Imam Ali, who is the Party of God. [/b]

Imam Ali was the undefeated champion of Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

This means the Satanic United States has no chance against God.

Hezbollah is set once against to beat the evil Americans as they beat their military in the 1980s. US did not have guts to return to Lebanon for 20 years. After this defeat, Satan won't even look at Lebanon for another 100 years. Watch and see what happens in Lebanon now.

[b]Hizbollah - The Party of God[/b]

Ya Ali Madaad!

Friday, 9 May 2008
The Independent

[b]Robert Fisk: Gun battles as Hizbollah claims Lebanon is at war[/b]

Myanmar Cyclone

Assalam alaikum,

Cyclone Nargis which hit Myanmar (Burma) on Saturday May 3 2008 was quickly labelled the worst storm to hit Asia in 25 years. To date thousands of people are confirmed dead and many more are missing.

Thousands have been left homeless and are in urgent need of shelter, food and water.

Please donate kindly through your preferred charities.

Charities that have launched appeals for Burma:

Kind regards

FREE Tayyibun Courses, Halaqahs, & Circles!

Islamic Circles, Gatherings, & Halaqahs[/B]


Fully segregated.
All circles, gatherings, and halaqahs are free and open to all.
The above will start from the week beginning 12th of May 2008.

[B]ISLAMIC MANNERS & ETIQUETTES (Every Tuesday 11am- 1pm)[/B]
A weekly circle covering the famous poem on the manners and etiquettes called Manthumah al Aadaab by Ibn Abdil Qawiyy al Mardaawi with its commentary by Imam as-Safaareeni (1188h) entitled Ghidhaa' al Albaab- Sharh Manthumah al Aadaab.
This circle will be conducted by Ustadh Dr. Khalid Khan

[B]GENERAL WEEKLY HALAQAH (Every Sunday 12.15- 2.15)[/B]

EVENT: Shaitaan's Matrix and the Mercy of Allah - Shaykh Hasan Ali 17/05/2008



[b]Event: Shaitaan's Matrix and the Mercy of Allah Shaykh Hasan Ali 17/05/2008 @ Shah jalal Masjid
722-724 Romford Road, Manor Park, London E12 6BT




[i]"Verily the world is accursed and accursed is what it contains, except the remembrance of Allah, that which Allah loves, and someone with sacred knowledge or someone learning it.” (Tirmidhi).
