Forum Topics

Is West Causing The Food Crises?

Is US behind the sudden food crises that arose out of nowhere only 8 months ago ?

What do you brothers and sisters think?

Facts are that millions of people around the world are experiencing higher food prises since October 2007. Many more millions pf poor people are going hungry every day because food is nowhere to be seen. Food is going missing!

Some just find it convinient to blame "biofuel"; and other people get an easy way out saying "climate change" is the culprit.

Give your opinions.

I think it is Kaafirs doing it. Ayatollah said so.

[quote=][b]Iranian President slams 'devilish' West over food crisis[/b]

AFP - Tuesday, June 3 02:06 pm

SHEFFIELD: Stand for Islam Series

[b]Stand for Islam Series[/b]

[b]Seminar 1- Friday 13th June 2008, Doors Open at 6.45pm[/b]
Talk 1: The Call to Ban The Quran
Talk 2: Defending The Honour of Our Beloved Prophet (PBUH)

[b]Seminar 2- Friday 20th June 2008, Doors Open at 6.45pm[/b]
Talk 1: Why is the global food crisis happening?
Talk 2: The Islamic solution to poverty

[b]Venue:[/b] SUFC, Bramall Lane, Community Hall, John Street, Sheffield
S2 4SU (Left at BP petrol station)

- video presentation, seperate seating for sisters,Q&A, free literature, bookstall and free refreshments -

Mobile 07790536222 or for more info.

Computer Virus warning


Just received this at work
Thought it might be useful to others



You should be alert during the next days:

Do not open any message with an attached file called 'Invitation' regardless of who sent it, It is a virus that opens an Olympic Torch which 'burns' the whole hard disc C of your computer.

This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list, that is why you should send this e-mail to all your contacts. It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it.

Israelis Burn Injil

Israelis have no respect for holy books.

They have burned hundreds of Injils which we Muslims believe was given by Allah to Prophet Jesus (pbuh).

Allah is sure to curse them now. Kaafirs.

[quote=][b]CNN reported that "Hundreds of New Testaments torched in Israel"[/b]

Police in Israel are investigating the burning of hundreds of New Testaments in a city near Tel Aviv, an incident that has alarmed advocates of religious freedom.

Investigators plan to review photographs and footage showing "a fairly large" number of New Testaments being torched this month in the city of Or-Yehuda, a police spokesman, Micky Rosenfeld, said Wednesday.
