Forum Topics

The Prophet's Night Journey & Heavenly Ascent - Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi will be speaking at the As Siraat Summer Retreat which takes place at the Sultan Bahu Trust from Friday 24th July to Tuesday 28th July. Please visit for more information.

"The Prophet's Night Journey & Heavenly Ascent"

1.45pm | Monday 27th July


Sultan Bahu Trust
17-21 Ombersley Rd
Birmingham B12 8UT

Turned in by his community, the extremist who wanted to belong

Isa Ibrahim was a familiar, if not trusted, figure at mosques in Bristol. When he appeared with cut hands, alarm bells rang

The conviction of Isa Ibrahim is seen by police as a model of how communities and law enforcement agencies can work together to root out would-be terrorists. Ibrahim, a Muslim convert from a middle-class background, was not known as an extremist to the police or the security services. Detectives only got to him because the Muslim community in Bristol went to officers with their concerns.

The educational imperative'- A FREE EVENT IN PRESTON

Assalamu Alaykum Brothers and Sisters,

The Unity Foundation are delighted to invite you, your family and friends to an inspiring evening promoting the Greensville Trust (ADULT) Micro-Madrasa initiative.


'The Greensville Trust Micro-Madrasa is an ambitious initiative that aims to facilitate Sacred Education and the teachings of Traditional Islam'

'The educational imperative'

Guest speaker: Ustadh Ibrahim Osi-Efa (UK)*
Event venue: The University Of Central Lancashire, Preston - Harrington Building
Date: Wednesday July 29, 2009 -7pm-9:30pm


Brothers & Sisters Welcome

There is limited seating so please book your place in advance to avoid disappointment!

Please book your place via Email:

Unity Foundation ADULT CLASS - Holding onto the firm reality - Not to be missed!

Assalamu Alaykum Brothers & Sisters,

The next installment of 'the Book of numbers' is only 7 days away!

The class will commence on Friday 24th July 09, insha'Allah at UCLan* at 7.30pm, in the same room as last month:

Harrington building (ROOM 135). Directions are as follows:

Enter the main front doors and walk towards the lift to the left of reception (which will be closed). Take the lift to the first floor. On leaving the lift, turn left and follow the corridor around until you reach room 135 which will be to your left.

Ustadh Ibrahim Osi-Efa** (Liverpool) will insha'Allah continue to teach from the renowned 'Book of Numbers - Holding Fast to the Firm Reality', by Al Imam Muhammad Umar Bahraq al Hadrami as part of the Greensville Trust Outreach program.

Esha'Atul Islam & London Islamic School Annual Jalsa 09, Shaykh Ahmad Ali 18/07/09

[b]Assalaamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh[/b]


[color=red][b]EVENT:[/b][/color] [b]Esha'Atul Islam & London Islamic School Annual Jalsa 2009[/b]

[color=red][b]SPEAKERS:[/b][/color] [b]Special Guest: Shaykh Ahmed Ali (Al Mahad al Islami, Bradford) - Saturday
Chief Guest: Shaykh Nurul Islam Olipuri (Mufassirul Qur'an, Bangladesh) - Sunday[/b]

[color=red][b]DATE AND TIME:[/b][/color] [b]Saturday 18th July 2009 - 4.30pm to Maghrib
Sunday 19th July 2009 - 5.30pm to Maghrib[/b]

[color=red][b]VENUE:[/b][/color] [b]Ford Square Mosque, 18-22 Damien Street, London E1 2HX[/b]

[b]Free Admission
All Are Welcome

Event:For Better..For Worse..The Joys of Marriage and the Calamities of Haraam Relationships @ Shahjalal Mosque [24/07/09]

[b]Assalaamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh[/b]


[color=red][b]EVENT:[/b][/color] [b]For Better..For Worse.. The  Joys of Marriage and the Calamities of Haraam Relationships[/b]

[color=red][b]SPEAKER: [/b][/color][b]Shaykh Hasan Ali (Ebrahim College, London)[/b]

[color=red][b]DATE AND TIME:[/b][/color] [b]Friday 24th July 2009 @ 7.00pm After Asr Salah[/b]

[color=red][b]VENUE:[/b][/color] [b]Shahjalal Mosque, 722-726 Romford Road, Manor Park, London E12 6BT[/b]
Free Admission
All Are Welcome

Brothers Entrance: Romford Road
Sisters Entrance: Third Avenue

Listen on Azan receiver channel 2/or frequency 454.40625 MHz

For More Info call: Brothers 07939 866 110 | Sisters 07960 676 844

Israel soldiers speak out on Gaza

A group of soldiers who took part in Israel's assault in Gaza say widespread abuses were committed against civilians under "permissive" rules of engagement.

The troops said they had been urged to fire on any building or person that seemed suspicious and said Palestinians were sometimes used as human shields.

Breaking the Silence, a campaign group made up of Israeli soldiers, gathered anonymous accounts from 26 soldiers.

Israel denies breaking the laws of war and dismissed the report as hearsay.
