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Wine Vinegar in Sandwiches/Salads - Haraam?


This issue may affect a few people who come on this website, although they may not know about it. I have noticed in the ingredients of many pre-packed sandwiches and salads (which have an ingredients label on them) that some contain WHITE WINE VINEGAR and RED WINE VINEGAR, as well as SPIRIT vinegar.

Are these haraam because it is/derived from wine, or is it permissable because it is vinegar? I do remember a Hadith of the Prophet(saw) about alcohol: "Whatever intoxicates in greater quantity is forbidden even in smaller quantity".

Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

New mobile phones & faults??


I just wanted to ask you guys if you thought there was a link between newer mobile phones and the amount of technical faults they have? Is it because these newer phones are packed with more features?

I know two people who have a Nokia 6500 slide. 1 person is having problem sometimes such as the phone freezing/crashing, someone told him it was a software problem on the phone. The other person, also has the mobile on contract, he has had his phone for 2 weeks and it has stopped working and wont even come on anymore- he's handed it in to be repaired.

Polygamy and HIV????


I was talking to a Christian I know about religion and I was explaining to him why Muslim men can have more than 1 wife (excess women in the world, more men in prison, men fighting in wars etc). He disagreed and said that if a man has more than 1 wife the people will contract HIV. He also said why did Muhammad(saw) have more than 1 wife and I answered his question.

Anyway, I told him that the Qur'an is the only religious book which says "marry only one". I gave him the full quote. I have heard Dr Zakir Naik quoting this.

Cheap Shot - Sky News

Ok this happened last year, it was an interview in the Sky Centre between Tim Marshall and that Omar Bakri Mohammed guy (the one they wanted to kick outta the country, I think he left while his family stayed).

Anyway, i can remember Marshall saying all this stuff to Bakri about anti-UK etc etc n why u living here, ur family on benefits etc but then he said "and what about the verse in the Qur'an which says that when the end of the world comes, even a tree will say there is a Jew hiding behind me".

At that time I was halfway thru the Qur'an translation and hadn't read that.

Challenge to Islam from a Christian

Ok so I have been talking to this Christian about religion and we have talked about a lot of stuff. Today he challenged me, he said he could perform a miracle in front of me. This was turning water to wine. He also said b4 that, that we should pray for something on saturday to happen he said that it should rain for half an hour then stop etc to prove whose God is right.

I was shocked, what do you guys think of this. I mean, I told him that God does this according to his will and that the signs of God are everywhere.

Did Jesus (pbuh) die???

Salaam. I have always believed that Jesus(pbuh) didnt die and that he was raised to heaven by Allah(swt). Ok, so then I was talking to this guy who is an Ahmadiyyah. They believe that Jesus(pbuh) died and that he WILL NOT RETURN. I found this very strange bcoz I thought we Muslims were supposed to believe that he will return, not as a Messenger, but for other reasons. Which is why Muhammad(pbuh) was the FINAL messenger.

OK so then this guy talks about this other man who came to "reform", he didnt use the word prophet. But don't Ahmadiyyah ppl believe that the prophethood was extended?