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Campaign to ban page 3 from the sun

I don't read this trashy paper I came across it at work once in the staff room. News lacks depth, and there's porn inside. porn should be on the top shelf. We say we're the most civilised country in the world, this is the nations most read paper, what does it say about their morals when they accept this as just a bit of ' harmless' fun. I wouldn't want my kids seeing it, I wouldn't want to see a man looking at page 3 on the bus, I'd get up and move its disgusting, disturbing even to normalise it. I mean its not a regular occurrence to see men reading playboy on public transport, why coz its porn, they know society looks down on it, so why any difference with page 3?

What do you think of widowers who remarry only for an in house nanny to raise their kids?

Assalamu assalaikum,

What do you think of widowers who remarry after their wives have died simply because they don't want to get their hands out their pockets and raise their kids. They think its a womans job, i can't or i won't do it?

I bring this up because it often occurs within my community, and its happened twice under severe circumstances, and quite recently. In both cases the women were very young and terminally ill with cancer, leaving behind very young children, infants.

Considering the government fully support single parents and widows/widowers in this country, it's not as if these men couldn't remain at home and raise their infants or older kids alone.

Are You A Fit Muslim?

Assalamu alaikum,

Our bodies are a trust given to us by Allah doesn't that mean we should nourish our body and soul? So is eating a balanced meal and exercising something that should be important in a muslim individuals life?

Apparently asians in the uk are twice as likely to get diabetes or heart disease than the rest of the population.

How fit are you do you eat a balanced meal, and what if anything does the Quran and sunnah say about exercise and healthy eating?

I dont mind sharing that i am eating rabbit food and working out it is torture, but exercise is addictive after a while.

Do some women encourage sexual harassment via their clothing?

A police officer in toronto was giving a talk to students about how to avoid harassment,he said: "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized."

This sparked anger as you can imagine, it led to a student "slut walk" in protest. What sane person would join a slut walk anyway? eugh!

So do you think women should accept that they are "responsible" for the way they dress, and the reaction it will cause when they go out during the day or evening.?

Is it justifiable for women to say well you can get attacked whether you're old or young, dressed conservatively or skimpy?

Egypt Protests On The Road To Revolution?

Assalamu alaikum

Protests in Egypt, people want to oust Hosni Mubarak. On Youtube google egypt protests 2011. I saw one clip where the crowds made the riot police retreat in fear.

I just wonder what are they protesting for fair democratic rule, or a fair islamic state? Anyone know?

Keep up with it, and insha'Allah pray for the muslim brothers and sisters over there.

P.S Lebanon are also protesting against their new leader hezbullah's najib miqati, youtube it. Also see presstv. But here there is possible sectarian violence, sunnis view it as a religious war against them.

Dispatches: When Cousins Marry

Assalamu alaikum,

Anyone seen this documentary on 4od, i came across it today:


Apparently concerns mostly Pakistanis, but also effects Bangladeshis and some of middle eastern dissent.

To tell the truth i thght bangladeshis had removed themselves from marrying cousins, and if they did it was not first cousins. Least thats how it is in my family and those around me none of us married cousins and ppl i know who have have married distant cousins, sadly against their wishes.

Zakir Naik Peace Convention Sheffield & Wembley Free Event

Al-Khair Foundation (UK) in association with IQRA TV and Peace TV presents

Al-Khair Peace Convention 2010

with Dr. Zakir Naik & Imam Qasim Rashid Ahmad

Dates & Venues:

Friday 25th June 2010 at Sheffield Arena & Saturday 26th June 2010 at Wembley Arena

Entrance: Free to public, Individuals MUST register in advance.


This link is quicker for registration:

Illuminati how does it effect muslims?

salams i came across a mind boggling video on youtube today about the illuminati, linked with the new world order and free masons.

Anyone tell me more about it, should we be aware of them, and educate ourselves on them and their brainwashing techniques?

It's really shook me up, after a few minutes i can really see the truth in some of what i saw.

if you put in illuminati music industry or illuminati alone lots comes up.

i saw a few links then chanced upon this user farhan, part 2 was compelling for me maybe take a look before it gets deleted. A lot of powerful posts on this subject get deleted:
